Flag: Brazil
Registered: January 4, 2022
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 12:18 AM
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nah once atack side begins he will turn on fs

posted about a year ago

IMO this isn't because tenz is out but because Sacy can finally play on his confort zone

posted about a year ago

nah you're right this is bangers so far

posted about a year ago

why tf he didn't ult B there brooooooooo

posted about a year ago

Bro you better start looking for good places to live (there aren't many)

posted about a year ago

This is a 2x0 I guess, picks not looking good for SEN

posted about a year ago

More like 70-30 for LOUD LOL

posted about a year ago

tenz isnt even playing lil bro

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I'm hoping he qualifies for Tokyo just for ranked

posted about a year ago

it's basically "lil" from english which is an abreviation of "little"

posted about a year ago

Team results and domination through maps. Although we can't really hear their calls, you can predict what they said on certain situations.
Teams that had FNS, for example, always looked like a threat even when they were underdogs (when they were Envy for example), and his teams always adapt really well through a map. This could be also something the coach helps with, but most of the times it's due to good IGLing.

posted about a year ago

I'll root for the bald but I believe Saadhak will win

posted about a year ago

Alguém pode me lembrar porquê a RED tirou o RND mesmo?

posted about a year ago

That's what I'm saying. Derke has fucking Leo and Chronicle setting him up, besides good util usage these guys are also goated aimers.

posted about a year ago

even aspas and derke needs help bro, it's almost impossible solo carry this game in pro play

posted about a year ago

The manga is a piece of art, the anime... was destroyed by Toei tbh
The anime sucks to watch, it has incredible moments but it takes a lot of time to get there. If you want to know what OP is about just read the manga

posted about a year ago

It really depends of how low are you talking about and what weapon the player uses more often though.

If someone only plays OP on full buy rounds and saves a lot their HS% will be less than 10%

posted about a year ago

Fnatic had homecrowd "advantage" in Champions 2022 and still lost, no way you believe in this shit

posted about a year ago

Chamber definetely feels useless right now. Even in soloq he's just bad, easily counterable.

You can actually play some non-meta agents like Yoru and Reyna, and some others are useful still like Phoenix. All the rest are extremely balanced.

posted about a year ago

The fact that TGRD, M80, G2 and the rest of NA challengers teams have access to scrims against the Americas Franchised teams makes me wonder if The Union can possibly win Ascension.

posted about a year ago

I hope Tenz recover well and have a nice rest.

That being said, this roster is stacked, with sacy probably back on initiator they have way more chances to actually put up a fight against LOUD and MIBR. I would be happy if they got a map off LOUD and win against MIBR though.

posted about a year ago

Sadly it's still 2x0 LOUD
But they might be able to win against MIBR

posted about a year ago

It's actually more than 10 arcs, way more than that if you really divide things as the islands the crew travels through the story.

But generally you can group the arcs together into a big one.

posted about a year ago

Po viado, eu abri a seção de comentários onde o Saad pede um pouco mais de respeito e vi um marmanjo já com barba na cara dizendo que eles "têm que aguentar o hate já que xingaram primeiro"
Os cara não sabe diferenciar farpa no meio do jogo de xingamento de verdade, não é possível q ele acredite que o Mazin REALMENTE ache os caras da LOUD ruins po...

posted about a year ago
  1. Marineford
  2. Wano
  3. Water 7/Ennies Lobby
  4. Dressrosa
  5. Thriller Bark
  6. Whole Cake Island
  7. Sabaody/Amazon Lily/Impel Down
  8. East Blue
  9. Alabasta
  10. Skypiea
posted about a year ago

A org é foda, os jogadores são fodas, tem todo um conteúdo e estrutura pica

Mas boa parte dos torcedores são horripilantes. Não sabem nem se portar como gente. Tem a piada que a maioria é de menor mas já vi muito marmanjo e mina adulta falando merda também. Isso é comportamento de manada mesmo

posted about a year ago

If Tenz moves out I trust zekken's jett

posted about a year ago

So Gekko is like Rock Lee's ankle weights?

posted about a year ago

I don't care who wins I just want an awesome game with close scores

posted about a year ago

Wouldn't even play in Ascension

posted about a year ago

Little bro created an account just to shit on NA I respect that

posted about a year ago

I disagree
KRU x MIBR was a hard game for MIBR, KRU is better than we think. They lost to FURIA and MIBR bro...

KRU is gonna smoke EG

posted about a year ago

Does he know?

Both are underdogs in the series they'll play buddy

posted about a year ago

Pra chegar no nível da antiga LOUD falta MUITO ainda

posted about a year ago

The Guard is great but is in tier 2

posted about a year ago

I know this might be a joke and all but FNS is a great IGL and leader. Dude don't frag a lot but that aside he could make any team he plays into a competitive one.

posted about a year ago

From now on you can say they can beat anyone. I think they'll win against all teams except FURIA and LEV, but it's not like they'll be stomped by these teams as well.

This win will give them the confidence they needed for going forward.

posted about a year ago

Os dois times deram uma entregada monstra. O MIBR é muito bom e era pra ter feito 2x0 aqui se não fosse as entregadas da Pearl.
Acontece, mas com o MIBR acontece ATÉ DEMAIS.

Mas ganharam pelo menos, mostraram que são melhores e é isso. Agora é trabalhar pra corrigir os erros.

posted about a year ago


Foi sofrido mas deu!!!
Era pra ter sido 2x0 SECO

posted about a year ago

Today fs

posted about a year ago

I love jizz

posted about a year ago

Cara era só os dois jogarem NA CALMA
Ficaram nervosos igual prata jogando, nunca vi um spacing tão ridículo num 2x1

posted about a year ago

Entrega logo o mapa


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

He should play duelist (in all maps) instead of ardiis lol

posted about a year ago

Fake na Split sem dominar o meio e usando só a ult da Killjoy é bem comum nas minhas rankeds do prata

posted about a year ago

Em um campeonato que dura semanas e que cada round e mapa são importantes pra vc garantir sua classificação pros playoffs, GANHAR uma série contra um dos times favoritos é IMPORTANTÍSSIMO, de preferência quando é 2x0 (pois mapas ganhos é critério de desempate).

Se a gente quer ver os times BRs dominando, a gente tem que cobrar a todo momento uma gameplay séria e correta, INDEPENDENTE se for final ou não.

posted about a year ago

Virou 8x4 pra NRG enquanto MIBR tava na defesa. MIBR fez um ótimo ataque e conseguiu chegar perto do placar mas perderam um eco bobo por decisões individuais péssimas e um plant horroroso. MESMO ASSIM conseguiram empatar e ir pro OT MAS a defesa do B deles estava horrível. NRG nesse mapa ia só pra B praticamente no ataque, mas o MIBR se adaptou de maneira péssima pra isso.

posted about a year ago

Underdog só se for pela maioria dos fãs né? O MIBR conseguiu quase vencer a LOUD e jogou muito no primeiro mapa (pick do NRG) e perdeu esse numa ENTREGADA insana. Era pra ter sido 2x0 aqui já

Eles não tem que ficar feliz de ganhar um mapinha não, tem que ficar PUTO por entregar um eco e se adaptar MAL na defesa daquele B

posted about a year ago
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