Country: Bangladesh
Registered: February 22, 2022
Last post: July 5, 2023 at 4:20 PM
Posts: 16

I think you never went to school thats why can't identify my country's Flag . Just goo to school kiddo

posted 10 months ago

EDG 2-0 Liquid
sayf is a kid in frontt of kangkang

posted 10 months ago

Yay's favourite Number 69 , sus

posted about a year ago

Who tf is shroud , He is washed and this is not ranked match .

posted about a year ago

Guard vs Faze gonna be a Huge match

posted about a year ago

They has money but can't win anything in both FPS shooter

posted about a year ago

Kryptic was horrible player , Glad he left

posted about a year ago

OG is Optic gaming and the team you are talking about is the mixer of 2 team OG + London United . So basically both are OG but the region is different

posted about a year ago

Ez for Fnatic , Fnatic 2-0 . Acend won champions just because of luck thats it .

posted about a year ago

What an Irony . Brazil Taking W meanwhile Trash Talker Zombs Talking Big L .

posted about 2 years ago

I only Respect Guard From NA Region .
Rest of them L teams .
Surf > L Diablo

posted about 2 years ago

Totally unfair . Riot is a dogwater company and the way they deal things is pethetic

posted about 2 years ago