Flag: Mexico
Registered: August 27, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 12:29 AM
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sacy wants more money because in LA its harder to live with his family due to the cost. Loud doesnt want to get him a house and increase his salary because its would literally be like upping his salary 6x than it is. So sacy is just looking to support his family and pancada followed.

posted about a year ago

cgi mixed with standard animation is really hard to pull of seamlessly and even in the best examples it looks weird. I think JJK was probably one of the best done because it had minimal cgi as well as your lie in april with the animation in cgi being only done sparingly for the the piano sequences. The broly movie was done somewhat well but it still looks a little clunky. Hopefully they can polish it all up.

posted about a year ago

This, all he had to do was say something like "Not my fault he was there, I cant control who showed up to the party, mb guys" and the internet would have forgotten in a day lmao.

posted about a year ago

youre probably right, I like aimdll's name a lot tho lol, and I remember him being solid overall, but meddo is probably a better player currently which is what matters.

posted about a year ago

Russz and Brave are goated, but imo aimdll is an overall better player than meddo who's only performed in the lcq. But meddo could work, I really like Brave and Russz

posted about a year ago

Who tf is nahboo? The planet from star wars? I only know the goat trembolona

posted about a year ago

I think then it's keloqs to KC

posted about a year ago

Climbers tho 😳 crazy af

posted about a year ago

Read the last sentence lol, i just wanted to do my own thread and see how patronizing each sport rn is. NFL, NBA, and TF are getting rolled.

posted about a year ago

Gymnasts are built different I agree. There was a guy in my league who was a gymnast and could pole vault like 13 feet. The boy seb was a beast

posted about a year ago

Unlucky. It's got the best display of strength speed and technique out of all sports

posted about a year ago

Not Italy and either way track and field is dominated by Americans, Kenyans and Ethiopians

posted about a year ago

Track and Field is the best sport in terms of everything.

Now hear me out, in track and field the entire repertoire of sports and events is so broad you can appeal to any audience.

All the sports are exciting af and watching athletes push the absolute limits of themselves is amazing to watch. From the 100m to the marathon, each display is exciting to watch and gets hype every year with returning athletes new young guns and developing athletes.

The 200m this year was phenomenal with Noah Lyles crushing the American record and shooting up to the 3rd fastest time ever. And eryion Knighton coming in with the fastest time in the season and battling it out against him despite only being 18.

It doesn't stop there. You get to see balance of strength and endurance in the events like the 400m hurdles, the 800m, the 400m and the 1600m.

And methodical events like pole vault, shot put and discus show strength and phenomenal technique. Events like long jump triple jump and high jump also show incredible displays of strength and explosive power.

Sprints are a funnel for talents of the NFL and help young athletes show exactly what they can offer.

Feel free to discus or downvote like the other 2 sports threads.

posted about a year ago

With this actually good team they definitely have a shot.

posted about a year ago

Dawg this is some of the dumbest things I've read. I tried to look for universities that studied Kendrick and you know what I found? Universities that study Tupac, jay z and biggie. Like if you want to say that Kendrick is great and you like him so he's your goat then go for it. But trying to argue that Kendrick is the goat of music when there are objectively many more fitting examples, then you look like the closed minded individual.

posted about a year ago

This is the most braindead thing youve said recently which is crazy tbh

posted about a year ago

I thought eraser was good no? Not too familiar with him so educate me please

posted about a year ago

Less for sentinel. If you look recently for his initiator then bcj, Trent, sacy.

posted about a year ago

David Bowie recently because moonage daydream made me revisit all his old stuff

posted about a year ago

They sounding like me when I almost didn't get an 8k scholarship cause I forgot to put my signature 💀

posted about a year ago

Cr messed up the documents and forgot to apply 💀x7

posted about a year ago

Nah kun is just his name. Kun Agüero

posted about a year ago

grasping at the nonexistent french talent man

posted about a year ago

just cause he speaks french lol

posted about a year ago

bramz, kadavra (big ? since hes duelist), natank ig but pretty hard with enzo as initiator, thats pretty much it

posted about a year ago

NavI imo is pretty strong if they get a good ardiis replacement

posted about a year ago

Who knows, you can't really take the words of anyone in this narrative because the ceo isn't going to say that they did him dirty. And shazam isn't going to say that he's wrong so it's a just a game of he said she said

posted about a year ago

this is a myth, your body cant digest it but it can still move it like any other piece of food in your digestive system. So you will excrete the next time you have to go to the bathroom.

