Flag: Japan
Registered: August 16, 2021
Last post: March 1, 2024 at 1:52 AM
Posts: 117
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fnadick 2-1, cant see kc winning this one. but the chance is never zero!

posted 4 months ago

heret0cs reality check, 2-0 navi inc

posted 4 months ago

also theres no stream for this banger match? wtf r they doing?

posted 4 months ago

shiba reunites with benedict tan? pog

posted 4 months ago

yatorogod left spirit for this

posted 4 months ago

no stream to region that won ascencion last year? shame

posted 4 months ago

now they got sponsored and forgot how to play, nice scam xD

posted 4 months ago

10-8 > lost 1v3 > 10-13 xD shit 2 disband alr

posted 4 months ago

so if g2 wins this 2-1 g2 will still qualified right? coz i saw sen fans coping in yt chat

posted 4 months ago

finally edg's downfall! i was here!

posted 4 months ago

map 2 was 12-9 3v2 and they manage to lost, then lost entire matchup xD gentle memes

posted 4 months ago

and btw ppl who think its fixed are clueless bettors xD

posted 4 months ago

thanks baguettes thew my handi by lost 4v3

posted 4 months ago

most legit match in china lmaoo 3v2 lost, 4v5 lost, and cant plant with vipers pit 🤣

posted 4 months ago

chinese league, huge lead > lost many rounds and tied > then fake comeback. always like that

posted 4 months ago

ph bottors mad coz lost his $5 hahaha

posted about a year ago

i think thats not the real audience, sometimes its filled with bots

posted about a year ago

its just sad the fact that they were farming on APAC group stage and losing to EMEA 3rd place. APAC is doomed fr, only prx the last hope for apac

posted about a year ago

botgeysu no impact and still on this team is ridiculous

posted about a year ago

-Supernova the cringe of

posted about a year ago

ive never seen drx has a decent odds againts mid team

posted about a year ago

System.out.println("NRG sucks")

posted about a year ago

360K viewers for major final KEKW dead game KEKW

posted about a year ago

its haram when you lose, but its halal when u win the bet xD

posted about a year ago

Lower elo

posted about a year ago

oh well, look at dfm bro.. any t2 japan can beat them

posted about a year ago

if only cr submitted their documents on time, then we aren't watching this downfall and dfm shitshow xD

posted about a year ago

Country: South Korea
Registered: April 3, 2023
Last post: May 10, 2023 at 10:56 AM
Posts: 1

posted about a year ago

Its 2077. Im still watching the IDN x SGP Match. I had 4 children. Eeyore retired and his son his playing for him now. Vera has over 3000 kills and SGP has a map point but Gemma clutches 1v5. My wife left me.

posted about a year ago

bros literally migrated from yt chat to vlr, go back to where u belong pls

posted about a year ago

why oasis got so much haters since vct ph? i dont understand

posted about a year ago

bro its better picked the whole team instead mixed pros, they to work with the new chemistry

posted about a year ago

well most of them are just cheering for the nationality

posted about a year ago

hes playing for igzis ma dude

posted about a year ago

gigachad benzema clears perling paaland

posted about a year ago

washed player anyway

posted about a year ago

hard to choose, one team has bot ezzy and the other team has npc rexy

posted about a year ago

this match kinda sus

posted about 2 years ago

these ff young aim so crisp wtf, how old are they?

posted about 2 years ago

fixed match, cringe. u hve man advantage and still lose the round lol

posted about 2 years ago
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