Country: Laos
Registered: September 13, 2021
Last post: November 9, 2023 at 3:33 PM
Posts: 2049
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posted about a year ago

no jett, no cned

posted about a year ago

u blind?

posted about a year ago

deffo has been benched
chronicle is playing raze now
so ez fill

posted about a year ago

dude doesnt have marved here
what a joke

posted about a year ago

nukkye to m3c
easy champs

posted about a year ago

Forsaken(2015) is such a horrible movie
This movie was a train wreck. The acting is subpar at best. It makes little to no sense. Could have been so much better. The writing was amateurish the entire movie was made even worse by the ending. This was the dumbest ending I've ever seen

posted about a year ago

prx 2-1 optic
fpx 2-1 fnc
optic 3-2 fpx
optic 3-1 prx

posted about a year ago

they lost to c9, fnc in champs

posted about a year ago

drx fans are so delusional
everytime drx loses, they say drx just choked or they threw, but when in reality they are just getting outplayed, optic and fpx are the just better than them, they conditioned drx to play as they did, and this is not even the first time, every event its the same
they have not even been top 4 once yet the fans consider them top 3 coming into every event
"wow drx just sweeped their below average region full of t3 teams, they must be top 3", well spoiler alert: they are NOT

its a shame, because they have such good players
honestly its just embarrassing

posted about a year ago

its not optic's fault that eu team gets eliminated before playoffs lol

posted about a year ago

in gf yes, in uf 2-1 or 2-0 win for prx

posted about a year ago

fnc is g2
lev is zeta
prx is loud
optic is optic
drx is drx

EDIT: fpx is zeta
lev is g2

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ez breeze for us

posted about a year ago

fake fan

posted about a year ago

yay has to wake up today

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hey, covid affects diff people in diff ways,, that guy is an idiot but dont diss optic

posted about a year ago

im an optic fan dumbass
and im from india

posted about a year ago

dude just flaming his own team fpx

posted about a year ago

true, but optic best team itw

posted about a year ago

opticvs drx>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

posted about a year ago

his oping is now back to the way it was
but headhunter and rifling is still not back, he is spraying a lot more, even with headhunter he is not shooting as precisely as he used to , he seems to spam it too
idk why

posted about a year ago

lol no
optic win

posted about a year ago

right ballsack

posted about a year ago

they are not gonna win any more round just ff, they are not winning

wink wink

posted about a year ago

popular for the wrong reason, but yeah he still is the most popular

posted about a year ago

A study2 of covid-19 transmission within English households using data gathered in early 2021 found that even a single dose of a covid-19 vaccine reduced the likelihood of household transmission by 40-50%. This was supported by a study of household transmission among Scottish healthcare workers conducted between December 2020 and March 2021.3 Both studies analysed the impact of vaccination on transmission of the α variant of SARS-CoV-2, which was dominant at the time.

posted about a year ago

doesnt matter, if he doesnt take the vaccine , hes either dumb or just a piece of shit

posted about a year ago

how is he such a good coach but a fking antivaxxer at the same time
hes 500iq and -500iq at the same time
had to balance him i guess

posted about a year ago

beat a sleeping yay

posted about a year ago

i dont have one, so again u got the wrong person
because of how dumb u are, i might not be suprised if it was ur own mom

posted about a year ago

my mother doesnt go near bitches, so u got the wrong person
if u want treats just ask me, ill put a cage for u too

posted about a year ago

lol no, that guy is a disease

posted about a year ago

there is only one clown i see

posted about a year ago

yay was asleep

posted about a year ago

i know jingg and forsaken have insane aim, but damn bro, all of them have insane aim,i didnt see this at m1

posted about a year ago

they are only gonna win 1 game max this event
the only reason they did good at iceland was because they were pretty ass in m3,m2 2021 so no team really cared about them and underestimated them
but now, they are on everyones radar as a threat, so they will get outstarted and hard counterplayed i think

just a speculation though, 60% they 2-0 guild rn, so lol

UPDATE: aged well

posted about a year ago

who is tate?

posted about a year ago

oh its valorant????????, i thought it was cs mb

posted about a year ago

nice mustache

posted about a year ago

someone put a leash on this dog

posted about a year ago

its not picked, its randomly drawed

posted about a year ago

i own ur entire family, i am superiour to u in every way
pls dont talk

posted about a year ago

its the bin thing, somebody posted the same link earlier
i remember
commom L for u

posted about a year ago

he didnt , ur mom surely did

posted about a year ago

yay has been doing this since he joined
marved started really started performing good only starting from m1

posted about a year ago
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