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Registered: June 9, 2021
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 7:02 PM
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The only better baiter than you is your mom.

She’s a master

posted about a year ago

Is reduxx old enough to play in vct yet?

posted about a year ago

I’m surprised I don’t see xand on this list.

Feels like her carries NIP.

posted about a year ago

Yawn 🥱

posted about a year ago

Babybay needs to accept that dicey is better than him and stop taking chamber.

Cryo better than both tho.

posted about a year ago

It’s about time babybay puts aside his ego and takes a back seat to Dicey.

It’s criminal to put babybay on chamber when you have dicey.

Dicey tried to carry the entirety of the faze org on his back while playing SAGE!

posted about a year ago

Any map can be fun if no one plays viper.

posted about a year ago

It’s very hard / basically impossible to get sick leave for mental health.

Especially a month.

Especially when you’re needed the most.

Unless he tried to kill himself, 99% of jobs would expect him to work.

Not saying it’s a good system, I’m just saying that using the excuse “9-5 jobs give sick leave” doesn’t mean if he worked any real job they would be okay with him taking a month long break because he was depressed.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

V1 vs Nuturn at Iceland

Such a close match and heartbreaking for NA but it had me on the edge of my seat.

posted about a year ago

Why waste time with an import when you have homegrown talent from the number 1 region in Valorant?

posted about a year ago


A win is a win. Any team can lose a map… like da fuc you mean?

FPX will get shit on by Optic and if you think otherwise you’re as dumb as you look.

posted about a year ago

Same can be said for EU.

Other than FNC, I ain’t scared at all.

Optic = FNC

Optic and FNC > all EU and NA

Now obviously any team can win on any given day (Acend won champions, that’s proof enough)

posted about a year ago

EG is a team on a heater and does not represent the strength of our region.

If EG goes to an international lan they will do nothing. The crazy bias people have for teams that have 1 good tournament is wild.

Chances are, our 2nd team will do what most of NA’s “other” (team besides Sen and optic) do. That be just good enough to make the playoffs (if they don’t choke(champions)).

EG ain’t it and never was.

posted about a year ago

Joke or?

While an argument can be made that they didn’t play The best of EU, pretending like Loud or …. Zeta is actually a better team than optic.

You’re a fucking joke and always will be.

posted about a year ago

Enzo > Crashies ehh?

posted about a year ago


NA only have two slots so it will be a team from the upper and a team from the lower bracket.

posted about a year ago

Game started early morning on a Saturday in NA.

NA is a huge market for this game. It’s to early for big viewership.

posted about a year ago

It’s kinda true.

Even if tembo lied about it.

Even guys like cryocells, heat, cNed, Tenz, etc have really fallen off. Not everyone has had a smooth transition away from the Jett meta. It doesn’t mean they won’t find their feet, but it’s definitely a trend.

posted about a year ago

Someone just IP ban this guy and let us all move on with our lives.

posted about a year ago

If he rebranded away from that terrible name he would have a lot more fans.

posted about a year ago

Imperfecto is so insecure about his tiny penis. It’s okay little nerd, I’m sure you can find a fat girl who doesn’t care.

posted about a year ago

They still face optic in the upper final.

posted about a year ago

Anniedro was trans.

posted about a year ago

Bob had a realistic chance of being the best player in all of GC.

posted about a year ago

I’m pretty sure C9w would shit on half of BRs male “pro” teams.

posted about a year ago


You get two points because it’s crazy how you picked the most overrated player and the most underrated player on the team.

posted about a year ago

I said that if they beat 100t I would consider them officially a t1 team.

I stand by my statement. I don’t think they are as good as their record indicates, however it cannot be denied that these guys are the real deal and they deserve some respect.

Hats off to these boys.

posted about 2 years ago

Baiting is the equivalent of a 10 year old saying “fuck” because they think it’s edgy and cool.

Baiting isn’t funny. It isn’t cool. It just makes you look like a preteen that’s screaming for attention while sitting in the corner snickering to themselves “i’M sO fUnNy”

posted about 2 years ago

Please for the love of god let GE win so the Indian fans have some shred of dignity on the world stage.

posted about 2 years ago

Sliggy, One of the most respected coaches in EU, said on stream today. “Fanatic is the best team in the world, but NA has more good teams than EU.”

I’ll take the word of a world class EU coach over some prepubescent little flaccid dweeb.

posted about 2 years ago

I’m sure Optic is shaking in their boots.

It’s FPX v Liquid in the first round of the playoffs.

If FPX wins then you can make a thread like this and it MIGHT have some validity.

Until then, take your L like a man and stop being a sniveling little bitch.

posted about 2 years ago

What’s so good about it?

posted about 2 years ago

I have done both of those drugs and adderall was way stronger than coke.

Don’t let the pill fool you. It’s literally meth in a pill.

posted about 2 years ago

Coke only stays in your system for 2-3 days.

posted about 2 years ago

Biggest con. Less teams and no Cinderella story runs from unknown teams / players.

Biggest pro. Less teams means a higher concentration of talent. Imagine if basically only 8 - 10 teams exist. That means all the best players will be in those teams, and they will perform much better internationally.

An issue NA and EMEA has on the international stage is that they have to many good teams in their region. By limiting the amount of teams that matter, you force the best teams to pick up the best players in order to survive.

Most of the other “minor” regions have “super” teams already. Brazil, Korea, Japan, SEA, Latam. That’s why you always see the same teams make it. Franchising would force NA and EMEA to create super teams and further help their chances on the international stage.

posted about 2 years ago

This doesn’t bode well for NA.

Sending optic and another random team on a heater is just going to yield the same results.

Only one NA team doing anything and the other team looking like dogwater.

Kinda points to how much better franchising will be for NA. To much talent spread across multiple teams results in a ton of middling teams. All of these teams have pretty obvious weak links.

Imagine if they did a Brazilian style super team out of all of these teams. That’s what it’s going to take to win at Champions and beyond.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Dude… they boot camp.

You’re saying everyone on the team, the staff, and the organization are all cheating together?

posted about 2 years ago

Chamber has pushed Dapr out of the meta. He would have a hard time finding a t1 team.

posted about 2 years ago

Such a dog shit response.

While I whole heartedly believe that optic is a better team, to say they are “washed” is ridiculous.

EG is making an argument for themselves as a team that deserves respect.

posted about 2 years ago

Benched from ldn over 2 months ago…. So

posted about 2 years ago

This dude was benched from ldn. That’s pretty much all you need to know. L move

posted about 2 years ago

Yes he’s good. Anyone saying otherwise is a smooth brained goober.

However, is he good enough to be on a team that wants to be the best in NA? Is he good enough to fill Xetas shoes?

We’ll know the answer to those questions soon enough. He still has time to prove himself, but the clock is ticking.

posted about 2 years ago

Facts don’t lie brother. You can look up lifetime stats on this site and you’ll soon see how DELUSIONAL you are.

posted about 2 years ago

Shao has played every agent at an insane level.

Nivera has been above average on a handful of agents.

You’re right. It’s not even close.

posted about 2 years ago

Very nice

posted about 2 years ago
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