Country: Argentina
Registered: April 15, 2022
Last post: March 19, 2024 at 12:10 PM
Posts: 16


  • shelbyN
  • Siduzord
  • nicksz
  • Palla
  • BLD


posted 1 month ago

Stellae 2x0, shelbyN mata +70 bonecos #ShelBala #IBelieveInShelbyN #StellaeSupremacy #ShelbyN

ShelbyN he is the light

"ShelbyN tem demonstrado uma habilidade mecânica excepcional em cada partida. Seus movimentos precisos e rápidos concedem-lhe uma vantagem inegável sobre seus oponentes, tornando-o uma força imparável no campo de jogo." - Sun Tzu

posted 1 month ago

Stellae 2x0, shelbyN mata +70 bonecos #ShelBala #IBelieveInShelbyN #StellaeSupremacy #ShelbyN

ShelbyN he is the light

"ShelbyN tem demonstrado uma habilidade mecânica excepcional em cada partida. Seus movimentos precisos e rápidos concedem-lhe uma vantagem inegável sobre seus oponentes, tornando-o uma força imparável no campo de jogo." - Sun Tzu

posted 1 month ago

el mongolo ese le tira mrd hasta la escena de su país, o es un resentido o un latino se quedó con su polola xD

posted about a year ago

i would help but i cant read numbers

posted about a year ago

MatiS Supremacy MatiS SupremacyMatiS Supremacy MatiS Supremacy MatiS Supremacy

posted about a year ago

the reveal just sucks, its so easy to break, and no lineup would help

posted about a year ago

Trust me, even if the lineup its 10 meters high, its so obvious where is going to fall, maybe you can get 1 cheeky lineup in a round, but after 2 times the enemy will know

posted about a year ago

nope, i just bumped with my own account

posted about a year ago

I feel like the Fade recon, E, its so trash, like it takes 1 classic bullet to break, its so big, and even plat players can 1 shot the E before it recons, let alone PRO play, like it only recons 1 every 10 E, and that if the enemy dont shot it but because they dont want to, they should add a bigger window of unbreakable frames before its pop so it would be harder just to 1 tap it before it blooms

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago