Flag: United States
Registered: February 5, 2024
Last post: May 17, 2024 at 2:31 PM
Posts: 119
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downvoted and reported :)

posted 2 months ago

skill issue perhaps

posted 2 months ago

clove or reyna

clove too many idiots lock after release thinking they know how to play smokes and throw my RR

reyna just annoying agent doesn’t contribute anything to game

posted 2 months ago

-qck and +kon4n is not a top 10 miss. i would switch -ardiis +cned for navi last year.

posted 2 months ago

agent 007 sent him to retirement

posted 2 months ago

I was rewatching the heretics match on breeze where they had solo yoru as duelist and were able to get more value than a jett would (in my opinion). was a few factors i saw, so maybe other teams should consider trying it out on breeze and copying them and innovating.
1 insane value from ultimate at all times.
2 teleport creates more separation than dash and the teleport lasts far longer and at times can be used like a old chamber teleport.
3 flashes help self enable and offers more in team fights than a smoke or updraft.
4 incredible at selling fakes with supportive utility.

posted 2 months ago

average vlr user back at it again with incel shit

posted 2 months ago

not really a hot take, none of the NA or european teams are in form at all so i wouldn’t be surprised if FUT, KRU, PRX or DRX won it all.

posted 2 months ago

keznit doesnt have to bro, shyy and klaus can shoot back, C9 cannot like 90% of the time. if oxy doesnt get 30 then they lose.

posted 2 months ago

he also is on the worst team in the world besides maybe bleed, DFM or koi

posted 2 months ago

we need our goat yayster back in NA to beat all these idiots in AssPAC and prove the haters wrong

posted 2 months ago

what team has some of the best omen tech on bind? trying to cook something up

list so far
-Heretics 2024
-Fire Flux (VCL) 2024

posted 3 months ago

don’t really think LEV threw aspas a crazy bag, probably a pretty big contract but it sounded like he just wanted to leave loud.

posted 3 months ago

bait used to be believable

posted 3 months ago

the igls are pretty much always the worst performer so u can’t really read in much

posted 3 months ago

guess not LOL

posted 3 months ago

they did normal anti and sen looked like they were running into a brick wall on defense, they kept trying to go for aggression and kept fucking up their setups because they didn’t practice enough.

posted 3 months ago

i mean for split 2 but i get what u mean, massive disadvantage for latam and br

posted 3 months ago

what do we think about making mid-season roster changes?

posted 3 months ago

blade6666 moment

posted 3 months ago

“cant wait to beat your shit region again”

posted 3 months ago

Anq is the goat tbf

posted 3 months ago

who would you think could be good pickups for a possble 5 Pakistani team?

posted 3 months ago

major yap sesh

posted 3 months ago

If you recruit anybody to Global Esports to make a team of 3 or more Indian players that could compete in APAC VCT or on even a global stage, who would you pickup? Counting Russ as Indian (based on twitter post by Seulgi).

I said "Pick up the best possible mechanical players on the market, whoever GE considers that to be. teach them roles later, they just need to be able to shoot back at the same level as the rest of APAC if not better. Also the biggest difference would be to just get a better coaches. The ideal pickups in my opinion would be Harshh (very mechanical), Karam1L (instant sentinel jail), and if you wanted to pick up another cracked Indian player (complete Indian squad), I would pick up Deathmaker. This would leave you with a full lineup of Lightningfast, (viper jail), Harshh (smokes), Russ (Initator/IGL), Deathmaker (main duelist), Karam1L (Sentinel). Keep in mind all of these guys are nuts aimers who can probably switch roles in the future if they don't work out. The most important thing for GE would be coaching. They need people who can figure out how to teach these cracked aimers the minute game knowledge for them to compete in VCT. Not really sure who would want to take them thought to be honest."

Let me know your thoughts

posted 3 months ago

PRX prob

posted 3 months ago

you guys go outside?

posted 3 months ago

asuna haters having a great time so far this season

posted 4 months ago

worst team in franchising? better than all of china, half of apac, half of americas and half of emea. not even close to worst.

posted 4 months ago

wrong chat, mods tickle his feet.

posted 4 months ago

idk how much film they have in scrims but it could be close if either team has a bad ban. if its pretty neutral i would take OXG 2-0 or 2-1

posted 4 months ago

maybe not all of them use kovaaks but they for sure have a routine of lots of dms and range at least, but even when they are on stage a lot of them are using aimlabs or kovaaks.

posted 4 months ago

source? i am friends with many tier 2 players and they all aimtrain, what makes you think that tier 1 dont?

posted 4 months ago

delusional if you think pros dont aimtrain

posted 4 months ago

cook those loud frauds

posted 4 months ago

people all knew this would happen if LEV couldn’t perform to the expectations no matter how high.

posted 4 months ago

not true at all bro demon1 has a fuck ton, i followed him in UT4 and he for sure grinded kovaaks for micro adjustments at LEAST, if you go back and look at his aim it was insane, dude never missed.

posted 4 months ago

i enjoy shit talking brazil but i would be incredibly surprised if saadhak can’t come back from this with a perfected strat like harbor viper in 2022-23

posted 4 months ago

GenG have been in the kitchen, thank god they switched from solo skye.

posted 4 months ago

could be a good ass game but calling 2-1 loud

posted 4 months ago

praying for SaD and YFP to make it

posted 4 months ago

no way dude 😭 literally no team wouldn’t play viper and the other wall smoker, viper by herself is way too strong and needs a nerf.

posted 4 months ago

why are we talking about rookies with probably years left to go before they get a chance at VCT like this?

posted 4 months ago

dude was by far the best player in madlions, anybody who watched could tell you that he could make T1. madlions was just the worst challengers team with a bad system so hard to show potential inside of.

posted 4 months ago

ur best players are getting cleared by a 18 year old with no manners and your goat is a 1.1 rating bum

posted 4 months ago

russia flag but true and based

posted 4 months ago
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