Flag: India
Registered: June 7, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 1:35 AM
Posts: 446
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u think ge and zeta would have the chance to beat c9 and 100t ????πŸ’€πŸ’€
i can see rrq, and TS maybe
T1 is unlikely

posted 20 hours ago


posted 1 week ago

riot has contracts with franchised teams for 4-5 years, then they get to decide who gets kicked or not

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

what happened to leo? i havent been following emea valorant

posted 1 week ago


posted 3 weeks ago

i think its the staff watching

posted 4 weeks ago

not true
there was thought behind the team comps they have and are pretty good meta comps
their util was also prtty good

posted 4 weeks ago

this match was so fun its been a long time since i enjoyed a vcl sa match
Hats off to venka, he did amazing and did everything he could for the team

great game

posted 4 weeks ago

yea very few indian teams lately do that anymore

posted 4 weeks ago

bros stealing paychecks
Hes like 27 alr and his peak passed a LONG time ago
i dont think he will get better than this

posted 4 weeks ago

exactly i am hopeful for this team since convergence

posted 4 weeks ago

im not hatewatching im just a fan of tr

posted 4 weeks ago

fr πŸ’€πŸ’€
i just want to see tr beat Revenant thats all

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

bro whiffed like five op shots in a row wtf 😭😭

posted 4 weeks ago

he was a flex for the previous roster, you can move texture into duelist and lf into perma sentinel
Lightningfast has experience with cypher and a little with killjoy
It was doable

posted 1 month ago

i know they suck lol
only have this flair on because i want to cheer for lf and i like the vibes of the squad

posted 1 month ago

would be cool to have a tournament with just all the worst teams around the world lol

posted 1 month ago

ohh alr

posted 1 month ago

hopely they do beat t1

posted 1 month ago

thats because its an indian org and it will always be
GE is playing like shit but they still represent india

posted 1 month ago

everyone thinks bleed is bad
this result was not a surprise by any means

posted 1 month ago

whats kast?

posted 1 month ago

bleed is just clearly bad
GE are gonna get shit on by geng

posted 1 month ago

thats true

posted 1 month ago

ge vs bleed is gonna be either the biggest shitshow or a full sweep from bleed to ge

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

thats normal?

posted 1 month ago

yes essentially

posted 1 month ago

?? no the owner himself said that indians arent ready for T1 competition yet and thats why he signs foreign talent. That was his justification for not picking up indian talent

posted 1 month ago

GE has been an org which talks big but does not have anything to back it up. Its been going on for years even before franchising when they failed to do anything against other sea teams. Most GE fans are just sick of trying to support a team which has been shit for the past 2-3 years
I was hopeful for the team when they signed their 2023 roster because it was a really good roster with good talent like texture and monyet whom i have seen perform rlly good in their previous teams, but the team failed to utilise such good players and could not even qualify for playoffs
At this point i have no hope for this team, i only have the ge flair on bcuz of lightningfast who i want to see prove that he can play in vct pacific and because its the only indian rep which unfortunately is GE

posted 1 month ago

lmao riot doesnt tell teams to make content lol
even if they did, they would not have told them to say such bold things

posted 1 month ago

ig riot is thinking of long term growth
as it is a really big market for them to expand on

posted 1 month ago

Gobar eSports

posted 1 month ago

yea i saw one of his watchparties for one SA match (i dont remember which one) but he kept pointing out the mistakes and was so negative
I get that they do make alot of mistakes but as a host of a watchparty it was just bad and negative

posted 1 month ago

theres no viewership lol
barely 1k watch the official stream regional matches
riot wants to tap into the indian market when it grows bigger and more prominent
if there was no indian T1 team in vct pacific, then valorant esports in india would have surely died

posted 1 month ago

there could have been a world where GE onur existed… damn

posted 1 month ago

please save indian valo πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜ž

posted 1 month ago

all he did was add more fuel to spread more hate
there was 0 need to do that

posted 1 month ago

?? bros not the representative of india πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted 1 month ago

which one?

posted 1 month ago

russ and lf do have firepower but yea it isn’t consistent enough
Benkai has not been doing good at all this entire year tho :/

posted 1 month ago

people have too high expectations from this roster which on paper wasnt gonna do well anyways

posted 1 month ago

would be nice if they had a good oce org
if pwr is interested it would be rlly nice

posted 1 month ago

no other indian team has a chance in franchising
if GE is gone then i guess its over for indian valorant

posted 1 month ago

is swerl a good duelist?
i havent seen him play so idk
i feel like GE could maybe get someone better than him

posted 1 month ago

orgs are not obligated to to represent a region but since the only reason RIOT has GE in vct pacific is to garner more Indian viewers and popularity, yea GE should be representing India and indian valorant

posted 1 month ago

just sign young indian talents who strive to improve
not all indians playing in the SA league are paycheck stealers…

posted 1 month ago
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