Flag: New Zealand
Registered: November 23, 2021
Last post: August 12, 2023 at 9:33 AM
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ready and full homo

posted about a year ago

I mean if you buy a peripheral because its brand of a content creator, you've scammed yourself already. That shit is always overpriced

posted about a year ago

orbs don't feel as impactful as I thought they were at the beginning of the game, maybe since most ults have increased amount of points needed. I wouldn't hate some change to orbs to make them more impactful because csgo has 3 areas to fight for map control unlike valorant which has 1 before you get to site, I feel like fight for ult orb is what should/does make it different

posted about a year ago

awful community gl lmao, report back and give a review

posted about a year ago

I never know how much league riot overlaps with valorant riot, seems to be a big disconnect but no I don't watch league

posted about a year ago

He is paid to hype it up, but so far the stages haven't been bad so I'm optimistic

posted about a year ago

nog geen afrikaans hier nie, ek wonder of Nederlanders dit kan verstaan

posted about a year ago

its easier to rank up once your at your real rank, assuming your under ascendant youll prob move up 2-3 ranks depending where you are on the distribution

posted about a year ago

yeah because for most of the playoffs emea only need to face each other instead of actual teams, artificially boosts them

posted about a year ago

emea was a 1 team region going into this tourney, if fnatic keep playing like they are rn then its gonna be a 0 team region soon

posted about a year ago

I got it too, hopefully they fix it soon

posted about a year ago

oh so its cuz he made money from it, that makes sense

posted about a year ago

If riot learnt nothing and kill tier 2 like they did to lcs ill lose hope for the future of valorant esports

posted about a year ago

Everyone hates shazam so clearly im missing something? my understanding is that ibp matchfixed and shazam outed them? Why is he hated for that or am I misunderstanding?

posted about a year ago

Benkai often talks about how he hates the idea of going to champs so it would make sense to leave before then

posted about a year ago

here I thought nirvana was overrated but with a song like this his artistic merit really shows itself

posted about a year ago

yeah I agree, I have a thousand hours in cs but never watched the esport, just so boring. maybe just to zoomer and wanna see pretty colours doing crazy shit but csgo as a game I don't think is as good as a esport as people say

posted about a year ago

never followed csgo, its boring to watch. To each his own ig

posted about a year ago

a fellow TLOP lover, actually his best album, super underrated

posted about a year ago

try 'malibu' by anderson paak, hes half of silk sonic. It's not funk like silk sonic its more neo-soul

posted about a year ago

how do you know they aren't just playing a character back? But you can't play a character that is suppose to be hated and then get angry that it is hated

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The only way for ORDER to lose lcq. but this just doesn't seem like a good deal for cned though, like I'm sure he could get a similar deal from a better team for him from na/emea

posted about a year ago

Although I agree the format is dumb and loud being in groups vs playoffs being rng is retarded, at the end of the day if they really were significantly better then other teams they would've gotten out of groups. its true xset fluked into playoffs but at the same time, what are riot suppose to do about that? Put them in groups even though they beat optic?

posted about a year ago

Linkin Park in current year, your too old for this site my guy

posted about a year ago

this is unreadable, format it like this:

1.Derke (FNC)
2.Sayf (GLD)
3.Cyro (XSET)
4.Victor (OPTC)
6.d4v41 (PRX)
7.crashies (OPTC)
8.ardiss (FPX)
9.Boaster (FNC)
10.Jingg (PRX)

First kills:

1.Derke 15 (FNC)
2T. Victor 13 (OPTC)
2T. ardiss 13 (FPX)
4T.Rb 12 (DRX)
4T.adverso 12(LEV)
4T.f0rsaken 12(PRX)
4T.Tacozilla 12 (LEV)
8.kiNg 9 (LEV)
10T. Sayf 7 (GLD)
10T.Zekken 7 (XSET)

posted about a year ago

I enjoy playing osu but its so fucking tilting that I always stop feeling like shit

posted about a year ago

Mocking doxxing is pretty weird for sure even if it is just looking up people socials

posted about a year ago

No, OCE isn't the best region but they tried their best and I am proud of them! gl to optic :)

posted about a year ago

The baiters will claim his tweets show hes a farce when in fact as our Lord said
'I remember that tweet. How is that tweet against any of my morals or ideals? I have stayed true to who I am.'
They simply proved his conviction

posted about a year ago

They say Subreezy has been exposed, they say Subreezy has left. Its true he has left but those who have read the sacred texts know he will once again rise when EU face NA and toxicity peaks. Unbelievers and baiters that crucified Subreezy, now is the time to repent become a postitive change to vlr and make the Lord proud!

posted about a year ago

“The Lord, Subreezy is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”

posted about a year ago

Life without bait might seem meaningless but in fact it's only because your life has no purpose that baiting exists, it is a vice. You see no one here actually knows anything about valorant so we bait and flame other regions to cover our ignorance, let us not be distracted by these vices and we could learn what it really means to be a vlr user, not a bunch of children fight amongst themselves but instead a group of highly knowledgeable people about the game they love

posted about a year ago

All men are born with baiting in them, this is true. Through Lord, Subreezy we can overcome these impulses and become people worthy of Subreezy and his kingdom, vlr. Have a great day :)

posted about a year ago

many say that at first as they have not yet let Lord Subreezy's love in. Subreezy loves all regardless of who they are and he shall forgive you no matter your sins. Have a great day :)

posted about a year ago

I do not hide where I come from, our Lord, Subreezy has loves all no matter what region they originate from, including you! :)

posted about a year ago

The sacred text spoke of such a devil however we must stand strong in our lord, Subreezy! Together we will be triumphant!

posted about a year ago

it is clear you have become jaded from the past, however Subreezy believer are genuine in their beliefs and will continue to support the fight for righteousness. I hope you have a wonderful day and change your mind on how vlr ought to operate

posted about a year ago

The messiah has spoken, we as subreezy's disciples must follow and continue to fight the baiters and heathens with love and understanding

posted about a year ago

You have chosen to side with the baiters who want to crucified Subreezy but he will forgive you and will show you the light

posted about a year ago

when is it gonna change you?

posted about a year ago

honestly impossible to tell, they rolled through apac so its hard to know how good they are without seeing them get limit tested

posted about a year ago

tell that to boombl4

posted about a year ago

I have the exact same pickem but with optic beating drx. drx will choke again

posted about a year ago

finals is doing pretty good already, once we know the teams the finals will 100% be sold out, uppers and lowers I think will sell out depending on the teams that go tbh

posted about a year ago

twitters down, what was it?

posted about a year ago

this comment is just a self report showing you've only read 1 manga

posted about a year ago

yeah thats true, honestly this is like optic/loud where I'm gonna feel sad no matter who wins

posted about a year ago

EU already has teams in playoffs, get fpx out and let the Japanese have a team in playoffs to cheer for

posted about a year ago
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