Country: Philippines
Registered: May 22, 2022
Last post: May 22, 2022 at 9:33 PM
Posts: 1

He maybe boring but he plays how a Chamber should play. He just plays to win bro, I agree that sometimes he does some super risky plays like aggresively peek/push while in defense but I'm sure it's with his team's consent and it's always a risk/reward thing.

Have you seen him play since last year and how he played against Sentinels which just won Masters Reykjavik, he was maining and entrying with Jett and just out-aiming people hence the nickname "El Diablo". He was really cracked on a duelist role and even pros were glad that they have Yay on their team even if it's just competitive games.

I'm sure he can entry when their team comp needs it but as we're seeing, they have Victor for that now. I think it's more like a team comp thing and putting him as the anchor is the best bet. They're just playing to win and sometimes you have to do the boring and ratty stuff haha.

posted about a year ago