Flag: New Zealand
Registered: November 23, 2021
Last post: August 12, 2023 at 9:33 AM
Posts: 4297
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post on your main pussy

posted about a year ago

it's not killing my winrate because I get them aswell, it just makes the games rolls

posted about a year ago

I suddenly have had most of my last 15 games always have people going 30-10 carrying the bottom players going 5-20

Is this just RNG?

posted about a year ago

MIBR 2-0 KRU ?? dunno never watched a SA game

posted about a year ago

I think it is in bad taste for someone to pretend they do it for non personal gain, when it is infact for personal gain.

I have no problem with doing something for personal gain and I don't think toast needed to write on his forehead 'I AM DOING THIS FOR MYSELF' or anything
but largely on twitter he did things like asking for recommendation for players to him saying his team actually really cares about winning and isn't just a stream team leads people to believe he isn't doing it out of self interest

posted about a year ago

I mean it's not like we have anything else then transitive property to use though until Z and Y face each other, and it makes good memes

posted about a year ago

People gonna be so disappointment when it's obviously not yay

posted about a year ago

they just need to make b harder to take, a easier, and make mid viable for anything
They just change the whole map ez

but honestly I think the best change would be change B so that you can't plant for long and thus need to take whole site + make art easier to take so that taking art control is more impactful

posted about a year ago

tbh emea and apac are so unclear right now you just can't make any kind of list

Americas is generally more obvious except maybe where new c9 lands with prac and if nrg have fallen off

posted about a year ago

You disagreeing is a sign of a good opinion

posted about a year ago

I mean he's not picking up already established players not that he's picking up random silvers or something lol

posted about a year ago

Now obv kicking yay was retarded but

mCe is just so good at picking up randoms and cooking with them, he did it to the guard and like I said he'll be able to do the same with C9

Brand new C9 taking a map off of loud shows promise

posted about a year ago

Do you put GE 10th because it has no indian players or
because they have been bad for so long you are scared to be make fun of for overhyping again?

posted about a year ago

I think if PRX keep popping off with something they easily over TS and maybe even DRX
PRX v DRX will be crazy on the 15th

GE could honestly be way higher or lower hard to say so early on, especially since after they roll ZETA the indians will be back and we dunno what kind of shape they are in

posted about a year ago

humility is a great virtue
I'm proud of you fdwc

posted about a year ago

They prob didn't have enough time to get something caught up on all maps so benkai playing maps something hasn't played yet

posted about a year ago

For all you people high on geng remember that they lost a map to fucking dfm, the same dfm you see playing against RRQ right now

Geng is actual shitters, T1 could be decent but no world where all three pacific teams are korean

posted about a year ago

Atleast when I say shit like sen>nrg I can think of reasons even if they are shit reasons

Your baits are just random xd predictions

posted about a year ago

I hate when teammates pick reyna as much as the next guy but

Having a smurf character makes it easier for smurfs to win and so games end quicker so you can go next.
plus they will rank up faster and get to their rank faster

posted about a year ago

You too buddy

posted about a year ago

Reyna players should be insta banned, I'm a smoker main
but when I filled duelist a few day ago I realized how boosted these fucks are, so easy to one tap people when you have nothing else to think about

posted about a year ago

dsg toast was baiting this whole time, I'm shocked

posted about a year ago

2nd most retarded only after you <3

posted about a year ago

we often hear complaints about not getting the deserved IQ but we are an objective unbiased organisation

posted about a year ago

I'm his great great great great great great great great grandson who got out of that shithole called england and went to the better colony

posted about a year ago

People didn't disagree with slavery when it was commonplace either, I don't look at what societies opinions on something to decide whats right and wrong

posted about a year ago

Indian iq
No that's your neighbour's buddy, I'm a little further down

posted about a year ago

-100000000 iq
Seek help immediately before you harm yourself or others around you

posted about a year ago

20 iq
Oh no, so close but it's spelt new Zealand, like Zeta devision, gl next time!

posted about a year ago

120 iq
Correct country but your still a Sen fan

posted about a year ago

Congrats DIEM your a certified genius

posted about a year ago

I am a immigrant so if you were a American I suppose that is correct but since your Turkish
You got the planet wrong -2000 iq

posted about a year ago

Domination didn't even need to fill in the questions for us to know that

posted about a year ago

You talk a lot about my life for someone so uninterested

I want a healthy discussion on his actions, clearly you cared enough to make 4 posts about it and others engaged with my criticism.

I hope you find whatever brings you the most joy!

posted about a year ago

okay you have 50 iq? congrats?

posted about a year ago

20 iq
We are a sheep land!

posted about a year ago

100 iq
Congrats you have dementia and we are no longer part of your nation

posted about a year ago

-50 iq
Congrats, make sure your full time carer stops you from drowning in the shower

posted about a year ago

0 iq
Congrats, I hope your family is proud

posted about a year ago

Why do you hate me nutab1e?
All I remember is your 50-50 chance of good post or shit post

posted about a year ago

ding ding ding, you have 200 iq congratulations

posted about a year ago

Quick & Free IQ test
hard for VLR though

What country am I from?

posted about a year ago

Why are you so obsessed with my life? I think your projecting about your own life buddy, make sure to find a good therapist to help you when your feeling alone.

Can I not criticise a public figure for doing something wrong unless I've spent my life fixing that issue?
Am I not allowed to criticise not giving woman rights in other countries because I haven't flown over and helped myself?

posted about a year ago

Another goat poster to add to the list

posted about a year ago

I'm a bit older then you might be brother

posted about a year ago

It's always the worst users that talk shit about me?
I think it's a sign of a good user tbh,
goats like capital_d_colon and subreezy never said nothing

posted about a year ago

do you think I'm Australian?
actual self report

posted about a year ago

If you gave me 5 guesses for who something is gonna replace benkai would've been the last

posted about a year ago

I mean yeah, he's a great business man, convinced people that he actually cares for GC scene and not just business

posted about a year ago
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