Flag: Indonesia
Registered: April 23, 2021
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 5:03 AM
Posts: 104
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Was anyone offended by it? In my eyes the whole time it was just bad because of how distasteful of a joke it was coming from an ORGANISATION. like if the players tweeted that then who cares but this is literally the org that got rid of their CEO because he was friends with a controversial personality

posted 1 month ago

Yea but it's just so overblown for so long it genuinely just looks pathetic when you see a diehard Sen hater.

posted 1 month ago

You have no idea what cope means do you? ☠️

posted 1 month ago

That is such a lame system ☠️

posted 1 month ago

Bren be waffling about some BO1 that's gonna be played if G2 and Sen have equal round diff but am I just stupid or is round win/loss not taken into account too as the final tie breaker?
Sen have a 1.15 w:l
G2 have 1.05 w:l
Doesnt that mean Sen go through on tie breaker if round diff is equal?

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

PRX aren't an outlier though. They've suited a style to not need an igl. They play fast, aggressive, and with insane chemistry. They technically have an igl in davai and forsaken who have proven to be really smart players and davai has been the second caller for Prx since benkai.
Either way though as far as they make it in tournaments you can see that a LOT of games they lose are due to not being able to adapt since they don't have a top IGL. Sometimes they look lost and don't know what to change up and that's why a good igl especially in the current level of valorant is such a necessity

posted 1 month ago

Tf are you on about crashies in hard carrying victors stocks. There's a reason crashies got a ton of offers but didn't want to leave victor and it wasn't the other way around

posted 1 month ago

They have no igl, they could have all 5 of the best players in history and without an igl they wouldn't qualify for a single thing

posted 1 month ago

Built to win majors, playing to not get 13-0ed

posted 1 month ago

Are they still the number 1 Americas team? 🤣

posted 1 month ago

Whos one of the worst teams?

posted 2 months ago

Individual performance
Taking map control on both defense and offense
Adaptation to opponents
Anti strats seem non existent
Set plays are predictable and poorly executed

posted 2 months ago

Ngl this list is pretty accurate as to who was carried to a win but I do agree that everyone on this list (apart from maybe kiles) deserves their win

posted 2 months ago

Tf are you on about. Valorant isn't about politics. If fpx were from any other country and they made it they would've won, that's the fucking point.
No one gives a shit what the reason they couldn't make it was cause the reality is THEY DIDNT MAKE IT ☠️
Dumbasses left and right on vlr istg

posted 2 months ago

Bro didn't watch the DFM match where T1 got fuckin dismantled ☠️

posted 2 months ago

This guy allows the roles to work on bleed but this team doesn't have nearly enough firepower to warrant a fill pick. Get a properly good player regardless of role, sentinel as all the pros agree is the easiest role to learn (also proven by GenG).
This guy is just not good enough for a team that aspires to qualify for any tourney

posted 2 months ago

Well I mean if he eats healthy and has any decent amount of exercise that's more than enough. Losing weight likely wouldn't change that.
It's about how fresh your brain is from engaging it in analytical activity, about how often the body is given a chance to move and increased blood flow, what the diet looks like and if it allows for the appropriate amount of energy, and probably the most important is high quality 8 hours of sleep

posted 2 months ago

The players are fine but he needs some proper supporting staff. Mikes has literally done NOTHING other than playing with a mid NV in the entire history of his coaching career in valorant. Get some real analyst's or psychologists or smth man

posted 2 months ago

Yea I mean I feel like its been so obvious for years that FNS is the reason the team was so good and not Chet. Every timeout Chet would mumble two words and fns would be calling strats and adaptations. He himself even said he didn't need Chet to tell him what he was doing wrong cause he already knows and can already adapt by himself.
Chet is decent at anti and finding out what set plays to make right after a lost round but other than that he ain't the goat his placements make him seem like he is or else his 4 teams before NV would've been at the very least DECENT.

posted 2 months ago

What place did NRG get in Madrid?

posted 2 months ago

Typical American not knowing what any flag other than the Canadian us and mexican flags look like ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

posted 2 months ago

I mean I don't disagree they look good I just feel like this isn't anywhere near "superteam" levels of play (as I expected they wouldn't be able to reach). The level of calling is just so basic out of Ethan and I doubt we'll see anything crazy anytime soon out of him.
It isn't about nrg not having to show much, thats the same type of bs copium that NRG glazers used for kickoff and it was shown that they actually just had no strats to play.
The reads and rotates are decent tho, much better than kickoffs

posted 2 months ago

Lmao GenG and Prx would mop this NRG, these guys got some G2 type protocols and strats

posted 2 months ago

Lmao sure my guy I'd like to see them make an international first 😂

posted 2 months ago

Low-key I was expecting more from NRG but they're kinda just out fragging Loud rn and even towards the end of breeze.
I love the fact that they're experimenting with roles and stuff but loud here on sunset look ATTROCIOUS and NRG are making obvious over extensions and are just walking into spaces but aren't getting punished at all.
Tbf tho after seeing what Lev looked like it's seeming like NRG are 3rd or 2nd currently depending on how 100T are gonna look tomorrow.

