Country: United States
Registered: September 11, 2021
Last post: September 19, 2021 at 4:59 PM
Posts: 9

To all the valorant fans here. This is the type of fan that will jump ship first when the first growing pains hits this esport. You're mad that a team is too good.

posted about 2 years ago

This thread is obviously a bait and people keep biting. Before, everyone gets their panties in a bunch. Whatever you say or think simply can't compare to a game that has survived decades with a dev who keeps ignoring the esport side of the game. With that being said, valorant has a great chance for success although it's doubtful it'll surpass csgo but it can ride on the same lane.

For those who think csgo is stale, the same will happen in valorant. This esport is new and exciting with LANs and new teams coming along. However, like in csgo, it'll have its own ups and downs. Not every LAN will be record breaking. Not every tournament will be worth viewing. That's the growing pains and people who are blind to it will be the first ones to give up in this game. This is coming from a person who has played 1.6 and went to lan parties back then to playing csgo and valorant now.

A quick history lesson in cs: when cgs died the cs franchise was practically dead. Aside from the yearly cpl the game was desolate but a few avid fans kept it alive till csgo rolled around. Those are the people who will make this game last decades. Not the ones arguing on which game is better.

Lastly, franchise leagues are coming to valorant. Trust me. Ain't no way riot is going to stick with this sort of format going into year 10 of valorant.

posted about 2 years ago

It's not even the same genre of games...

posted about 2 years ago

I doubt valorant will die even if it can't surpass csgo. I'm positive riot will input a franchise league to atleast give it an artificial security. Once the franchise league hits though, we're going to be seeing the same teams over and over again.

posted about 2 years ago

The thread is obviously bait. However, every esport especially a game like csgo will have its ups and downs. The landscape of top teams have changed drastically over the years. A game that has survived for decades will obviously have dynastic teams with pedigree. It'll be the same in valorant as the years roll on. Let's say we enter year 10 of valorant. The pros will be beyond perfect with each play they make having a calculated reason behind it. That's another reason why cs games have seemed like they're dragging on. The meta is to facilitate long term economy rather than simply putting up rounds on the board. Valorant will have their own meta changes with the economy. Especially the term bonus round will have major changes and the games will continue to extend longer and longer.

posted about 2 years ago

Can't really compare it to cs. Game just dosent die, ever.

posted about 2 years ago

G2 boutta get 2-0'd and Gambit boutta get 2-0'd. 26-0 and 26-0 for NA ez

posted about 2 years ago

Acend fans boutta mald when cned loses to NA

posted about 2 years ago

EU fanboys! Are you guys ready to cry tomorrow when NA whoops that ass?

posted about 2 years ago