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Registered: July 8, 2020
Last post: March 1, 2022 at 7:57 PM
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I mean normally they don't even stream EU quals at all so viewership is technically going up lol

posted about 2 years ago

He was for a bit before Liquid signed them and honestly they looked much better with ardiis than they did with ScreaM so I was skeptical about the move when it first happened but obviously they made it to masters so it worked out for Liquid in the end.

posted about 2 years ago

nope and neither does he

posted about 2 years ago

So you're saying C9 should drop Leaf, poiz and xeta? And that EG should drop Aleksandar and Temperature? And that Vitality should drop everyone? Leaf is probably a top 20-25 player in NA, poiz is a young and upcoming talent and is a very good player and xeta can play many roles and play them very well. Aleksandar is a top 15 aimer in NA and Temperature is a very good support player. For Vitality I'm not sure what they need to do. It's not liek everyone on their team is bad but they just need to be better. I think they just need an upgrade over bramz cause everyone else are good players and there's probably not much better available.

posted about 3 years ago

I can't remember if there's anything better but the 1st one that comes to my mind is Sen vs TSM in the FaZe Clan Invitational Grand Finals.

posted about 3 years ago

2-1 100T. With TenZ, Sen has the most talented in NA but I think steel and 100T will have a much better gameplan against Sen than LG had. 100T is a more strategic team than LG, whereas LG relies heavily on just winning duels, so I think 100T should be better against a team with as little practice as Sen has. With that being said, TenZ has now had some more practice with the team and they are going to have better chemistry in this game then they had against LG so I think this is a 2-1 for 100T.

posted about 3 years ago

I think it should be 2 slots for BR and 1 slot for AU to include all the competitive regions.

posted about 3 years ago

The more sophisticated FaZe's scmeag is, the easier it will be to read and anti strat against and if anyone is going to come up with a gameplan to counter FaZe, it would be fns. With that being said, I'm sticking to my prediction above of a 2-1 for FaZe. I think that Envy's win condition has to be food. Babybay already said in the interview that he will target food just like how he targeted Asuna, so if Food can win those opening duels against Babybay, or if Envy can trade instantly when Food loses, I think Envy has a very good chance to win.

posted about 3 years ago

Those numbers add up to 18 and SEA doesn't deserve 2 slots. Take 1 away from SEA, 1 from CIS and give that 1 to TR and then take away 1 from EU and then you have 16 with all the competitive regions and 16 teams for a good format. I'm not saying SEA is bad or anything but there's no reason that they should deserve 2 slots over any of the other regions that only have 1.

posted about 3 years ago

This just proves that LG is one of the best teams in NA when it comes to firepower. I watched the game on and off while doing some other things but Thief and aproto combined for a -18 and LG beat IMT... Normally everyone is talking about Thief and aproto but dre, stellar and moose can pop off on any given day and carry this team to a win. Also jcStani is probably the most underrated player in NA. Stani is so damn good

posted about 3 years ago

Ummmm they also beat NRG, LG and 100T so idk what you're talking about "we've yet to see them against solid teams(aside from XSET)"

posted about 3 years ago

You think Asuna is hacking? He literally just fucking clicked his mouse. What hack do you think he had? Do you think he had a anti-flash hack or some made up shit like that because he clicked once while flashed? He didn't even flick onto anyone he just fucking clicked. People like you just have such tiny brains that you cannot comprehend that pros are really fucking good so you cry about them "hacking". Normally I would say that it isn't that big of a deal to accuse someone of hacking but then again, people take that shit seriously and will send death threats and shit if people spread lies saying that a player is hacking, just like how Leaf got death threats from MIBR fans. So at least try to think before you just throw out a claim about a player cheating

posted about 3 years ago

Well at least niesoW knows that he's so good at what he does that people think that he cannot possibly do it without cheating :) Hope everything gets better for him! Also these people make no sense. They take esports wayyyy too seriously and think that esports matter more than the players lives(like when MIBR fans sent numerous death threats to Leaf for "cheating" or when the T1 owners and staff got death threats for benching Faker in LoL)

posted about 3 years ago

When else would they play the game? These games can take a while and they need to play both series today so they later they start the 1st game, the later the 2nd one lasts and they don't want a game to be going on too late so the players can get some sleep.

posted about 3 years ago

Ok I'm not going to go on arguing since I have already done enough of that but anytime someone says something 3 times, they mean it. This is a unrelated example, and yes the 2 situations are completely different, but say a guy asks his girlfriend if she wants to go out for dinner and she says no in a baby voice. That means no correct? I get that saying it in a baby voice during sex can lead to confusion or whatever but she said it 3 times, which means no and stop. If you disagree, that's fine but I'm done arguing about this. Once again, I know the example isn't a good one but idk it can't hurt to use it.

