Country: India
Registered: August 2, 2021
Last post: December 31, 2022 at 1:41 AM
Posts: 1165
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Hmm, i personally prefer davai tho, his flexibility and secondary calling skills are unmatched in apac, although I would still love to see crgs play

posted about a year ago

Meyournightmare, idkbro, anderwdamf, 100tboejiden, flyimgdoggowoweecalp or what ever his name is, olofbost, and rickyindian (sometimes, i still luv u Ricky)

posted about a year ago

Tf u mean??, Literally best flex in sea, and his accent is peak Malaysian 👌

posted about a year ago

Bro Enigma doesn't even exist anymore

posted about a year ago

Overall yay outperformed him yes

posted about a year ago

Rio was still dog, like seriously who tf care abt outsiders and heroic. No navi, no faze, no astralis, no NIp, and the Brazilian crowd just petered out after furia went out. And the stage was mid at best

posted about a year ago

Don't u think 40 fking minutes is enough to decide a winner, also it's called "this game hasn't been figured out yet because it's new"syndrome, and if the game ever got figured out....... well u get the"apparent"dumpster fire (i still like the map), that is icebox

posted about a year ago

Doesn't matter, in the long run valorant is get up for success far better than CS, now CS is not going to die, suckers like u and hltv frogs will claw to that game like it's their life and it's not like CS is a bad game(I'll be lying if i said I didn't like the game, i use simple's eDpi and posture for godsake).But valorant is still set up for success better, the active Devs itself put it above cs but then u have the appeal to other genders(cause guess what women make up 48% of ur population), the abilities being far easier to use therefore having a lower barrier for entry, the lore actually being good lately, and valorant's widespread popularity outside of the Western sphere (like seriously I have never seen a PC game ever set a foothold like this in india ever, ppl buy pcs now just to play valo, i thought that was impossible just a few yrs ago)and riots approach to marketing and esports will probably make valorant the king for gaming behind lol, or atleast it has the potential too. OFC riot can fumble it but seeing league I'm pretty confident in valorant being the dominant eSports FPS for the 20s

posted about a year ago

Rest in peace 🐐

posted about a year ago

I think furia and giants have a shot

posted about a year ago

Me, passing due to COVID in 12th be like

Eating chips
(I'm still mad abt that)

posted about a year ago

Basically optics finances are less than stellar

posted about a year ago

As someone who's Indian and doesn't know Hindi due to ethnicity reasons

All I can say is a respectable fuck u(there's a reason I play on Singapore)

posted about a year ago

Isn't that the point of games??, Also it's entertaining asf and hey i like me some wimsy

posted about a year ago

Yeah but that's just the nature of the op, it's as much nerves as it is mechanical skill, it's also probably the most inconsistent usable wepon at the Highest levels

posted about a year ago

That's not the reason, it's just the way crowds in Japan work, but the masters will have an international audience so it won't be too quiet

posted about a year ago

Idk, but for me atleast that wasn't wack enough (but then again ,I'm a sucker for cringe comps)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It's still an exhibition match, if I was a coach i would do some wack stuff to see if it works

posted about a year ago

Oh welcome back shownu

posted about a year ago

Ok and?

posted about a year ago

It's not a valo tournament, its an exhibition tournament, kinda like football friendlies, the point was just having a good time and playing with a Japanese crowd, and it also happened for Japanese t2 valo, lol and streamer games

posted about a year ago

Bro they are literally trolling, Tenn Played Reyna all day(he didn't even perform that well in their last game), and Zeta still beat prx so imo it's alright

posted about a year ago

I'll still support them, cause i care

Also spoiler alert: they are not bombing in quarters

posted about a year ago

Oh u have no idea, C9 are one of the most financially stingy orgs in esports, mainly because they do not rely on VC's and their ceo Jack etieiane still retains control of the org due to that, he wants to keep control of his org basically so he doesn't get VC's(venture capitalists) involved as much as say 100t or G2, nadeshot and Carlos barley control their org anymore(hence my Carlos got the boot)

posted about a year ago

PINE??????? AS COACH??????????
bro ex owl fans are gonna cream

posted about a year ago

Sg for me, North Indian gaming culture is just to elitist for no reason, especially for someone who doesn't know Hindi (cause suprise not everyone in india speaks Hindi, in fact only abt 50 % do) also ppl in sg are actually willing to comm

posted about a year ago

Yes yes, the best SA team doesn't even have an SA majority

Pls shove Lucifers rod up my ass thanks

posted about a year ago

Today I feel like a bot

posted about a year ago

It's not just pr, their middle eastern severs are based in Bahrain and islam condemns LGBTQ+ as haram because of it inclination towards following the natural order of things (or atleast the way ppl saw it in ancient Arabia) however because of the way islam is typically preached, the end result is incredibly bigoted, it's understandable but that doesn't mean it's right

posted about a year ago

Apology accepted🫂

posted about a year ago

And u know that ur name is a lie

posted about a year ago

I made this name 3 yrs before valorant even released but ok

Also that's a viper voiceline to chamber trying to flirt with her

Also pls touch grass

posted about a year ago

Tbh saw this coming since practice cinematic, but hey big riot w

posted about a year ago

Lemme rephrase this, I'm a homophobe and I wanna spew vile bullshit

posted about a year ago

Before qatar I had a hard time understanding why being lgbt was considered haram, I understand now

But that still doesn't make it right

posted about a year ago

I would rather drink my own poison

posted about a year ago

Ok now, cooldown broski

posted about a year ago

Stopped reading at idkbro

Like seriously why are ur takes so absolutely dogg

posted about a year ago

Tbh less was kinda poppin, they are one of those teams who simply dont care

posted about a year ago

No cap bro ur atleast entertaining at worst, but the redbull observer is touching grass at the wrong fking moment, thiw production makes VCC look good man wtf

posted about a year ago

Oh boy do I like to watch a kj rotate over the fight going on in site, how revolutionary


Edit: sry abt the title my autocorrect to op, pls don't Lynch me

Edit: my stream just died lmao

posted about a year ago

I rly want to know if u believe bad publicity is good publicity,

Cause my god u are one annoying bugger

posted about a year ago

Ur fking game needs 3rd party services,a gambling based cosmetics economy and the literal grandfather of fps eSports and Russia to survive, pls touch grass

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The last multiplayer game won this performative shitshow for noob gaming journalists was Overwatch, like the multiplayer fps genre needed it's once in a generation launch to be recognised, for GODSAKE stop treating fps multiplayer games like ur basement middle child

But hey on the plus side we are poggest esport

posted about a year ago

Ok hana ur too horny bro

posted about a year ago

He's weslh born , but brought up in Liverpool and one of his parents is lativian

posted about a year ago

Ussr anthem starts playing

posted about a year ago
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