Flag: United States
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 1:19 PM
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Champs 2023 and Madrid 2024

posted 8 hours ago

Oh so that means americas was best at Tokyo right?

EU is a 1 team region buddy and will not win champs like always

posted 12 hours ago

Riot knows yall suck so gave you easiest draw

posted 5 days ago


posted 6 days ago

All depends on whether they get back to form

If they play like their last two games, then yea they getting grouped

posted 1 week ago


Fut vs sen gf

posted 1 week ago

im talking about ur other posts dumbass cause uk u r one

But if that gives you joy in life go for it

posted 1 week ago

That would mean Kru are top 3 and points dont matter for top 3

posted 1 week ago

damn all the haters out today

posted 1 week ago

Wonder what goes through ur mind every day that u need to be hater

Ur team must be so shit to not have a flair

posted 1 week ago

Nah have faith

No more deadlock (Prayge), Zekken back, Johnqt cinema

SEN will do good

posted 1 week ago

Its only the EU fans who say that cause they want their horrible 1 team region to be relevant

posted 1 week ago

bruh just take ur one win every 2 years and stfu

see you in champs

posted 1 week ago

Yea but 100T actually look good again and thats not cope

This SEN i dont want to see but obv I still have faith they can regain form

posted 1 week ago

LEV should win so see yall in 2 weeks

Cope and Hope SEN can get some fucking confidence and play good for champs

posted 1 week ago

LEV win one match

posted 1 week ago

The only ones who ask to be dropped are either the bandwagon sen fans or the mentally ill ones

Yea Sacy isnt the best shooter but he has his role in the team and thus he is important

posted 1 week ago

So just cause a bunch of random vlr idiots are calling for him to be dropped, losing him right before champs is not important?

Cause team chem is totally not a thing

posted 1 week ago

“TH are frauds”

posted 1 week ago

Americas does have abyss for playoffs

posted 1 week ago

True but I still believe 😭

posted 1 week ago

And SEN won madrid while G2 was at home tf

posted 1 week ago

Can you find the argument against it?

No cause its true

Just unfortunate but SEN also not hitting shots

posted 1 week ago

Ur getting baited by the delulu sen fans

No sane one hates geng

posted 1 week ago

Better than boring every week like EU

posted 2 weeks ago

and u forgot eu had no one in playoffs for madrid

Or that u have been a 1-team region for 2 years

posted 2 weeks ago

God forbid fans cheer for the team they root for

posted 3 weeks ago

Welcome to aspas fucking you over

posted 3 weeks ago

Idc who these random bandwagon fans are

Like the other OG's we just enjoying SEN being good and hope they keep winning

posted 3 weeks ago

India just goated

Pandya great bowling
Sky mvp catch

posted 3 weeks ago


Uk that delusion will only lead to more heartbreak later. Better to accept the truth now

posted 4 weeks ago

Haha sure bud

Looking forward to your cope this champs

posted 4 weeks ago

Ah yes SEN winning and LOUD 4

G2 3 and 100T 4

That means Amer is 0

Lets forget how EU went out in groups in Madrid and no finals in champs too

Keep coping

posted 4 weeks ago

Plz look at international performance and still tell me theyre more than a 1 team region

If u still think that you are even more delusional than I thought

U should be happy theyre even 1

posted 4 weeks ago

Literally a 1 team region for the past 2 years

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

Lmao keep coping with how much 100T threw

posted 1 month ago

How did 100T think the ascent comp would be good on haven

posted 1 month ago

Oh i was saying for direct substitute raze for neon

If they were to change their comp up fully then idk

posted 1 month ago


EG doesnt stand a chance

posted 1 month ago

Hard to say cause the raze nade is very good against senti util

posted 1 month ago

crashies needs to figure it out or else he needs to get dropped

posted 1 month ago

must win next 3 to even have a chance if i had to guess

posted 1 month ago

U make me want to hate nrg so much

posted 1 month ago

R u serious?

Did u see where he ulted

Why would he take spike there

posted 1 month ago

won both pistols

12 hours a day no breaks

posted 1 month ago

Wonder what excuse he will come up with

posted 1 month ago

Doesnt matter. His cypher util has been great

posted 1 month ago
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