posted about 3 years ago

TenZ played a shit ton of Reyna and was easily the best Reyna in NA(maybe challenged by Shot_Up but TenZ was better) before he took a break and he has also played Raze in the past as well and has done pretty good on raze.

posted about 3 years ago

Normally I root against FaZe in most esports but BABYBAY is my favorite player by far. I love the boys over at 100T but BABYBAY is just so entertaining to watch and watching him on Back Chat was hilarious. With that being said I think this is a 2-1 for FaZe. Envy dropped a map to GenG yesterday while FaZe just absolutely demolished XSET and FaZe has all the momentum in the world heading into this matchup.

posted about 3 years ago

They 100% have an agreement to give TenZ back right after masters or else C9 would NEVER do this

posted about 3 years ago

THIS IS NOT PERMANENT. https://twitter.com/Cloud9/status/1370100071321067522?s=20
In cs, teams loan out players who technically become pros for the other team for a certain amount of time before going back to their original team. I am 99% sure that C9 loaned all rights of TenZ to sen for Masters 1 but afterwards, they will get him back. If sen permanently signed him, they would tweet that they signed him, not that he would just join them for masters 1...
Also: https://twitter.com/daprcs/status/1370107380881559557?s=20
If this was permanent than why tf would dapr tweet that TenZ will be "subbing in for us". Please stop saying this is permanent, it is not.

posted about 3 years ago

13-10 13-8 Envy 2-0

posted about 3 years ago

I mean I would much rather see 16 teams where CIS and TR have a slot but if you already think that they have no chance to qualify against EU teams than why even bother playing against the world's best teams? They do have a chance to qualify in my eyes but apparently you think EU teams are way too good for them and if EU teams are too good for them to qualify against, then they would have no shot against the best teams in the world...

posted about 3 years ago

What I was trying to say is: If they can't even beat the best teams from 1 region, how would they beat the best teams in the world? Also there's no way to tell which region is the strongest right now so you can't really say EU is the strongest because none of the regions have played against each other yet

posted about 3 years ago

That's true so if he can prove that he stopped fucking her, then this wouldn't be rape. Still wouldn't discount everything else from the 9 page document tho...

posted about 3 years ago

Are you stupid? The transcript is literally what was said in the video... and also I've listened to the video probably like 5 times now.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean if CIS and TR can't even qual against EU teams then why should they even have a slot at Masters or Champions? If you say it's unfair because they won't beat EU teams, then how are they going to beat the best NA, BR, KR, JP teams?

posted about 3 years ago

After she says stop, it is sexual assault. I really don't know what is so hard to understand

posted about 3 years ago

Who tf said they want to see sinatraa's head rolling???? The actions taken by Riot and Sentinels are the appropriate actions in this situation and if she wants to press charges against sinatraa then she can do so but no one said anything about wanting to see sinatraa's head rolling. And also give 1 example of someone who got away with a warcrime or genocide? You people are rediculous. "We love watching sinatraa play valorant so they should've kept it private so everyone can think he's a good guy and so he can keep a good reputation" If there's something like this, it should be public. The world should know what kind of person sinatraa is and it should 1000000% be public

posted about 3 years ago

yeah but when you play with a player for 2 days after playing with a superstar player for like a year, the chemistry won't be there

posted about 3 years ago

sorry to ruin the fun but it's not because they're worried that they player haven't adapted, it's because they don't want a broken/buggy agent to be used in pro play. They let the public play with her to find bugs and to find out if she is broken or not, and then they patch her and let the pros use her.

posted about 3 years ago

yeah but the concern should be about someone getting away with rape or with a victim getting harassed for sharing her story not about a person, who there is a good bit of evidence suggesting he raped someone, being bullied after being "proven" innocent. I say "proven" because investigations can come out with wrong results.

posted about 3 years ago

Dude idk what world you come from but saying anything 3 times means whatever you said. It disgusts me that you are defending him after hearing the audio, reading her story and looking at the texts but I guess that you would let someone get away with rape and calling someone fucking retarded if it means you can watch them play a video game

posted about 3 years ago

Ethan practiced for 1 week before the main event for Challengers 3. HiKo and Steel both said that he played with them since thursday(referring to the Thursday 1 week before Challengers 3). So yes, Ethan practiced with 100T but only for like 4 days before he got signed

posted about 3 years ago
  1. they aren't really an org
  2. They couldn't put up a fight because they were broke and the players got let go due to a breach of contract
posted about 3 years ago

