Flag: China
Registered: April 22, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 7:27 PM
Posts: 1975
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You can't really arrange it any other way without other glaring issues
'Good' teams just get upset and the ranking gets a bit messed up

posted 2 hours ago


posted 12 hours ago

Best production quality across all 4 regions

posted 13 hours ago

His return will be glorious

posted 17 hours ago

Why are you so Judgemental
And whats with the Fnatic flair? Do you have a split personality
Your reputation has been razed to the ground ngl

posted 17 hours ago

Took APAC until 2022 to become competitive internationally
and even longer for them to win an international event

Give China time they gotta start somewhere

(Also tencent unfortunately owns rito so bias is real)

posted 1 day ago

do you hate the Org logo maybe?

posted 3 days ago

I actually believed FPX would win the whole thing before playoffs started
I meant 2021 but in hindsight the Chinese valorant scene was hella small back then

posted 6 days ago

The result of there being only 1 good team in China for 3 years straight

posted 6 days ago

GenG probably get through
The other 3 have roughly equal chances imo

posted 6 days ago

Jinggg isn't even the best duelist on his team

posted 6 days ago

Yeah you can def see this mentality throughout the playstyle of some of these players
Ironically, the best CN duelist (zmjjKK) is arguable one of the most disciplined ones (despite often dropping 30 anyway)

posted 6 days ago

Hes so cracked sometimes but is a walking ult orb otherwise
Ngl hes so inconsistent I can't help wonder if FPX should pick up a different player going forward

posted 6 days ago


posted 6 days ago

FPX said its FPXing time and FPX'd all over TE

posted 1 week ago

The chances of losing my not be high but it is never 0

posted 1 week ago

Is riddle order really that good?
I've only watched them play a couple times but they didn't stand out that much to me
I'd rank PH above JP in terms of their chances at ascension

posted 1 week ago

Laz is retiring????
Noooooooo 😭😭😭

posted 1 week ago

factory reset 😭😭😭

posted 1 week ago

Unironically would be a good roster move

posted 3 weeks ago

Just pick up the 2nd place ascension team
OXG, DZ, etc

posted 3 weeks ago

Monsi underrated

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

🎨RAZE πŸ‘©β€βš–οΈ JUDGE πŸ”›SPLIT 🏦

posted 3 weeks ago

worry about NRG first lil bro 😭😭😭

posted 3 weeks ago

I think you made a typo
2022 might be the year you are looking for

posted 3 weeks ago

They got nephh from 2023 bleed as their new IGL (cause they had IGL issues do to their old IGL, Biank no longer wanting to IGL)
and picked up flexin, a decent smokes player to round out the roles

They look pretty good from the last 2 games they've played, def one of the better teams in the region
Pretty promising imo

posted 4 weeks ago

I don't want to scare you but there will be a certain blue and pink coloured team at champs...

posted 4 weeks ago

The winner essentially guarantees qualifying for playoffs I think

posted 1 month ago

Me when I lie

posted 1 month ago

Spring is a part of the problem ngl

posted 1 month ago

of course, they'll find a way to 4-0 NRG no matter what 😎😎😎

posted 1 month ago

They can't send them back at champs without qualifying first 😭😭😭😭

posted 1 month ago

Maybe also limit it to 1 per round

posted 1 month ago

As fenis and s0m return to competitive play, Bilibili sense a disturbance and awaken...

posted 1 month ago

Grass is green

posted 1 month ago

Nah hes the Karon of Valorant

posted 1 month ago

???? my GOAT BERLIN would never

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

I haven't heard that name in years...

posted 1 month ago

Technically true but some merit is lost from having T3 levels of competition

posted 1 month ago

Chinese teams will go crazy w/ their aim

posted 1 month ago

Not sure abt this move tbh...

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago
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