Country: Czech Republic
Registered: August 4, 2021
Last post: September 8, 2023 at 3:50 AM
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Idk how it will work in sea but in eu and na they plan to make it 1 big region so they will get slots they prove they can get? Also other teams in sea have to improve that's just truth. I think that jp and kr teams are slightly above xerxia bleed...

posted about a year ago

Literally who hates prx? If I have to chose favourite team on lan except fnatic it's prx. I don't know where u get the part about hate from. I feel like everyone loves prx. Just fans sometimes go too far. (Not that other fans don't)

posted about a year ago

About more that 1 thing over and over.

posted about a year ago

We all have our opinion. There is no need to make thousands threads about that. Just accept it and talk about smh interesting. Remember that before month we weren't even sure we will get some crowd.

posted about a year ago

His opinion on pearl is completely random

posted about a year ago

...that jett had 3 smokes that last for 8 secs, instant dash and ult that comes back after rmb? When this was real thing it didn't feel that op but now...

posted about a year ago

Idk I just think that it should be decided by his citizenship

posted about a year ago

Did he ever did anything special for walkouts?

posted about a year ago

U should hope for good regional legues. In eu it works really well. Almost no orgs stepping away. At least teams that play in legues with high viewership. But idk how it's going to work in Na

posted about a year ago

I didnt feel difference. But theoreticaly higher should be smoother

posted about a year ago

Do he has both citizenship?

posted about a year ago

U can literally go there rn. I could be there in 8 hours if I buy plane tickets or even by a car idk what ur talking about. There 100% should be ads around whole eu

posted about a year ago

Cleanest not best
Edit: at least on t1. There are players like aproto virty... that can compare to him but they never made it to lan

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It's not that I don't want them to win. Just wanna see new face winning

posted about a year ago

Fnatic prx fpx optic

posted about a year ago

I myself tried many multilayer games. Fotnite, league, Cs, pupg, overwatch. Only game I stayed with today is val, league and sometimes Cs. But I understand why ppl play the others. Except fortnite I guess. That shit is just to much tanks and shit everywhere. And I think that val comunity is with me.

posted about a year ago

Crazy actually

posted about a year ago

U will get regional leagues. It s really healthy for eu valorant at least.

posted about a year ago

Rare George W

posted about a year ago

I would give him 1/8 seen worse

posted about a year ago

That's good 1. Going to be rare in few years

posted about a year ago

Idc about downvoters I wrote shit and I'm proud that I'm trying to fix it.

posted about a year ago

I think that franchising can work well. If there are proper regional league I'm a fan

posted about a year ago

Prime axe. The skin is not that good but only true ogs have it.

posted about a year ago

The time between is needed for sure. Maybe not in half time but the pros deserve to get rest and reset minds.

posted about a year ago

It is going to happen and it will be good. At least in Eu ot works really well

posted about a year ago

+1. First should be on point. Rest is ok woudlnt count it as time wasted. Also if u have nothing to do while waiting for it ur kinda weirdo. Just look around and tide up the room or smh

posted about a year ago

U can't hate the delay on 2nd and 3rd game. Its cuz that the game before didn't ended. We all agree that it's better to start the game later cuz other is played then waiting for no reason cuz the game before was fast. But yeah on first games it sucks

posted about a year ago

I know but not a fun

posted about a year ago

Hmmm I would have to see that

posted about a year ago

I would prefer 16 teams format. 20 seems to much 12 not enough

posted about a year ago

Don't like that Jersey soo much. If I have to say which 1 I liked most I would say Nth

posted about a year ago

My bad shouldn't write that

posted about a year ago

Yeah my bad shouldn't write that

posted about a year ago

Chinese org

posted about a year ago

If this happens to eu there is 100 Americans writing "excuses"
But yeah it's sad for prx hope they can recover
Edit: I'm sorry didn't wanted to sound it like that my bad. I'm over all against eu vs na thing and just made mistake. Actually got to downvote myself xd

posted about a year ago

Optic was fine but Holly xset was horible

posted about a year ago

My mom got covid test positive then I was ill for like 5 days waiting so I can get tested too but cuz it was early age of covid I recovered before I got tested and test was negative. Idk if I had covid but 99% yeah cuz 3/4 family members had it.

posted about a year ago

Expecting mods to do smh

posted about a year ago

There are some American brands that don't sell in eu but there is mostly some similar product.
But baja blast is being sold there

posted about a year ago

We actually have it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they did if u watched emea playoffs

posted about a year ago

if they step up 90% if they keep playing same 30%
edit: shit, switch the teams

posted about a year ago

aspas has great aim but alfa and forsaken are just more crispy

posted about a year ago

what was he saying about xset then? that was truelly horible match to watch.
i agree that fnatic is making alot of mistakes but there are like 2 teams that dont do same. and i feel like that fnatic is really good if they dont do them. they are best team in trading and have most creative strats

posted about a year ago

Is that legendary?
it seems like u just want to trashtalk even in threads that doesnt hurt u

posted about a year ago
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