Masters is a different event from Challengers so they probably can pick up anyone

posted about 3 years ago

Far fetched accusations? There's a 9 page document with texts and audio of the accusations. In the audio clip she literally said "Nuh uh" "No" "No I don't wanna" and Jay didn't stop. Idc what tone she said it in, if she said it 3 times, that means that she MEANS it. So don't give me that "no doesn't mean no" bullshit because she said it 3 fucking times. Also if Infinite gets dropped for calling someone a retard, then there's a good reason to drop sinatraa for calling his girlfriend "fucking retarded" for a tweet saying an OW team finally learned how to do something. These aren't just some far-fetched accusations, there is literal audio evidence of rape and pictures of sinatraa saying disgusting stuff.

posted about 3 years ago

You know what does mean no? Maybe her saying "nuh uh" "no" and "No I don't wanna". Maybe there's an excuse if she only said no once in that tone but no matter what tone, saying no 3 times and that she doesn't want to, means no.

posted about 3 years ago

And a like 7 page google doc with audio, text messages and her story...

posted about 3 years ago

LG 2-0 even if Sen play with sinatraa, all of this is a big distraction when you are playing a game. Hope LG demolishes this douchebag
Edit: LG 2-1

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah you know what. She should just not share how he fucking raped her and treated her like shit because he has a nice career going on. Great point!

posted about 3 years ago

Read her entire story, don't just listen to the audio. She explains a lot in the story like why she didn't do the things you mentioned and that this wasn't a 1 time thing. On other occasions, she would say no before sex and he would guilt trip her into fucking him anyway. On a specific occasion, she said no, but agreed to kiss him, and then he went farther and farther until they were having sex. Not just that, but he also called her fucking retarded for tweeting about another OW team doing something good. And yes, while it doesn't make sense to either of us, as men, why these people don't just break up or whatever, she explained why in her story. She said she was scarred no one else would love her, that she would be lonely and that she depended on him and loved him. Not only that, but she was probably scared that sinatraa would make up lies and turn his huge following against her and make her even more lonely. People are different and handle situations differently and a lot of people aren't strong enough or can be assertive in a situation like that so stop assuming that everyone can.

posted about 3 years ago

Look up sinatraa on google real quick

posted about 3 years ago

THANK YOU. Finally someone from hltv who isn't just talking shit about valorant or this forum for no reason and finally someone realizes the crazy idea that you can like both games at the same time. Thanks for also giving constructive criticism and saying what hltv does better as well

posted about 3 years ago

HiKo never said it in a hateful way but he was really embarrassed so he deleted clips of it. He slipped up and seems like a good guy but was obviously embarrassed and didn't know how to handle a situation like that. No reason to hate a guy for a harmless mistake like that but you do you.

posted about 3 years ago

Ethan, nitr0, jamppi

posted about 3 years ago

Why are you still here? I like to watch both cs and Valorant and they can coexist. So unless you fell threatened that Valorant will kill cs, then you have no reason to hate the game or to be here and only comment how Valorant and vlr sucks and how amazing hltv and cs is.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I'm sorry but brax is not on the same level as the other guys in terms of pure aim, drone used to be the top aimer in NA but he's not top 10 currently and I only watch a little bit of EU but I don't think mixwell is a top 10 aimer. He's a top 10 player for sure but not a top 10 aimer imo. My NA exclusive list would be: Asuna, Android, Shot_Up, aproto, Thief, Babybay, Corey, SicK, food and rara. These are pretty much off the top of my head but you could definitely replace rara or 1 of the FaZe guys with someone like Shawn, Leaf or Spyder. Also some guys that I know are very good that I either haven't seen in a while or haven't such much of at all that might be considered for this list would be Aleksandar, Nismo and roca. Obviously if you include the rest of the world, there would be guys like ScreaM, who is probably the #1 aimer in the world, but I don't know enough about other scenes to fairly make a list including them. Also, I just checked the stats page and sorted by hs% from all regions over the last 60 days and aproto is 3rd and Aleksandar is 4th so maybe Aleksandar should be on this list, but I haven't seen enough of his gameplay and hs% doesn't automatically determine who the best aimer is.

posted about 3 years ago

Envy has been pretty dominant(except against Sen until they beat them in Challengers) since they signed Food and Crashies. They dominated the NSG First Strike open and closed qualifiers but lost to TSM in the main event of First Strike, lost multiple times in Challengers 1, but still made it to the main event and, most recently, they dominated Challengers 2. Unfortunately for Envy, other than beating Sen twice, there is no indication that they will actually show up in Masters. They always are amazing when they need to qualify for an event but we will have to see if they can actually win an event. As for the others, XSET had a solid group and only added BcJ in January and LG was one of the top tier 2 teams for a while but had multiple roster changes, with Venerated retiring from Valorant and them releasing Kziase but once this new roster with Dre and Moose blended together, they started playing like a top 6 team and now we're here.

posted about 3 years ago
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