Flag: Australia
Registered: July 20, 2020
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 9:35 AM
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I mean he's right. Sinatraa is still, easily, the most complete player package in terms of gameplay. Too bad no team will pick him up bc of the sponsor loss.

posted about a year ago

thank you :)

posted about a year ago

thanks boss

yeah the empress changes could probably go. Not that important for the rework

posted about a year ago

Reyna rework idea.

Hello all, sorry for this essay but i want to explain my reasoning in depth!

Currently, Reyna is in a weird spot, and she has been for her entire existence. She remains one of the highest presence agents in ranked (at all elos), while being one of the lowest presence agents in pro play. This leaves Riot checkmated; they cannot buff her, as she would become a nightmare in ranked, and they cannot nerf her, or she will be even more useless in pro.

So why is this? What causes this problem with Reyna?

Reyna was designed around the idea of her choosing between her Dismiss and Consume after getting a kill. Dismissing denies a trade and can let you gather some info safetly, while Consume heals you and even overheals you, while leaving you in a slightly more vulnerable state. However, this parity leads to two MASSIVE issues:

  1. Reyna is always playing with 1 less ability than everyone else
  2. both Consume and Dismiss are either completely useless, or completely broken.

Because Reyna shares an ability slot for both Dismiss and Consume (2 charges) she is left with only 1 other ability resource; her Leer, which means she simply has less utility to use throughout a round than any other agent

and secondly, her Dismiss and especially Consume fight too much for the attention.
In ranked, Consume is disgustingly annoying to play against, as tags and extended teamplay in a round feel completely unrewarding. But because of the more chaos and less teamwork in ranked, trades are much less common than in pro play, which makes Dismiss extremely underwhelming in a lot of scenarios (especially in lower elos). In contrast, pro play sees almost every peek and every fight traded and fought, which makes Dismiss an invaluable ability in the kit, but leaving Consume as almost a "dead ability" (at least against good teams xd)

Basically, Consume strong in ranked, Dismiss weak in ranked. Consume weak in pro, Dismiss strong in pro.

So how does this get fixed? with this rework idea i went with the following aims:

  1. Fix the ability draught in Reyna's kit by adding a new ability
  2. Increase Dismiss' strength in ranked AND pro, while removing Consume
  3. Retain Reyna's identity: the 1v9 killing machine.

Leer - no changes


  • increased duration of invulnerabilty by 1.5 seconds (allows for longer repositioning or more aggressive info gathering)
  • now heals 30 health on use (DOES NOT OVERHEAL)

Consume - removed

Replaced with new ability:

  • Reyna instantly creates a smoke on her position. which grows out from the size of a Jett smoke to an Omen smoke
  • lasts 7 seconds
  • can be cast during dismiss
  • (1 charge)

This ability gives Reyna some extra threat and survivability, while also upping her utility in a team based setting. (this is intended to give Reyna some cover to work with in clutch/multifrag situations)


  • Upon getting 1 kill with Empress, the ult will last the entire round, otherwise it is still a 30s duration)
  • Now always heals 150 per kill (still overheals)

what do you think? would this fix Reyna's issues or make more? is this cool or nah? Any Reyna mains in the chat?

posted about a year ago

Swerl :D

posted about a year ago

damn he just like me (3rd point)

posted about a year ago


also, vlr should display player's MVP's and event trophies on their profile, similar to HLTV. That would be cool :)

posted about a year ago

Lord knows I'm necroing a post where I was turbo correct and still got downvoted.

posted about a year ago


boaster > br0zil

posted about a year ago

where's the joke

posted about a year ago

brazilian players? great, good at the game, can be best in the world.

brazilian fans? delusional. "these 3 random players are options for the best in the world at their roles". Brazilian team wins major = every Brazilian player is tier 1 and every brazilian team is title contender. what a joke.

ride the hype, bro!

posted about a year ago

Holyyyy Brazilian fans are the most delusional fans in all of esports.

posted about a year ago

we have an amazing community who sticks together and looks for every tiny opportunity to play overseas and in big events. Even now, with utterly 0$ being put into the scene by riot or orgs, there are still teams competing against each other in OCE.

posted about a year ago

there are stable orgs. PWR literally applied for franchising and riot said nah

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bummer :(
glad that an entire region has no players at all in franchising all good thanks Riot

posted about a year ago

u were right

oopsie :3

posted about a year ago

Nah Navi will demolish Heroic.
G2 will still 2-0 liquid and then dumpster Navi for the 5th time I the grand final.

posted about a year ago

By far the best content creator in valo. Top tier analysis and great understanding of the game.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

very cool jersey

posted about a year ago

There are less women playing therefore there is a smaller pool of GC players, which would naturally make the amount of tier1 players lower.
Not many women have tier 1 experience or practic (which will come with time) due to the prejudice in the past and currently.

  • the fact that being a woman in the gaming scene comes with a lot of other shit!!!
posted about a year ago

Aspas xd
Cryo better chamber not better jett
Derke " "

posted about a year ago

Name a better jett

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ok im sorry

posted about a year ago

Cheasle2 doesn't like that you speak in third person

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NPC behaviour XD

posted about a year ago

Split once again proving it's the best map in the game

posted about a year ago

ok check dm

posted about a year ago

I have the vod

posted about a year ago

Merry Christmas !!

posted about a year ago


they used the stick figures from this:


posted about a year ago

Shahz was always Sen's IGL

posted about a year ago

massive crybaby, annoying asf reactions, absolutely garbage takes as an analyst (0 understanding of the game)
he would rather spread misinformation for attention than actually analyse.

posted about a year ago

that's mainly bc other GC teams have gotten better as well.

posted about a year ago

yeah changes are good, just saying they didn't need to make any big ones.

posted about a year ago

map is goated and perfect anyway, didn't need any big changes.

posted about a year ago

he's so right

posted about a year ago

sorry i got hungry :(

posted about a year ago

Probably the map that's most similar to csgo maps, which makes it the best imo.

posted about a year ago

banned for signing racist players

posted about a year ago

Sinatraa (Flex)
Swerl (duelist)
Trent (Flex)
Valyn (IGL + Sentinel)
Zander (Smokes)

posted about a year ago

you can still be the best of your role without being on the number 1 team

posted about a year ago

Boaster is the best IGL on the planet are you joking? If fnatic drop Boaster they instantly become worse no matter who they pick up.

posted about a year ago

No Swerl? Mens))

posted about a year ago
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