Flag: Malta
Registered: July 2, 2021
Last post: July 11, 2024 at 6:47 PM
Posts: 224
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overrated clowns thought they can troll and still win. Got rekt hard on map 1. Hope they do same on playoffs and cant reach the champions. Bunch of unskilled eu players and cant do anything without N4RRATE

posted 2 weeks ago

free 2.30 odds. Navi cant even win competitive plat rank games anymore. If they win a map, that means the opposite is trolling

posted 2 weeks ago

hope its not navi, they dont deserve VCT

posted 3 weeks ago

Pathetic roster. Navi should take a immediate action while they are pretty good on all other games but how can you be the worst in EMEA val league??! I hope Riot gives a team like navi to my opposite on competitive, I'm plat but I can destroy those trash players easily. Their MVP is a fkn raze satchel lol

posted 3 weeks ago

me and my 4 plat rank mates can defeat that garbage navi roster

posted 3 weeks ago

NAVI for stage 2, they r just garbage

posted 3 weeks ago

no idea whats this league but Sato guy destroying whole 2Game team. He is way better than all of them

posted 1 month ago

what a choke by xad. He does not deserve the professional arena.

posted 2 months ago

Question of the day: Which country has the most teams in both cs and valorant but has the worst performance in the world and got no tier 1 team?

posted 2 months ago

Delusional fanboy, learn the game and choke now xD

posted 2 months ago

NRG can get max 14 rounds in total 2 maps. Ethan and Demon1 are tier 2 players without potter

posted 2 months ago

Bests : players in potter's team
Worst : Demon1

posted 2 months ago

We now understand that the old EG champions were not actually great but the key is Potter. She destroyed the "dream NA team" with random players. Demon1 and Ethan are just average overrated players. GJ Potter

posted 2 months ago

this caunzin dude is so useless. I would replace him with any non br player

posted 3 months ago

Give Potter random players and she can destroy champions. SEN have no chance

posted 3 months ago

chinese boy wiping out the brasil from the continent

posted 3 months ago

N4RRATE farming europeans

posted 3 months ago

Map 1 Fnatic wins
Derke 10-16

Map 2 Fnatic wins
Derke 8-14

posted 3 months ago

dude is trying to carry whole furia roster but its too hard to win a map for him with those teammates

posted 3 months ago

I think Furia players are protesting something because its obvious that they are not playing like an esport player right now. Org should chase this , maybe they are not getting paid or not happy or sth else

posted 3 months ago

was expecting at least 8-9 rounds from Furia, but with those aims and skills, its impossible for the br team. Very one sided match.

posted 3 months ago

Poland guy jas dominating the french league

posted 3 months ago

seems there is only one decent Turkish team in VCT. BBL cant even be in a tier. Sad to see that but closing the org would be the best decision for the owners

posted 3 months ago

I've seen Derke play, he doesn't even use a monitor. He visualizes the map in a detailed rendering, completely in his mind. He has a biological wallhack; his godlike perception highlights all enemies within light-years. His eyes are closed as his mouse gracefully swerves across the table, making immaculate twitches as he flicks from head to head. The bullets that escape his gun barrel are surgical; each making a deadly strike in between his opponent's eyes.

Meanwhile Derke's rating: 0.86

posted 3 months ago

Derke got 2 kills on whole second half. The biggest reason they couldn't finish the map.

posted 3 months ago

When others go Masters, Fnatic can find an internet cafe tournament there and maybe can win. Why not

posted 3 months ago

NBA can be watched from all countries and not only for Americans. I was talking about people like you, praising hollywood teams. Saying stupid comment but writing more stupid comment. Sit there and read your manga bakayaro

posted 3 months ago

Im sorry but they wont see the next Masters too. They have no idea whats going on in the game. I dont think they had prac while they got plenty. When Heretics will be full roster, Fnatic wouldn't even get 2-3 rounds

posted 3 months ago

Fnatic Valorant = Los Angeles Lakers. Everyone thinks they are the best while they are not even top 10

posted 3 months ago

big upgrade for giantx

posted 3 months ago

with money, you can even get an alien to your team

posted 3 months ago

maybe they lost their logic on this one bro? xD

posted 4 months ago

already explained but lets say unlucky than mate

posted 4 months ago

Map 3
SEN total kills : 84
LOUD total kills : 102

Score is 14-12. Clutches are usually being done by good timing and position and less aim play so where LOUD failed which requires logic and strategy rather than just shooting.

posted 4 months ago

The summary of the game

NA : We will give you many many kills bros dont worry kills are good but we will win the match deal?

gg one side was good at aim one side was very good at logic and tactic

posted 4 months ago

43 rounds and Mindfreak total kills 13. Who put that imposter to pro league? PRX must get rid of him otherwise will never taste the champions spot.

posted 4 months ago

with Monyet, you can always lose even when 12-0

posted 4 months ago

he is literally matchfixing

posted 4 months ago

Its confirmed that Monyet is match-fixing. Using ulti on an open spot and do not cancel it after an enemy sees him + trying to knife people in Masters...

posted 4 months ago

Monyet is the tier 3 player in Masters wtf. Trying to knife while you could kill a player?! Wtf PRX?

posted 4 months ago

this is like CS now. Underdog EMEA teams are destoying rich NA teams

posted 4 months ago

Someone should remind BerLIN that this is not a public game

posted 4 months ago
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