posted about a year ago

we posted at the same time 😳

posted about a year ago

c9 yay probs

posted about a year ago

thats not my point at all. Theyre obviously signing players because theyre good and flexible, but saying that shaz has space on that current team as anything other than smokes or initiator is laughable. Ardiis isnt getting signed because a team wants his kayo, hes getting signed because hes a monster chamber player and an amazing flex player. When hes on a roster hes 100% playing chamber and if needed he'll flex. Same with zekken, a team isnt signing him to play initiator because he can, theyre signing him because hes an insane duelist with the capabilities to play other agents. If a team is running a no duelist comp then obviously zekken will need to flex, but if at any point the team is running a comp with a duelist then 100% hes playing it.

Youre way of thinking is kind of circular, because you think that a player is getting singed because of flexibility, whereas im looking at it very linear. Saying a player is getting signed to play a certain specified role they have shown to be very good at, and if needed then and only then will they flex. None of us is necessarily wrong and I was greatly exaggerating when I made the previous comment.

posted about a year ago

just because theyre good doesnt mean he wants to play them or thats what the team wants lmao. Look at ardiis, youre smoking crack if you think a team is picking him up to play kayo and not chamber. The same way youll be smoking crack if you think a team is signing zekken to play initiator. And i agree about tenz and his rifle but sen obviously see/saw that tenz has a higher ceiling than shaz and just needs to actually practice it and perfect it to become consistent.

posted about a year ago

hes a good player but the roster you put is garbage. you have zekken playing initiator when hes a much better duelist, and you have tenz playing duelist flex when he should be perfecting his op along with his jet and chamber. Shaz only has a spot on a new sen roster if either tenz isnt there or zekken isnt there.

posted about a year ago

skillz was aight, the others were not it tho youre right about that

posted about a year ago

dont come back man, its not worth it. Good luck on your classes tho hope it goes well. Im starting next year so im a little stressed. Looks like you got it man, focus on yourselves and youll pull through.

posted about a year ago

no, dazzle igl for lg/sr

posted about a year ago

No shot he leaves but that is best case

posted about a year ago

I pretty much agree with all you said. There needs to be established bugs so administrators don't have to play a game of guessing if something is a bug or not.

And if does get punisehd then a set punisent has to be implemented. Look at what happened with the Jett updraft thing, tons of situations happening yet only one punished.

Also communications needs to be clearer because as of right now it leads all the players to be bitter towards each other due to miscommunication.

Good post

posted about a year ago

Na education thinking Mexico who is part of their franchise is EU? And that's not my point either so wherever you go to school in NA just as bad. I'm saying you're cherry picking stats which you are. That's my entire comment.

You're just an npc

posted about a year ago

What about map 2 you npc. You're cherry picking stats lmao.

posted about a year ago

unless they get onur or flyur this is an L

posted about a year ago

This proves nothing

When t1 signed steel autimatic tweeted that he couldnt wait to play with him, then a bit later auti left to cs, well see tho all this is speculation

posted about a year ago

autimatic also said this when t1 signed steel yet look where auti went right after. But i dont see a reason for 100t to even replace him so I have no clue why people think that.

posted about a year ago

Some of those logos arent even supposed to be white; LEV is light blue, Talon is red, RRQ is gold,

posted about a year ago

I like playing it when it came out but stopped. Never played ranked, and just had fun with people during unrated. Now i dont play at all and just watch the game cause its fun.

posted about a year ago

There's been one thread claiming them to be super a team and everyone clowned on the thread maker. No one else has said this lil bro

posted about a year ago

true, I also miss counted, they could also get crashies considering they get victor too

posted about a year ago

the only one they could get is bcj, all others are all on teams or will be.

posted about a year ago

ethan has not been that good, tex has been the most mid player of all time. Only eeiu has been decent throughout all of NRG

posted about a year ago
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