Country: Canada
Registered: September 1, 2021
Last post: July 20, 2022 at 1:49 PM
Posts: 148
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Acend started off the map 7-0 and they won 13-10 I don't know if that's "smacking them in the rematch"

posted about a year ago

edit: makes sense I was so confused what you were talking about

posted about a year ago

Bro did you watch the rematch....

posted about a year ago

Yes, exactly the whole roster is at fault, which is why we are complaining because shahz is part of the roster. And do you really think that if Shahzam said "Hey guys I think we should practice more" the rest of the team would say no? He's the veteran presence in the team and the IGL, as the leader he should hold the most blame. Since Sentinels don't have a coach, he's most likely the one who sets the practice times and schedule bro.

posted about a year ago

It was a 3-2 win in the final and Acend got kind of lucky in the tournament with that win against Vivo Keyd because the last map had to be replayed after VK won.

posted about a year ago

If you're looking at the whole year, Gambit had the better year and its not close

posted about a year ago

Nah I think most people just think that he doesn't prac enough which is why he streams so much

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It's easy for us to say that we would drop them because I think everybody at this point would drop this Sentinels roster because it doesn't seem like they have the dedication. But I get it from an orgs perspective, Sentinels have put so much money into this roster and the players they have on it are such big names in the scene that even if they are losing they are more likely to make a profit off keeping these players and losing, rather than dropping the roster and picking up a new one that can actually win.

posted about a year ago

People do need to stop hating on him, but losing him in the competitive scene isn't a big loss. He's setting a bad precedent for new players because he puts so much effort into his streaming career(which I'm not hating on I respect the hustle), but he puts a lot less effort into his actual pro career and tries to justify it by saying "money talks". Although streaming is what may make him more money, pro play is what brought him that streaming career, and if he isn't gonna put most of his focus into pro play, he should just become a full-time cc. Because it's unfair to the fans and his peers who are putting their best effort into their pro careers when it's obvious he is not giving his best. I like that he streams a lot because it shows that he does put hours into the game outside of practice but it just seems like he is putting too much time into streaming and not enough into practicing.

posted about a year ago

Not in order

posted about a year ago

Nice one bro, really got me rofl(I'm not actually rolling on the floor laughing it's a figure of speech)

posted about a year ago

Roles fit a lot better in this case imo

posted about a year ago

Old Fazes problem was their play style they tried to play pro games like a pug which worked for a little bit because teams weren’t used to it. But after a while it just became too predictable and easy to counter. They had the players to win they just didn’t have strats that could consistently work at the high level

posted about a year ago

Although the teams may not have much synergy I think it would be a lot more interesting for fans to root for their countries and also see players not play with the same people. It’s kind’ve like how the NBA and NFL has the all star weekend and Pro Bowl, even though the players don’t play with each other normally it’s a chance for people to watch the best players play together on a team, which is the same effect an actual Valorant World Cup would give.

posted about a year ago

Too late to drop anyone now. If they don’t make it past open quals this week then they will have like 4 months to think about a change. I feel like SEN shouldn’t have dropped zombs, they should’ve dropped dapr and looked for a Sova flex(sinatraa was actually perfect for this lol) to keep up with the current meta.

posted about a year ago

You can’t put Cryo as the best player of the region if we’ve never even seen him play at the international stage. Right now it’s definitely yay for NA

posted about a year ago

Do you guys think he’s gonna play in the second open qualifiers? And if so what team do you think would pick him up? I saw that he tweeted out he’s gonna focus on suing the guy who stole his crypto money so idk if he’s actually gonna compete in the next open quals, and it’s also kinda hard to fill in for a team on such short notice.

posted about 2 years ago

Just offering my opinion on why have problems bro, just like everyone on the site

posted about 2 years ago

Nah I think Shahzam is a good player it’s just he doesn’t like his current role. And I don’t think Sick is that good as a controller he’s just a great player. He’s mainly using his abilities for himself which is why his stats are so good, it reminds me how Nitr0 would play on 100T, but Sick isn’t really using his abilities for his team

posted about 2 years ago

Tenz is a fantastic player, but the fb thing happens mainly because he is their only duelist so he will usually be the person who takes fights at the beginning of rounds, especially since the way SEN is built they try to support Tenz in his opening engagements. SENs problem is that because of this they are putting too much focus into the “Tenz go kill” whereas if the roles change Shahzam and Sick could become more helpful in actually entering the site, because right now it’s just Tenz trying to rush in alone to create space and dying. You get what I mean?

posted about 2 years ago

If he never practices the agents he’s gonna play in pro games he’s obviously gonna struggle. Because SEN doesn’t really scrim so he’s barely getting any prac on the agents he’s using in pro games. That’s also why I said he should play Jett because it seems like he doesn’t enjoy playing that initiator flex role.

posted about 2 years ago

The roles that SEN has don’t really make sense, I feel like they shouldn’t have moved Sick off of flex, they should’ve either kept zombs or picked up another smokes player. Tenz should be playing chamber because he’s even said himself he doesn’t like being the entry, and his raze is definitely subpar compared to other tier 1/2 players. Shahz should’ve just became the primary Jett on maps because I feel like his Jett is actually a lot better for a team like SEN than Tenz and they should have had Sick be raze on the maps that they need a raze because he has shown that he can be the sort of solo entry on raze that tenz doesn’t really seem to be good at. SENs comps right now are way out of meta, and they are running into the same challenges they faced last year before masters 1 when the astra meta was introduced and they didn’t adjust to it and bombed out the opens.

