Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: August 4, 2021
Last post: September 8, 2023 at 3:50 AM
Posts: 1764
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Not really pop but check out bob seger

posted 10 months ago

Only time can tell. They didn't perform that badly if you consider how close the games were and whi they played.
We gotta see how this turns out

posted 10 months ago

I listen to 60s jazz and blues

posted 11 months ago

In past few months I'm listening back to back to Rolling stones jimi hendrix or janis joplin. U probably won't like it but give it a try
My playlist :

posted about a year ago

And also emoticons only

posted about a year ago

Is it good enough for you? That's all that matters

posted about a year ago

Is anyone mad about ardis going to na? No. He's not an enemy.

posted about a year ago

I don't send 26 messeges a day on all platforms combined

posted about a year ago

Was anything different with peak tenz?

posted about a year ago

Guess it should be 15-6

posted about a year ago

Seems likely except bbl. They just didnt look great on most maps

posted about a year ago

in pro play maybe but how many time have u seen it in ranked

posted about a year ago

They are good but ppl don't play them much idk why

posted about a year ago

Yep u can't dodge it. Ucan can only hide from it

posted about a year ago

I never seen anyone call simple fraud on vlr
Like this shit I just read was crazy

posted about a year ago

You hide strats so you don't even know if they work?

posted about a year ago

They won't do as good run as this time but they will be still top team i think

posted about a year ago

Bro spoke too soon

posted about a year ago

Reached immo 3

posted about a year ago

Stevie Ray Vaughan
Cage the elephant
Jimi Hendrix

posted about a year ago

Just look at map for once bro
Ur trolling rn or ur that kind of guy that thinks earth is flat. No other options

posted about a year ago

Na and Sa are way more separated. By landscape culture and even language. It's literally the opposite side od earth. Eu and cis? There is not much separating them

posted about a year ago

Idk my friend called me Plesnivec and it just kinda evolved

posted about a year ago

1% is still hell alot compared to val

posted about a year ago

they could but their bracked is hard.
lev and navi...

posted about a year ago

Like honestly the strats and stuff felt really well. the thing that was killing most of the rounds is just being too slow on trades. i think that if they play together for few more months they might get better.

posted about a year ago

All of this just to get shortied

posted about a year ago

Postponing the match isn't a real option. They would have to postpone whole tourney which could hurt other regions alot. It is tragedy and unfair towards turkey but I don't think it should destroy whole tourney.

posted about a year ago

man im 16 and im sleeping 8 hours a day just cuz i know i feel and look soo much better then.

posted about a year ago

5:40 wake up
5:40-6:00 shower
6:00 breakfast
6:15 leaving to school
13:00-16:30 coming back
guitar prac, val, some other random shit till like 19:00
19:00 dinner
19:30 playing guitar or just chilling
21:30 going to bed

posted about a year ago

I eat whole grain but I never met a bread like here in czechia in any other country so it can't really get compared.

posted about a year ago

Happy bday,
Mine is today too

posted about a year ago

get dressed in what is acording to ur job. (at leasts thats what i would do)
bring up some achievements and make them sound bigger
try to boost ur ego before interwiew. (do smh ur good at, smh after what u say "yeah man im feeling it")

posted about a year ago

idk but best year of my life yet was 2022 (get that for many ppl it went really bad cuz of crysis and stuff but luckyly not for me). makes sense tho when im 16.
this year is looking pretty good too for me.

posted about a year ago

Playing guitar
Bit wierdo, love to meet new ppl

posted about a year ago

3/10 in czechia. I watched it like once xD

posted about a year ago

With 32 teams it's really great

posted about a year ago

Ur on drugs bro

posted about a year ago

Not much, maybe 6?
Usually when someone has more It's cuz his mentality sucks af.
I have a friend that lost 30 games in of cuz of that. He gets more and more angry and that means he has worse results.

posted about a year ago

unlucky :( havent played game in 3 weeks so idk anything about updates

posted about a year ago

I was immo 3 on end
Hope for asc 3 but will be able to play on friday at the best

posted about a year ago

Everyone used oneways. Eu was just start enough to invent them.

posted about a year ago

I was playing like 5-6 hours before. But when I was having fun I was ok with that. Rn I spent 4 or more hours just playing guitar and barely even think of playing val. Just do what u enjoy and maybe ul find some new hobby.

posted about a year ago

Yeah Swift play is best mod for this. I love that riot made smh like this

posted about a year ago

Do u really have any higher expectations from them?

posted about a year ago

Can you read? Bruuhhh

posted about a year ago

East 100%
Rest if I find my self bored

posted about a year ago

Idk who's lying out there

posted about a year ago
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