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Registered: October 12, 2021
Last post: June 27, 2022 at 3:41 AM
Posts: 120
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F4Q really just went full Karasuno Haikyuu moment with the whole "experimenting in an all or nothing tourney" LMFAO

posted about 2 years ago

Not a hot take. Literally only competition will be G2 and potentially SMB if they ever decide to reawken from whatever slumber they're in atm

posted about 2 years ago

I understand your point and trust me if I was painting him as a literal rapist I would be condemning anything and everything to do with him. As it is now, I'm just saying that people need to be aware of the current facts and not say something so abbrassive as what OP said. You need to realise that whilse he's not proven guilty, he's also not proven innocent and shouldn't be treated as such. Also regardless of him being uncooperative his main point in his intial response to the accusation was providing proof that he didn't do it which he then failed to provide. His LITERAL MAIN POINT in his response was about this audio clip and how he would provide the full thing with context and then he decides not too?

posted about 2 years ago

I mean they should just have moderation in place to be honest. Like hire people to moderate the chat and give them anonymous twitch account names like "Riot Mod 1" so that they don't get hate on personal accounts.

This should deffo be done for Game Changers because the stuff you see in LCQ chat is nothing compared to the sexism and hate Game Changer streams get bombarded with.

posted about 2 years ago

Police investigation was not dropped according to the ex. She never dropped the accusations like people seem to think.

posted about 2 years ago

I think the argument is more about being at the top of Valorant. Like if top CS players switched to Val would they immediately be the top of val by default and I think that's why the discourse exists

posted about 2 years ago

I mean A) the police were involved and B) He literally posted a twitlonger stating he would hand over the full video/audio clip unedited to authorities (I'm pretty sure it was just the audio they were after but i can't remember specifically). He then obviously went on to do the opposite and got himself an extended suspension for not being helpful at all during the investgation in both attiude and in providing what he said he would.

posted about 2 years ago

gud at game

posted about 2 years ago

I think it's iconic in the sense that I doubt anyone will have that good of a debut anytime soon. I mean the talk of CS players not being able to transfer to Valorant and still be top players was a major focal point when he as announced and to immediately get an ace and dispel that is an iconic moment in Valorant history.

posted about 2 years ago

See.... that would work normally if he had actually cooperated with the investigation in any aspect. Instead he got his suspension extended because he refused to provide the full video as promised and was just generally uncooperative with Riot/the investigation.

So like yeah... it's not a good look for him and I would caution everyone from saying shit like the original comment because it sounds like a real dick thing to say to someone who may have actually been assaulted by him

posted about 2 years ago

This is my bracket and I'm already 3/3. Pretty confident about it but I think I may have underestimated Faze on LAN and overestimated Rise

posted about 2 years ago

Nah you're right my bad, Asuna bottom fragged on frist map then played Reyna for the last two and popped off. Apologies, I still have yet to watch the VoD for XSET-100T so i didn't realise. It's why my original post was so focused on the Gen.G matchup, and I was only going of player tweets for the XSET game.

XSET game for me happend at like 3am LOL so i was snoozing

posted about 2 years ago

I didn't get to watch much of the 100T XSET game but to my understanding Asuna raze diff'd Zekken on the final map and just asserted dominance. Plus you can't tell me Asuna didn't play godlike valorant in the first match against Gen.G

posted about 2 years ago

I think important things to note here for 100 Thieves are that nitr0 struggled immensley in the first map against Gen.G and only really came alive in the tail end of the second half of map 2. Asuna is just a freak of nature who can literally impose his dominance on any round with him and Ethan being real win conditions for 100 Thieves through both matches but definitely shone through when nitr0 was struggling to get warmed up.
I'll also say that 100 Thieves look relatively the same with boi in for Steel and according to an interview they have worked closely together on strats so it makes sense in retrospect that the playstyle was similar. (editing to clarify that I think boi as a player is a clear downgrade from Steel at this current point in time but he will improve mechanically overtime)

posted about 2 years ago
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