Country: Egypt
Registered: April 13, 2022
Last post: June 18, 2023 at 9:42 AM
Posts: 3

exactly they need aggressive players like Sayaplayer on the team
also, DRX Are the worst team to deal with problems in-Game they can't adapt mid-game at all and they keep getting anti-start without having a good response. even "JOVI," Said they didn't change their stuff for a while and they depend heavily on solo plays if they are on off days like what happened against PRX or NRG it's tough for them.

posted 10 months ago

I agree I used to think before that they needed a better Opponent in PACIFIC but look at PRX now and how they decided to sign a player like "something" and try to adapt to the new meta.

posted 10 months ago

After losing their PACIFIC and not getting at least the top 4-6 like every time they did on the international stage they need to make a change. what do you think they need to do ?

In my opinion, the new meta needs superstar Jett:
Sayaplayer from T1 and drop foxy9
Benching Zest and looking for good IGL and move stax from that role
Also, their coaching staff needs to be changed.

posted 10 months ago