Country: International
Registered: April 15, 2021
Last post: April 30, 2021 at 11:09 AM
Posts: 2

Tenz is one of the most mechanically gifted players in NA valorant and it sucks to see you guys downplay him so hard.
Tenz can op, he can rifle both at fking top 3 Oping and top 3 rifling NA and you are telling me that's not good enough for him to make a team good?
It's not like sentinels never lost important matches before tenz. Yeah, you can say shahz is a good IGL, but when were sentinels known for their tactical depth?
Basic map control and team chem have made them the best in NA, and that tells a lot about NA as a region.
All you guys talk about is FPX is the best omg EU Top 1 world. but how? Ange1. the man and dimasick have brought so much tactical depth and mentorship towards their mechanical master zyppan.
Same with 100 Thieves, Asuna does some idiotic shit like scaling ct when the team is not even on-site and now he is slowly changing and adapting to the team and how they want to play.
Asuna has a gem of three experienced cs players in Hiko nitr0 and steel, them having a psychologist, analyst and coach is nothing to clown about. Sentinel's not having a proper coach to date is such a downfall of the org. NA has one of the best talents in the world and it is very important to start that tactical culture. Cloud9 did the right thing finally by bringing in a coach jamezirl to mentor but that guy chose to "retire". Now, Cloud9 with leaf 17 and poiz 17 I'm guessing is actually playing more mature than sentinels, the impact and mentoring the coach and xeta are having on them are so visible.
Tenz NEEDS someone who is bigger than his brand his ego someone like Hiko or someone very respected for mentoring like joshrtz. Tenz's brand is always bigger than his team like shroud.
Maybe next time instead of blaming insanely mechanically gifted players like Tenz, ScreaM, start blaming their coaches or they need some experienced players.
Also, someone who could mentor him is Tarik.

posted about 2 years ago

-Please DO NOT add an FPL system at least not a third party one.
-The FPL system should not act as an alternative to ranked.

-Hear me out, this is gonna be a long-ass thread.

-The Esports POV
-FPL was added to CSGO cuz there were a hella lot of cheaters and no comm players. ( Basically, valve didn't care ).
-Pro players will keep playing with pro players... in this case top 20 which is based on VLR.
-Then people who are out of the system(Riot games is the system) get to dictate who will play with the pros and who will not. This leads to gatekeeping.
-Soon Riot will franchise their league for pro play and the "Top 20" will completely be from third-party hosted tournaments. The top 20 is at least ok now since there are open qualifiers for riot events, which will go if riot franchises the league.
-This basically adds nothing to the scene but makes it harder for upcoming players to shine.

The pro player's POV
-They straight up get no comm teammates in every single one of their games.
-Some argue that there is more team play, which I feel is only because of lesser comms, and as people start comming it naturally paves the way into team play especially in valorant.
-Valorant is a new game and having different agents in the game actually encourages more and more team play. ( Of course, u need comms for that too)
-Like u don't get teammates in CS who actually flash you into the site.

The casual but competitive player's POV
-I want to showcase my skills and ability to play in a team environment with pro players.
-I will miss playing against huge streamers.
Just an example-- when I got into gaming with Fortnite going against famous streamers and pro players or even playing with them is such a good experience. Like if I get into a match with say myth or hiko for that matter, I get madly excited cause he is famous and I get to play with him. (ppl don't understand this value until they actually get to play with them.
-When there is only the leaderboard where pro players actually only que rarely I just get so sad when I cant show my skills.

Suggestion or ideas from other games
-Riot could do something like must voice comm for immortal+ players. ( or even diamond for that matter)
-Pro players can make play FPL in the form of show matches, where "the best" play against " the best".
-FNCS in Fortnite is a sick example can people can que in professional games with a stake like money or an in-game item, like a prime vandal if you win the weekly showdown or something like that. This could potentially be an only immortal+ or radiant only thing. where randoms are made to compete in random teams together. This can encourage more team play.
-I heard there is a system called clash in League of Legends which is similar but I don't clearly know the details, cuz I really don't follow or play casual league, only watch the professional league.
-One could argue that league is a MOBA, Fortnite is a Battle Royale, while Valorant is a tactical FPS game. But the last TAC FPS game was CS: GO and valve didn't really care about the casual scene.

I would love to hear all the thoughts from others and pro players if they wanna reply to this post.

posted about 3 years ago