Country: Portugal
Registered: August 24, 2022
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 11:57 AM
Posts: 293
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honesly at this point EDG have better chances to beat fnatic than 100t

posted about a year ago

sen had to play fnatic, while 100L's only had to play EDG, and almost lost BTW lol

posted about a year ago

Bro u good? Tf have NA done that EU did not?

posted about a year ago

EU is the region with more international wins, what are you guys talking about?

posted about a year ago

carefull with the language, your team's stock might go down harder

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

just like sen gave evrything right?

posted about a year ago

maninho tu devias implorar para que eles não cheguem ás finais, porque garanto-te que não vai ser bonito para vcs

posted about a year ago

os melhores da minha região destroem os teus, quero ver a tua desculpa para quando fnc humilharem FUR

posted about a year ago

desculpa que um país com 1.4% da população da Europa não contribui tanto como um pais como um pais com 50% da população da região

tu adoras só comparar as coisas que te interessam porque estás chateado que a tua região é uma bela bosta XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

posted about a year ago

Europa ganhou 3 eventos internacionais, ficou segundo em 2 e quarto em 4

SA ganhou 1 e ficou segundo em 1 e ficou quarto noutro

não ensinam matemática básica na terrinha?

vocês não tem nada

posted about a year ago

Quando a tua região for mais que apenas uma equipa e melhor que a minha tu voltas e me respondes ok?

posted about a year ago

nada de especial, querias que sentisse oquê? isso não muda a minha vida em nada, tu estavas a falar mal da equipa que eu gosto, eu falei mal da tua, não sei oque os nossos paises têm ahaver com a situação. tu sabes quando ganhas um argumento quando o gajo começa a falar em paises :diesofcringe: lolol

posted about a year ago

you have a flag from a team that commited a team kill in a overtime round, You have no right to judge

posted about a year ago

its worthless to try, NA players love to include south america teams in their group when it interests them,

" oH But we ArE tHE HOLe Of aMerICAS"

But not when it doens't

" OH BUt WE Only HaVe 5 spoTS you haVE 10"

posted about a year ago

why cant we do both tho? at the end of the day we are here to have fun, people have their ways to have fun, and anyone can understand no one actually has bad blood.

posted about a year ago

i mean i get what your saying but its more spicy and fun to talk some shit and defend the teams you are passionate about, so then you can come and prove some haters wrong when your team wins, or when a team from a rival region loses, i have no problem with any of the players or users on vlr, its about the competitive spirit, otherwise we are just npcs watching the games

posted about a year ago

top EMEA is, and will always be better than top NA

plus you had 5 teams and now you have 1 team
while we have 4 while having 10 in total

so we are statisticly better go get your copium somewhere else you braindead brainwhashed delusional NA fan, i think you guys have more excuses than people in your region

posted about a year ago

the only disappointment is that NA aint getting to semis and EMEA is, and when that happends i would love to see what your excuse is this time

posted about a year ago

bro thinks he's on the same group as loud, surely we stop with the delusion?

posted about a year ago

About time Na specimens woke up to reality insted of living in a fantasy world where Na is the best region

posted about a year ago


the 2022 TL and M3C roster struggled in 2022

jamppi is not the best oper in the world
soulcas is not the best skye in the world
redgar is not the only god igl in the game
Sayf is one drop of water in the sea of insane jett players
Nats is the only sober take out of your list
there is better coaches then Emil

if you look at other teams you can say better things about their players, TL is far from the best roster

if you bet that TL is winning every tournament you are losing all of your money

posted about a year ago

From what i understand, some teams tend to stack sites when they don't have a good chance to win the round if they play normally, this is when they have worst guns (eco, bonus), so that if the other team comes to their site then they might have a good chance to win it. Not all teams do that but its a good way to maybe take control of a round that you are more likely to lose. (They are pretty much gambling so its pretty risky to do it in a full gun round).

posted about a year ago

looks pretty cool, but i don't think teams would stack sites as much as they do in the simulations. Im really excited to see how it becomes in the future tho!

posted about a year ago
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