Country: France
Registered: November 3, 2022
Last post: November 4, 2022 at 12:02 AM
Posts: 6

You're right about this. Just wanted to hear about some other people experiences though. But yeah, ricky indian, baby sasuke netero and trembolona will not be helpful in any way.

posted about a year ago

I'll admit that I grind a bit so I guess I am more likely to encounter cheaters. As well I play mid level games (Plat-Diamond) which is again where you are the most likely to encounter cheaters (I have pretty extensive experience on other FPS and that's the pattern).
In any case I'll try to start recording games I guess, but the only reason I was playing Valo instead of other FPS games was the lack of cheaters. I guess it is over..

posted about a year ago

Again. It's not about stats. People here seem really oblivious about cheats and cheaters..

posted about a year ago

That's useless. Even though I played a Raze dropping 48 kills while obviously wallhacking (in between other things) I just played against a Killjoy who had "no flash" on, and literally made my Skye ultimate(s) VANISH while only dropping 28 kills. the only useful thing would be to drop a demo (which we don't have) or clip my game (which I don't do).I should start clipping games..

In any case I have encountered numerous people with different testimonies about how bad it's been for them and just witnessed it myself these last few days...

Very surprised this is not making any noise on the forum.

PS: I am removing the issue with the ultimate as I am not 100% sure about the timing of the death of enemies targeted by the ult. It seemed to me they were still alive when it popped off but again not 100% sure as my teammate were actively engaging the enemies at the same time. And as well it seems just too much that any cheat could do that.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Why is there absolutely zero threads about the invasion of cheaters we are having since a few days?

posted about a year ago