Country: Europe
Registered: February 9, 2022
Last post: May 28, 2022 at 5:17 AM
Posts: 225
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0/8 even you dont believe that😹

posted about a year ago

fluker paper dogs got exposed by tier 5 laze

posted about a year ago

its a coin flip but if they copy the CS system it will be good

posted about a year ago

thats why CS is better

posted about a year ago

one fluke masters = best region?
when EU is the world champion?
yeah you are braindead

posted about a year ago

why do you guys suck in val and lol then?

posted about a year ago

“dead game” copium

posted about a year ago

EU is rent free in your head

posted about a year ago

thats why CS is better

posted about a year ago

other regions sucks dude thats why
accept it

posted about a year ago

if thats the case than every game in the world is a region game
nt at least

posted about a year ago

EU is so good that no can rival with team. EU is that dominant

posted about a year ago

more enjoyable than the tier 3 clown fiesta in valorant thats for sure

posted about a year ago

still wouldve beat optic

posted about a year ago

nt kid
EU always dominated CS even when it wasnt dead

posted about a year ago

how is this a bait? theyve yet to beat an EU team

posted about a year ago

notice how you instantly there when someone talks shit about NA or Optic?

posted about a year ago

biggest fluke of all time. sooo undeserved. faze got robbed so hard

posted about a year ago

thats even worse

posted about a year ago

Crazy that they have that many teams and only one of them is relevant internationally.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they have mental block against EU teams
and its a fact

posted about a year ago

not even a hot take at this point

posted about a year ago

that’s a common misconception. nt tho

posted about a year ago

no one can beat optic in this bozo region KEKW
they should migrate to EU if they want to improve and dont want to become bad

posted about a year ago

any list starting with yay = wrong list

posted about a year ago

3 teams that survive group A will also make it to the semi final
and top 2 will be the grand final

posted about a year ago

so many mistakes.. thrifty after thrifty…
just rush site and raw peek every angle
zero game sense and awareness
duelists bottom fragging like its a normal thing

holy shit does anyone know whats happening?

posted about a year ago

what is akrew

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Valorant threads should be removed

posted about a year ago

valorant with fans from all around the world: 1 million viewers
csgo with “only EU”: 3 million viewers

posted about a year ago

please check what was the first time optic started using neon..

posted about a year ago

they definitely gonna do something big for the 10 year anniversary

posted about a year ago

source 2 coming?
new matchmaking system???
new anti cheat???


posted about a year ago

probably because the top 0.1-0.5% in cs is bigger than the entire valorant playerbase

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

in val in higher ranks sometimes you are literally playing with the same 9 players for hours😂 while in CS there are multiple lobbies even at night and you rarely get the same players twice

and if you want to play valorant sometimes you literally have to wait 30-40 minutes for the other game to end😹😹 simply because there are not enough players to create another lobby

posted about a year ago

bro had to sneak in the irrelevant RL, Apex and Valorant that literally noone plays outside of NA so they seem a bit more relevant💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

you stole the kayo meta from us
then the neon meta
and now you are stealing fade too?

Copying agent comps and strats not gonna make you better than us.
just saying

posted about a year ago

they can farm tier 3 NA and random APAC teams.
but will they ever be able to beat EU? i dont think so

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

BIG would wipe out the NA region without losing a map

posted about a year ago

two of the best valorant teams are playing right now and only gets 30k viewers KEKW
Fnatic vs FPX is literally the best/most competitive matchup we can possibly get.

while G2 vs Navi in CS have more than 700k viewers

posted about a year ago

they upgraded. gambit should do it too cuz d3ffo is kinda ass

posted about a year ago
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