Flag: Mexico
Registered: August 27, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 12:29 AM
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eeiu the only player worth staying

posted about a year ago

It's a lot more believable that the shareholders themselves and the board of directors just wanted to sever completely from Carlos. Riot doesn't hold the power to force Carlos to step down as ceo or to make him sell his shares. You know who does? The board of directors and the shareholders who outnumber Carlos since he doesn't own a majority of them.

Many people think that riot threatened them which could 100% be a possibility. Riot isn't a good company but they are a smart one, and they will do whatever they can to keep good brand image.

posted about a year ago

this is how you kill your team and get your franchise slot taken away

posted about a year ago

fpx is asian wdym?

posted about a year ago

Little trick that works for me. Go to the little "i" by the ad sign when it plays, and choose stop seeing this ad (most have 3 options). Once you do that you can chose an actual choice and it will automatically skip all ads, or you can choose cancel/stop and it will once again skip all ads.

It works for me but I know I tried on my friend's phone and it didn't work so try but there's a chance it doesn't work

Also you can just use an ad blocker.

posted about a year ago

my passion is vlr

posted about a year ago

All tier 2 teams will be able to play in the ascension program which will let teams make their way towards being part of the franchise teams that can make champs iirc. I can be wrong tho, but I think thats the main plan for t2 for now.

posted about a year ago

Like the take, Im not in the same boat cause fpx is a chinese org who dont have much personality that I can relate too, since I dont live in china, but I might love NaVi now since I really like them as an org, and goat simp1e is there.

posted about a year ago

they might be merging with bleed so Im assuming if that happens youll change to the bleed x prx flair

posted about a year ago

Interesting. The most ive been to a fan of an org is C9 because of jack and what hes done for Mang0 the goat, or Moist Esports because of Charlie. I know sen was a small org up until last year so watching them grow must have been really cool.

posted about a year ago

based, what about the other optic players? Silently supporting their teams? Cause thats what I would do if FPX full split.

posted about a year ago

Genuine question what gives sen their identity? The org or players? Like if Sen drop their roster will you keep sen because of the org or will you change to a flair of where to players go? I know if I was a sen fan id go to where sick goes, but Im interested to hear your thoughts.

posted about a year ago

Makes sense, EG is a really good org, really like what theyre doing with sonicfox

posted about a year ago

why not now?

posted about a year ago

With rosters changing drastically what flair are you guys rocking? I'm gonna change to NaVi since the best case scenario seems to be happening and they're singing the entire FPX roster.

I know some of you guys are gonna switch especially G2, and Optic fans.

posted about a year ago

In terms of igling I think valyn is upgrade, Zander too. But they might keep shazam as an initiator flex which could work imo

posted about a year ago

All of m3c all of fpx, all of optic. All of xset -ayrin (debatable because he igls too?), all of guild - russ

posted about a year ago

Rn a senior in high-school trying to get into UCLA, Davis, or if a miracle happens then Stanford. Hopefully hard work pays off and I can pursue a career in the medical field. Trauma surgeon or immunologist are my top choices rn.

posted about a year ago

33 pages of posts, 23 of replies

posted about a year ago

not my style, still good. Vocals are great tbh which is something I always like, just the vibe isnt for me.

posted about a year ago

arent kingg, nzr, and rgl all igls?

posted about a year ago

How do you have people like bipo patitek, and meddo but no v00kashu
also who tf is lime

posted about a year ago

Yeah thats true, and they still have their FPXZ as their chinese roster. I honestly dont know whats happening with FPX rn, I thought theyd go for apac, but Tyloo, EDG, ToE and other chinese teams didnt get apac franchising so I think theyre just gonna get integrated to apac once the game releases in china.

posted about a year ago

You don't think they could be trying to go to apac since they got rejected emea? I think they're probably waiting for the game to get released in China and want to get a roster for the mean time. But at the same time I don't think Estrella would be on a non franchise team.

posted about a year ago

Chinese fpx they moving back to their original hq

posted about a year ago

People don't understand this simple fact. All Carlos had to do was say "I can't control who showed up to the party mb" and moved on. Instead he doubled down and dug his grave deeper lmao

posted about a year ago

That's crazy damn

posted about a year ago

Could be good, but someone said sheydos doesn't know English. So we'll see what happens

posted about a year ago

Oh my bad, i read slick as slicker. My mistake but this week has been full of drama it's all starting to mesh together

posted about a year ago

He scammed people out of collectively 300k due to his gambling addiction. Sad

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Crypto. And their Financials ain't good

posted about a year ago

Ye it's dumb. Kanye is a pretty good rapper, sometimes he's a little slow for me but he's actually good. Kendrick also good. Man's just making a terrible point with that take.

posted about a year ago

Tsm not getting in, sentinels will replace practically everyone

posted about a year ago

You are wrong lol. Spanish rosters will have some Spanish players but they are definitely trying to win and will buy some good people. Expect koi or giants to buy guild and replace russ with a Spaniard. Same way in na sen isn't gonna keep shazam, and rawkuss lol they're gonna get rid of them and try to win.

posted about a year ago

The amount of reaching here is crazy

posted about a year ago

Old Eminem is actually pretty goated, but new Eminem? Get that off my lists

posted about a year ago

Bro I was speed reading this and I missed the /'s at first and thought you were listing everything. Like the copy pasta where they're fantastic just need to work on x x x x

posted about a year ago

People like you are cringe

posted about a year ago

Ye but I played the London before I watched him

posted about a year ago

Ggs. You blundered but still played well

posted about a year ago

you caught me at a slump, im also at school lmao

posted about a year ago

nah lol it is an actual opening lmao

posted about a year ago

London system: 1050 rapid

posted about a year ago

If sen stick with this team then riot may want to reconsider their franchise slot. They want orgs with good money and infrastructure so they could build competitive teams while keeping the fanbase. I doubt that riot would want sen to stay as this five since they wont do anything against the competition of the americas league. Realistically only dapr, and tenz are staying, and if sick comes back then great. Shazam is big question mark, so is shroud, so is zellsis, and so is their coaching staff.

posted about a year ago

I think nip and mibr are just fighting it out to see who gets it in the end. They are 2 legendary orgs and they have to really sell themselves to riot so they can get in

posted about a year ago

crazy how all those followers, yet 0 chance in franchising. FPX will get in apac, not that I care unless they sign some fun players. And the current fpx players will all play in emea. TSM's players are not getting picked up apart from corey (love him hes great.) Keep coping tho not like i care about an org lmao

posted about a year ago

yet if it happens g2 cant do anything but sit there

posted about a year ago

I dont care about the org lmao, I care about the players, I got no clue who the fpx ceo is. Ill see the org at apac and ill see the players in emea. You will not see either anywhere but on twitter

posted about a year ago
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