Country: Italy
Registered: March 13, 2022
Last post: July 10, 2022 at 4:51 AM
Posts: 10

If i want to travel in Denmark as italian i definetely don't need a passport or VISA. They probably considered only danish player because they were already in Copenaghen not for VISA.

posted about a year ago

Denmark is a Member State of UE, it’s not really important to be danish, almost every european person can freely travel in Denmark without passport. (Denmark is also in Schengen Area)

posted about a year ago

I don’t think it’s for this reason. Denmark it’s a member State of UE and also signed Schengen in 2001. Almost every european person can travel freely in Denmark without passport (excluding GBR and some Balcanic States). If you don’t know what Schengen is just google it.

posted about a year ago

Not really, Suygetsu played only sentinel role. It’s literally the easiest thing to replace because he never flexed a different role. Every sentinel plays cypher, killjoy and viper on icebox and fracture.

posted about a year ago

1) We dont give a fuck about your roblox account
2) That will become a copypasta in 3/4 hours
3) disrespecting a team like that doesnt make you look better, do you have ego problems?

posted about 2 years ago

Gambit hasn't a full time smoker, Chronicle, Redgar and nAts all play Smoker dependent of map, for this reason i havent GMB players in my ranking. I think Chronicle could be Top 3 player in the League but noone of GMB is eligible for this ranking.

posted about 2 years ago

Fax, Online Mistic >> LAN Mistic, I agree with you

posted about 2 years ago

I think after the absence of Ange1 for obvious reason the actual top 5 smoker in my opinion is:
Really hesitant to put in 5th position Kaspe instead of Boo but considerating the team record i think Boo should be higher.
(To clarify every doubts in this ranking i considered only full time smoker, players as Chronicle, Redgar, Bonecold (who is using Killjoy in the last period) don't play full time this role for example.)

What is your top 5 smoker?

posted about 2 years ago