Country: Turkey
Registered: December 2, 2021
Last post: September 13, 2022 at 2:07 PM
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in csgo

posted about a year ago

12 teams for Masters
24 teams for Champions with play-in stage

It's like this for their other game too called legends league or something LUL

posted about a year ago

we all know M3C and Team heretics are the best EU teams

posted about a year ago

well the chance is there for FPX

posted about a year ago

EMEA officially dropping to a minor region?

posted about a year ago

yea we all know they start slow and make anime revenges on everyone in play-offs

their chance was robbed Sadge

posted about a year ago

he buys pistols for derke.

he had 500 credits left

posted about a year ago

they are play-offs monsters
If they were in group A, they could've destroyed everyone even in groups

posted about a year ago

they just become so much stronger day by day like anime protagonists

posted about a year ago

If FPX beat Xset then I agree but Zeta>>>FPX for now

posted about a year ago

LEV's last two series were disaster. Group A was just too easy
ZETA>>>>>>LEV imo

posted about a year ago

they get stronger as tournament goes on but got grouped with 2 strongest teams atm

posted about a year ago

if they were in other groups, they could make top 3 again

but Optic and Loud

they were just unlucky :(

they are definitely better than TL,FNC,LEV,and even FPX

posted about a year ago

The thing is they DO run OPs but ironically, it has been their biggest weakness since forever

posted about a year ago

not saying he's bad

he's an awesome entry+rifler but can't OP

posted about a year ago

get a proper OPer

you guys will win something then

Everytime they buy an OP, they lose the round with 0 OP kill

posted about a year ago

the only team that can open Fracture is FPX

bye bye FNC

posted about a year ago

3-0 to 0-3

what the fuck..?

posted about a year ago

Nivera did well last champions then went invisible for the whole year

posted about a year ago

they thought Group A was the toughest and it turned out

they couldn't even get out of by far the weakest group LUL

EDG fans were like " EDG could get out of any other group, just a tough group"


posted about a year ago

They change their comp so often and still play very consistent

posted about a year ago

even LULquid got out of that group..

posted about a year ago

common trembolona W

posted about a year ago


sometimes, first half ends after a phone call

posted about a year ago

winning only 13 rounds feels too short

It's easy to snowball in this game too

I think valorant esports (not ranked) needs more rounds per map

not as much as csgo but maybe 16 winning rounds?

posted about a year ago

4 shit teams = not a group of death

posted about a year ago

why it always has to be against LATAM

posted about a year ago

Group A teams are all going to the airport today

Calling group A "the group of death" was the funniest joke of this VCT

posted about a year ago

always pops off vs LATAM teams

Ange1 topfragged vs KRU too

posted about a year ago

the players and their coaches know more than you

posted about a year ago

FPX getting destroyed on Haven during scrims that's why

posted about a year ago

FPX destroyed many teams on Breeze during scrims that's why

posted about a year ago

All the Asian teams except for DRX

posted about a year ago


I don't see PRX even on the lowers so...

posted about a year ago

no way FPX lose to LEV

LEV and KRU are similar in skill level and FPX destroyed KRU twice

FNC and TL both look meh but one of them survives just for now

posted about a year ago

no worries
esports nerds are just soft and whiny as always

posted about a year ago

I heard nothing
maybe a few kids did
who cares

posted about a year ago

why don't they hold on LAN? still afraid of covid huh?

posted about a year ago

Are they really worse than these Foolnatic and LULquid now?

EMEA in shambles

posted about a year ago

cuz it's muted or volumed down?
Same in League of legends

posted about a year ago

what is soccer?

posted about a year ago

coming from a football fan

crowds look nice af compared to football fans

esports nerds are so soft lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NA teams just don't lose on this map

posted about a year ago

TR and onliners
I've heard it somewhere

posted about a year ago

The gap is getting even bigger now

posted about a year ago

Group A (LEV and TL)

Group C (Xset and FPX)

all drop down to lowers

100T coulda easily got out of groups if they were in group A or C


posted about a year ago

I will get downvoted for saying this

but anime watchers and gaming addicts don't really get along with others at school

and most of the times, they are not "popular kids"

ok sorry but it's a sad reality

posted about a year ago

cuz csgo hasn't changed for 20 years lol

posted about a year ago

how old is yay

guy looks like 17

posted about a year ago
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