Flag: New Zealand
Registered: November 23, 2021
Last post: August 12, 2023 at 9:33 AM
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If your gonna post to stroke your ego atleast make it something that sounds difficult, like some equations that uses notion that you people won't know unless they have also taken first year physics

posted about a year ago

the anime for Blue Lock has been fun so far but I read forward in the manga for the next few episodes and it's kinda cringe, just make up a magic sport instead of using a real sport like football,
because it sounds so corny when they are like full serious saying I'm gonna use my secret weapon; a header, or in the mc's case (spoiler), it's looking around himself.

posted about a year ago

I wanna be mad that eminence in shadow isn't higher but then I remember that the anime so far is pretty shit compared to the anime.

haven't seen 'do it yourself' yet but otherwise great list, dunno why all the downfrags

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

such a fun indie album, I'm excited for the their next album on 28th but so far the singles have been kinda meh

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

does it matter who the 6th is? It's just a content creator slot

posted about a year ago

used to, only follow the esports now

posted about a year ago

don't play valorant anymore so I'm safe

posted about a year ago

not big on shoegaze normally but lucky styles is peak 'internet' music

posted about a year ago

was he where all the magic money was coming from or do they still have enough money to burn?

posted about a year ago

When you least favourite person is right about something

posted about a year ago

true and factual

posted about a year ago

Assumed acend would be in ascension.

I will give my energy to acend for you FoechiGG

༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ACEND ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ

posted about a year ago

ChedZ banned me from the 3V discord, unfortunately my content creator career will be with another org.

Also I never bait

posted about a year ago

true, getting players that all overlap in roles isn't what you want to do if you want to win, but it is if you want to get the star players from different regions for the fanbases.
Have no faith is GE tbh
But that never stopped me supporting OCE


posted about a year ago

Afrikaans is 'n dogtertaal van Nederlands

posted about a year ago

Ich musste 'digga' suchen, um sicherzugehen, ngl

posted about a year ago

enige afrikaners hier?

posted about a year ago

Thanks I'll try this one

posted about a year ago

nah we have had a few multi hour long convos

posted about a year ago

I asked the girl out on a date, got politely dodged.

We literally had a 3 hours convo into 2 am, thought good chemistry, don't know where I went wrong.

It is what is is

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

1) outer-wilds
2) stanley parable
3) Firewatch/ God of war (2018)

posted about a year ago

this isn't reddit, there is no karma, we don't do /s
We just accept the downvotes from people that don't understand the joke

posted about a year ago

Been a fan since their entry in valorant but today i wanna share my opinion

Tier 2 org with some money, nothing special, cringe socials, no one knows them outside their region, cringest team branding, braindead staff, cringe tagline "GeFighting" bruh when its time to fight u guys get 13-0, u can only fight on social media and after losing "we'll come back stronger ❤️"

Zeta,PRX, Talon, DRX, T1 the best teams in pacific and GE cant even get 1 map from them, yes im talking about the new roster, skrossi = lose outside india

Tier 3 skrossi radiant, ppl say he is always top 50 apac, bruh i havent seen him even once, braindead
Tier 1 ayrin: i feel sad for him, his downfall already destined
Tier 2 Lmemore, wronski: good boys nothing to say
Tier 100 Hellranger,kappa,lightning fast, noSkillz: 👎 just ban these bots from competitive valorant.
Tier 569 coach Eraser who never erases their mistakes

What they should do:
Give up their franchising spot
Disband their roster
Ask the players to join school because rossi and all cant do shit tbh lol

This was my true opinion on one of the shittiest org (most prolly) in Valorant Franchising

I also think that valorant should be banned from india because basically 95% ppl are toxic or are bots lol

posted about a year ago

I hope for top 30

posted about a year ago

It does, the gods forsaked us

posted about a year ago

more people know where NZ is then Indonesia is

posted about a year ago

Nah aussie better, a bogan girl in bed calling me a dog cunt, saying bloody oath. Nothing gets me going quiet like it

posted about a year ago

I'll have to wait for GE to play, until then


posted about a year ago

He banned me from the discord because I said
OCE player*
after he said WRONSKI is first australian in a major

He is a weak man that can't understand the truth of NZ>AUSTRALIA

posted about a year ago

Sen making a real team despite the risk almost makes me wanna become a sen fan but other sen fans are actual retards and I don't wanna be associated with them

posted about a year ago

It's not because they can't make it good for us, it's because we are the minority. Most players play valorant casually and enjoy dm not being a warmup but instead being a gamemode.

posted about a year ago

OCE dm tilts me more then the actual game, I literally play csgo dm instead before playing comp

posted about a year ago

His poor wrists but hype to see a goat come back

posted about a year ago

I mean yeah chainsaw man and JJK is higher quality, I was more talking about overhyped normie anime and I think most people that like chainsaw man and JJK would probably like demon slayer and MHA aswell

posted about a year ago

of all time?
Self report bro, anyone who knows anything about anime knows there are a million shows more overhyped

posted about a year ago

The manga is over rated, but that's all modern shounen really, it is about the same as jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, or my hero academia. Still a decent show and if there was no hype you'd say it's the hidden gem of the season but yeah like all normie anime it gets overhyped.

Even trying to hide the CGI the it looks really bad, I'd rather they make whole anime have the same style rather then going from really good rotoscoping to awful looking CGI

posted about a year ago

yeah of course right now it's controlled by liberals because that's who is culturally in power but when conservatives were in power they were the ones that did it, liberals didn't create cancel culture, people have been cancelled since forever, it just depends who has cultural power at the time will be able to control corporations.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I'm a OCE fan :(

posted about a year ago

what's wrong with bleed?

posted about a year ago

it's my win-loss for asking girls out

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I mean I'm a OCE fan, it's not like I'm used to winning anyway, I'm just happy to see the boys play

posted about a year ago

Rocking GE flair, can't wait to join forces with the indians and the 2 xset fans!

Why is the GE flair so bad though, it's unreadable when it's so small

The flair should just be this

posted about a year ago

Doesn't know the copy pasta still replies

OCE fans are gonna fit in perfectly with indians

posted about a year ago

I mean I heard he even beat boom in scrims or didn't beat but I mean they left saying it's cuz of ping or something

posted about a year ago

Are they actually forced to reveal the rosters though?

posted about a year ago
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