Country: United States
Registered: July 17, 2022
Last post: April 29, 2023 at 4:08 PM
Posts: 70
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So much can be done to deny this, and one thing goes out of place, jumping off hookah is a disaster. Not even to mention NRG comp good for delay.

posted 11 months ago

not really, som harbor js too strong. Attacks looked good, site holds were js so hard cuz harbor wall, sage wall, viper wall.

posted 11 months ago

jumping out of hookah quite literally impossible and new boxes on A is crazy for height. Also phantom map.

posted 11 months ago

its just a comp diff relax lil bro

posted 11 months ago

heavy defense side map, and 100t aim look good. Kinda wraps no cappa

posted 11 months ago

make sacy igl and sub in marved. Sen top 3 team.

posted about a year ago

alfa youngest to lift val trophy no?

posted about a year ago

too late

posted about a year ago

FPX felt bad cuz they knew Xset couldn't beat KRU, so they let them qual. Also Dephh was useful for once.

posted about a year ago

its cuz dgzin is all aim no brain

posted about a year ago

dgzin has dumb peeks, but he still gets value cuz his aim is good.

posted about a year ago

obviously referring to them to what val categorizes apac. Where they consider korea, japan and china as EA.

posted about a year ago

not apac

posted about a year ago

all 3 apac teams will be grouped. Liquid owns prx.

posted about a year ago

his contract has been ripped in 2

posted about a year ago

Its cuz life is like a one trick jett trashcan.

posted about a year ago

nah 100t anti-strating fnatic hard as we speak.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Idk how ppl are js knowing this now, Xset have never been super good at fundamentals, its literally js zekken and cyro dominating in NA so they qual.

posted about a year ago

nice prediction

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

mistic is too overconfident and plays way to self centered.

posted about a year ago

They were js biding their time, THEY NEVA LEFT

posted about a year ago

William First Person Shooter is fucking them up rn.

posted about a year ago

EMEA killers have returned. GG

posted about a year ago

Common Dexter W, jinx always works.

posted about a year ago

Boaster and mates gets carried by bald man. And we saw that Alfa can't play on LAN, so its wraps for Lnatic.

posted about a year ago

fax bro threw the 5v4 retake, they literally had that round in the bag, and pushed CT. Nice

posted about a year ago

L bruh, Will would've locked in and trash talked the shit outta Derke and friends.

posted about a year ago

wait so like is Will the only one gon be on stage. Doesn't matter Will>Fnatic

posted about a year ago

Xset is too mid, Xerxia will win, but kru and fpx will beat them. Prx will lose rematch against EDG, but will win against TL. Boom is mid. APAC is doomed.

posted about a year ago

mfo mad quiet now

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

worry about beating city boys, LMAO

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

First off Sen did not force anyone to take bad duels, Im saying 100T THEMSELVES took bad duels/OVERHEAT. They had plays which were bold and not overall not good. For example after Asuna ace he got overconfident and died early forcing an ot, if he didn't do that, there wouldn't be a map 3. Second the argument of C9 and Faze is that they did played safer and less cocky as comparison to Sen match where they had full control of all maps. (They were also doing this against Sen but there ego got the best of them at many times, plus only one rly performing Derrek/Asuna). Finally, the main reason im "underrating or discrediting" Sen is they didn't play their comps to their strengths. Ran triple intitator but had nobody to follow up on site (no neon, raze). No duelist on breeze and avoided mid control. Again Sen played well but the factor that made it as close as it was 100T themselves which is also agreed upon by some pros such as FNS and Tarik. Thank you and Goodnight!

posted about a year ago

and they got dumped on

posted about a year ago

100T cuz they gon win champs

posted about a year ago

Because the coordination from 100T was poor, they overheated, took bad fights. Look im not saying Sen is bad but if you compared the coordination and teamplay from tdy's game or yesterday game it was a huge difference. They looked like a whole new team.

posted about a year ago

They forced Derrek to clutch so many rounds, they legit would've been out if Derrek wasn't peforming. The team were definitely at their worst, but Derrek and Asuna were indeed in form. Like if you watched the Faze or C9 game they were miles better when they versused Sen.

posted about a year ago

Maybe Sen 6 but no further, they had strange comps and they didn't even play into their strengths.

posted about a year ago
  1. 100T
posted about a year ago

Sen would've won, if they had good comps. Also 100t was at there lowest that day, and the fact they still won proves that sen should not be there.

posted about a year ago

everytime 100t vs Faze they could've won. First time they threw 5 ecos on map 3, and the last time they couldn't close on map 3 attack. But 100T overall is one of the teams Faze really struggles with, even with dicey or babybay active.

posted about a year ago

everyone shit talks him on vlr, so he stepping up to prove them wrong.

posted about a year ago

Will js turning up

posted about a year ago

Yeah it should've been a 2-0, they threw the round after asuna overheated from his ace. But all good.

posted about a year ago
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