posted 2 months ago

Theyve been on 1 round for the past how many scrims now? They could be testing whatever protocol but that literally means that the success rate of that protocol is once a match

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

It's not throws tho it's absolute heroics from both teams, that's like saying FNC Loud was filled with throws when it was neck and neck with the most ridiculous clutch rounds

posted 2 months ago

Where are the life rounds cause I don't see them

posted 2 months ago

Anyone, he's the goat

posted 2 months ago

It's over now, it's all but guaranteed that GenG win the match.
Even if Sen gets split they AINT getting icebox against arguably the best icebox team currently. Honestly impressive they got this far and played this close with the maps that were chosen, props to GenG they look impeccable, honestly near the level of EG during champs, these guys have all the maps on lock and have the crazy team play and synergy.

posted 2 months ago

Just play safe you have spike has to be the most iron take in the entire universe

posted 2 months ago

GenG, on their good maps, honestly look level with the play we saw from EG and FNC

posted 2 months ago

Genuinely claiming Parkinsons is the most crazy shit

posted 2 months ago

Why is that insanity? The better team will win regardless of the maps that's what it takes to be a world champion. That's why lower bracket runs are so looked up upon, because they're genuinely hard and impressive and when someone accomplishes it it should be celebrated.
That's how it goes in sports man. The one thing I don't like is the 1 day turnover which gives the upper bracket team a rest day where the lower bracket team just played the prior day. Sometimes its a double edged sword but typically it forces the lower bracket team to go through a grueling schedule and disadvantage to win the tournament.
It is what it is tho, Sen still gonna win cause they're the better team

posted 2 months ago

Main substitutes dont actually ever play, they are there as a fulfilment of contract; of course if anything happens to b0i then the substitute will play, unless that happens though, he doesn't play.

posted about 2 years ago

Its actually sad how bad Tenz played on Split, they either switch him out with Sinatraa on split or they have him play reyna on split. One or the other

posted about 2 years ago

bruh nuturn legit isnt good, they managed a stroke of good luck and qualified for masters iceland. They didnt perform well there and they wont perform well in last chance since korea has serious competition

posted about 2 years ago

They didnt ban it because it was their best map or because they had a hidden strat, it was because Paper Rex plays Ascent and they dont want Paper Rex to be able to play the maps that they want to. VS is good on most maps but their best maps have to be Haven and Bind

posted about 2 years ago

bro its so clear that Brazil is by far the worst out of everyone in the international tourneys, even x10 beat them in the previous internationals. This time we saw that Paper Rex was able to go toe to toe with VS and even destroy them on some rounds. In my opinion if the players in SEA gain a little more confidence about their skill they'd be some of the top teams in the international stage. Now Paper Rex as the only team coming from SEA are going to be showing off their skill against SMB and I really do hope that Paper Rex dont get flustered cause I think even if they do lose, it will be one hell of a fun match to watch

posted about 2 years ago

well yea but who tf cares, i dont understand the need to belittle these people. Like you legit have no background of who tf i am yet ppl judge me cause i support sentinels?!?!?!? like tf, how shallow is that. Legit i couldnt care less if there are Tenz cocksuckers, just let them do their own thing man they dont affect anyone in anyway esp when you just ignore them.

posted about 2 years ago

Coming from a TSM fan lol ok man

posted about 2 years ago

Yea I agree, I think he will prep a ton though. The dude really puts in his homework for the team

posted about 2 years ago

must be nice to be you... all the matches for me are midnight until 4 am

posted about 2 years ago

...ok and? It doesnt change the fact that they looked like headless chickens in their matches

posted about 2 years ago

And what about ppl like me that supported them from back when Tenz was still on Cloud9 comp roster? We get caught as well. And I dont get it, what the fuck is wrong if they want to support Sentinels cause they won. Maybe if other teams didnt suck so bad there would actually be a selection of teams with equal possibilities to win but no all the other teams are just utter garbage, and the second best in NA (100t) can barely even stand on equal ground with SEN let alone beat them.
Until there are more choices of teams to choose from with a similar skill level, there will naturally be a ton of SEN fans. Liking an underdog team doesnt make you cool and liking a strong team doesnt make you a loser. You can support whoever tf you want but ppl gravitate to good teams cause get this, THEYRE ENTERTAINING TO WATCH

posted about 2 years ago

I think maybe GMB might win, cause the thing is we really havent seen their full potential on LAN yet. I'd say though that Sen will definitely come up with something to hinder GMBs game plan. Overall I think its going to be close but either way I'd say these are the top 2 teams in the world as of right now and its gonna be hype asf whoever wins that match. Hopefully in the Grand Finals as well

posted about 2 years ago

Bro i feel that man. I used to use hold on the marshall and im pretty cracked with it, i always go for it on save rounds no matter what agent and now i have an overall hs on that gun of 60+%. But when its someone like me talking abt how i love hold compared to toggle no one will listen. So now its been like 4 acts i think and tenz and shroud talk about it and everyone uses it.

posted about 2 years ago
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