Country: Czech Republic
Registered: August 4, 2021
Last post: September 8, 2023 at 3:50 AM
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Player for enterprise esports cantzzer was showing that on stream

posted about a year ago

Sadly no english casters. Idk polish and czech casters are not as good.

posted about a year ago

How does it feels to get upvoted for first time?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Today I met to immos with team vociechat turned off. After that I checked them on tracker and saw that they are spaming duoq to troll

posted about a year ago

Scream is playing that as entry so he is really last alive to get kills

posted about a year ago

Not funny

posted about a year ago

I started Iron 1 back in beta after thousands hours I'm on immo 3. It was worth for me. Keep it up!!!

posted about a year ago

That they didn't played that on match doesn't means that they didn't tried that. Idk why all these pepegas think they can fix teamcomps

posted about a year ago

Ghost is my 1# if EU sucks again

posted about a year ago

I think that pros are getting used to op on different agents

posted about a year ago

It's no really bad of USA. Almost every modern country that cares about what's happening around is not allowing Russians to travel to their country

posted about a year ago

Optic and TBD

posted about a year ago

Chamber meta will be gonesoon. If they manage to get to play off they might surprise

posted about a year ago

15-35 will be most. Obviously there are some younger or older people but not much

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It depends on what people you meet there. When I got match with Sam rats I just leave and start another

posted about a year ago

Source: trust me bro

posted about a year ago

DM is good for crosshair placement and it's good warmup too. But I wouldnt recomend you that as only practice

posted about a year ago

When TSM plays?

posted about a year ago

They will but in future when they bench someone they can easily replace him by some young talent from academy I see only big W

posted about a year ago

I don't have a clue how can someone get down voted for saying that big is going to win the match 2-1. These guys are just delusional

posted about a year ago

Maybe, but they are not and there is no reason to speculate about that.

posted about a year ago

Why? Fnc is really strong rn loosing to them is not that big thing if they will step up after that and it won't break their mental.

posted about a year ago

They can clean floor really well if u don't cut their fur

posted about a year ago

Rebuild around twisten and musashi maybe obnoks

posted about a year ago

Ghost can shine!

posted about a year ago

There is nothing to hate about them just let them have fun and plz don't be toxic!

posted about a year ago

Let the memes spread

posted about a year ago

I dont see reason why would it happen but yeah its possible

posted about a year ago

I sad that I hate it less than u hate eu that doesn't that I do.

Hate love

Some where on "_____" is me
/= 0
<0= hate

/= love
Just in case ur iq is lover than avg 5yo kid

posted about a year ago

You hate me for saying i don't hate Japan that just insane

posted about a year ago

Ok sorry but it sounds like that to me and many others

posted about a year ago

U behave like that

posted about a year ago

Ok, there were some, but its not reason ti hate us cmon u don't like it when someone calls ur favourite team trash. Please don't do it to us. Are we fine now?

posted about a year ago

Just don't watch it if u think its just random

posted about a year ago

Nice idea.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ur there just to make me hate ur Region?

posted about a year ago

BTW nice selfupvote

posted about a year ago

When every eu team was out I was hoping zeta will take it all. But u won't trust it. But I'm sure I hate Japan less than you hate eu

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I see same amount of eu users being toxic there as users from any other region. If u don't like what are they saying just hate them not all region that is full of good people.

posted about a year ago

Non of these is eu user, at least eu user didn't made thread

posted about a year ago

They look so much more synchronised compared to previous games

posted about a year ago

Didnt saw any eu user loud at prx. For me prx is to 5 on World at least and their gameplay is so fun to watch. But if anyone has right to laugh ist eu. This regions is getting trashtalked soo hard just cuz loosing 1 masters. Please stop toxicity spreading on this site. U are just fighting against toxicity being even more toxic that's not a right way to go

posted about a year ago
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