Flag: Japan
Registered: July 7, 2022
Last post: June 15, 2024 at 7:36 AM
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Navi 1-2 Giants
BBL 2-1 KC
Nukkye and QutionerX go wild

posted about a year ago

Icebox is one of the worst and most boring maps in esports, imagine having a map where the whole mid area is just useless.
When was the last time you've seen a team do a successful mid split or mid push on icebox? Can't remember it on tier 1.
Even the a and b site are just retake simulator, just push site, drone and the defenders can't hold it unless they're stacking 4 people there, so they have to leave and try to stop the plant with util then play retake.
After breeze was gone, icebox is clearly the worst map and should go soon.

posted about a year ago

Highly doubt smoggy is the better player, he's the better initiator

posted about a year ago

Could be a role problem, but that was never their issue they were still good with double duelists, they just had some stuff to fix and that wasn't roles.

posted about a year ago

The main event is live on twitch/youtube/trovo, the qualifiers are on bilibili only, check out the streams part on the matches or just go to this

posted about a year ago

EDG had 2 of the top 5 duelists in China and they let him go? Maybe he chose to leave? Anyone has an idea what happened?

posted about a year ago

He had a judge, he shot 3 warning shots while he was flashed.
Surely they know a judge has 7 bullets no? Maybe just throw a kayo nade and plant or use neon stun and flash again, not just swing after the flash is gone.
It was just a bad decision from Jamppi and soulcas I think, but I'm still hopeful since vitality are one of the favorites for top 4.

posted about a year ago

I've lost sleep yesterday over that twisten judge round.
Liquid were dominating until they decided to push tree (why?), It was 4v4 and his location was known.
Then in the next round they got the first kill again and still soulcas and sayf died to bonecold.
Last round they get the first blood as always, and lose a 4v5 postplant.
They played well (let's not talk about haven ct side), the ideas were there, the execution was there, the first blood was there, a little whiffy and unlucky maybe?
Still very hopeful for this team and believe they will qualify to tokyo as 3rd/4th.

posted about a year ago

daddy Sayf carry me to victory pls

posted about a year ago

HOLY, he really said that

posted about a year ago

I trust redgar's calling

posted about a year ago

Hope their lotus is good

posted about a year ago

he didn't, liquid defense was bad not him

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

After map 1 they said he is bad and why is he playing duelist

posted about a year ago

he is an insane player, the only thing I didn't like is the way he talked about redgar

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you were saying?

posted about a year ago

Sayf doubters why so quiet?

posted about a year ago

sayf doubters, where you at?

posted about a year ago

that's not true, he said he's ready to go to other regions and even coach tier 2

posted about a year ago

both actually

posted about a year ago

Biggest crowd we've seen so far, please don't disappoint them.
Bring it back Redgar, I trust your execs

posted about a year ago

I hope they saw how bad heretics are now

posted about a year ago

Finally the best duelist oper on the team playing his role.

posted about a year ago

I said they could, i don't think they will.
And yes they lost to the guard and xset even though they were the better team.

posted about a year ago

Hot sh*t take you mean? As an NA hater, there's no way NRG don't make it, they could even be 1st seed they're so good, and will probably finish top 4 at tokyo too, the only team I have respect for in NA.

posted about a year ago

This fraud has been overrated so much because of a few good rounds, he's been absolutely garbage since his g2 times, when he got benched they got better, then he went to heretics and still got destroyed oagainst t2, t3 teams.
No idea what heretics are thinking keeping him as their duelist after getting franchised, I'd take mixwell's Jett over him, not that mixwell's jett is good either.

posted about a year ago

Pure and simple duelist diff, qw1 and keloqz playing different games at this point

posted about a year ago

Yeah, they're playing bad but qw1 hitting every shot doesn't help either

posted about a year ago

Just ff heretics
keloqz is not a tier 1 duelist, always pops off for a few rounds then disappears, you can't do well against the best teams in the world with such a duelist

posted about a year ago

it's over for you old man

posted about a year ago

M80 or the guard could replace heretics, fut, dfm, GE, C9, EG..

posted about a year ago

If they play attack 5v1 on nAts site, they lose 0-12.

posted about a year ago

He's not doing this for money, he's spending 300k $ on this team, you think he will earn more than that from a GC team?

posted about a year ago

What's my blud waffling about

posted about a year ago

I'm not too hopeful my g, the only thing I'm sure about is that nAts will pop off.

posted about a year ago

Maybe he contradicted himself a little by saying first everyone is taking this seriously, then saying this is just for content and memes, but he shouldn't have to explain anyway.
It'ss his org and his money, he can put whoever he wants in the roster.

posted about a year ago

NA - talent.
They have infinite number of good players in NA, even some tier 2 players could arguably be on tier 1 in other regions.

posted about a year ago

Vitality looked way better a month ago, no idea what happened during that month.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

LMAO get owned kid, fraudetsu so bad

posted about a year ago

go sleep lil bro, you and your fraudetsu got owned

posted about a year ago

the clowns who started responding after few good rounds from fraudetsu, sheydos wins all day everyday

posted about a year ago

who's crying now? i bet it's you and fraudetsu

posted about a year ago

Omen mains wet dream

posted about a year ago

Who hurt you lil bro? what did you have for breakeast?

posted about a year ago

not really, if you just replace the omen with a duelist it would be fine

posted about a year ago

their attack is bad, not much value from cned on omen

posted about a year ago
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