posted about 2 years ago

Wardell stills pulls around the same numbers, it’s just that he streams a lot less compared to when he used to. Shahz on the other hand is experiencing a loss in viewers, probably because the viewers that left only supported him because he was winning

posted about 2 years ago

I mean the teams that qualify through opens may not be at the top 4’s level yet, but the way the group stage is they will have like 7 weeks before playoffs to get to that level. Depending on how the teams that qualify practice, they could improve rapidly over the course of the group stage.

posted about 2 years ago

He usually does well in the opens, it’s the closed groups where his performance goes down

posted about 2 years ago

This is better and what I was hoping for lmao

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly if both SEN and TSM win their first match today, I hope that SEN loses to TSM. For the past 6-8 months it seems like SEN has really let their foot off the gas pedal and lacks the motivation to compete at a high level. I feel like losing to TSM in a deciding match would be enough to spark a change for them. SEN has one of the most skilled rosters in NA but it just seems like they don’t have the drive to win that they used to have. I’m a fan of both SEN and TSM and want them both to succeed, but for SENs sake I hope they lose, because if they win vs TSM I see them bombing out in the closed playoffs again. Let me know your thoughts please!

posted about 2 years ago

Was looking through my old posts and found this gem

posted about 2 years ago

I actually like this idea. NRG do need a good oper. S0m is good but he’s a little inconsistent on the op and seems like a better rifler. He could play Jett/raze and just let Wardell play chamber. I think Tex is a good player but as you pointed out he’s been inconsistent and kind of seems like the one out of place in a team like NRG where they seem like an oper away from a top team with the addition of Ethan.

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly I like how V1 looks with both Wippie and Wardell they change up the structure of V1 with their different styles. With Wardell they look like they have a stronger attack, with Wardell now being their primary op, allowing Penny to just rifle which I like. But with Wippie he plays a lot more defensive sentinels like killjoy which can bolster than defense. Either way I think V1 has a strong roster just because their core is cracked.

posted about 2 years ago

Nah it’s just people will probably see V1 dominate the open quals with Wardell, and might see them struggle in groups with Wippie, not understanding how hard groups are, or how much Wippie brings to the table because he’s insane

posted about 2 years ago

People just hate to hate, whether if he was still in TSM or even now that’s he’s a stand in, they’ll hate no matter what

posted about 2 years ago

Same people calling Wardell bad and how V1 is saved now, gonna be the same people asking for Wardell back if V1 do bad when Wippie comes back for groups.

posted about 2 years ago

It might be Optic, not sure tho

posted about 2 years ago

These two are probably the best controller players in the tourney and this match will decide who is the best. Right now I'd give the advantage to MaKo just because his performance has been unbelievable, but I also think he has been facing weaker teams compared to Marved. Who do you guys think between the two will have a better performance in the match, and also which team do you guys think will win? I think Mako will put up better numbers, but Optic will win.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

This ratio is good tho

posted about 2 years ago

Thank god TSM dropped that Leviathan guy and picked up Aleko.

posted about 2 years ago

I agree, but the thing is by the time they get a team together to move down to Austin I feel like it’ll already be time for the VCT event, so idk how many events they are really gonna be competing in between now and then.

posted about 2 years ago

-Keep Wardell, Corey, Subroza
-Although Wardell gets memed hard he is still a top operator in NA and in the past two open qualifiers he has appeared solid with the rifle
-Corey in the first qualifier seemed pretty shaky, but in the second qualifier when he was predominantly playing Raze instead of a different agent every map he appeared to be TSMs best player
-Move Subroza towards IGL and full time Astra. He’s IGLed in the past and it seems like he’s been mid rounding this tourney.
-Bring in a more experienced Sova, Sinatraa would be ideal but that won’t happen for obvious reasons
-Bring in a solid viper who has been consistent against tier 1 teams but could most likely be bought out by TSM because their team isn’t gonna qual, like skuba(edit: I didn’t know that PK qualified, but my statement still remains true, there are a lot of solid vipers who didn’t qualify, but were impressive)
Let me know what you guys think. Obviously what I said is very objective and could be better but I’d still like to hear your takes.

posted about 2 years ago

TSM Rossy is a tactical genius. He is best known for his signature tactic “Subroza go tweet”. He also has another known tactic called “Aleko please tweet about the ping diff”. What absolute legend, top 3 IGL for sure

posted about 2 years ago

That's it. That seals the deal. I am no longer a T1 fan. This team is a pure and utter embarrassment. I officially will not be renewing my Tier 3 steel Twitch sub nor my Tier 3 Jamalballs45 sub. I'm going to TSM where they know how to run a team

posted about 2 years ago

Ye probably, I'm just saying I feel like these pickups would be the best possible options for TSM, even though they are unlikely

posted about 2 years ago

Seeing that Bang got benched and Leviathan's signing hasn't been confirmed yet. If an NA Team manages to win Berlin and TSM is able to attend the LCQ, TSM should look to buy out S0m from NRG and sign an experienced Sova if they want the best chance to make it to Champions. S0m has very good chemistry with the guys from TSM and they have been lacking in the Sova department(I feel like Leviathan is not at a tier 1 level)

posted about 2 years ago
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