Flag: Belgium
Registered: August 4, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 4:35 AM
Posts: 5142
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Sinatraa alleged South American?!

posted about a year ago

It was you!!! Whatever you bet on loses. Fuck u!!!

posted about a year ago

Close for entertainment. 13-0 fracture

posted about a year ago

pwease secret! you need to give NA some confidence before they get 2-0ed by fnc and EDG

posted about a year ago

we aint losing this

posted about a year ago

Fnatic clears

posted about a year ago

time to logout πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

im soo done what was that wall

posted about a year ago

New duo sheeesh. After a long time right?

posted about a year ago

LOL burger

posted about a year ago

true but cryocells is the goat tho

posted about a year ago

Liquid with two subs with the help of sayf, soulcas and jampii aim went to three maps against 100T. This will be a complete skill diff today

posted about a year ago

Champs winner IGL owns fraud NA half igl

posted about a year ago

Good idea. Seems like a very fun thing to do 😈

posted about a year ago

Not reformed enough to win the first game of playoffs though πŸ˜‚

posted about a year ago

LEV 2-0 Navi
100T 2-1 FNATIC

posted about a year ago

Global Rizzsports

posted about a year ago

Did you just say TENZ?!?!

posted about a year ago

I call it the suygetsu vandal when im hitting my shots and the shitgetsu vandal when I miss all my shots (i call it shitgetsu most of the time).
I also like calling SOL 100 Thieves of Light when asking for them from my friend because my humour is broken.

posted about a year ago

something had a looot of hacking accusations even from his ranked days because he was soo good. But he proved all of them wrong by performing insane in VCTs.

posted about a year ago

Reaver is the cult classic, but personally I dont like it as Ive used it wayy too much.

posted about a year ago
  1. Prime
  2. Prelude
  3. Foreskinn
  4. Neptune
  5. RGX
posted about a year ago

This one was wayy more impressive. The last match yesterday had a 23-21 game πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

How did he lose? I only watched first 2.5 maps. Wtf... Scarz Jemkin and Kristal are wayy worse than sth and vici, but atleast they play like a goddamn team for the love of god, somethingn SG is unable to do.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this will be the battle of trash. Which is the trashiest trash. We need MIBR vs RRQ vs TS vs FUT

posted about a year ago

Too much for fennel to handle. CLZ is struggling, I think he will get them back in next map. Vici aim is too reliable. Something is playing like a ranked jett to be honest with the attack op. Feels like 2021 and 2020 jett meta.

posted about a year ago

Nobody is sleeping on them. But as someone sane and have seen liquid being overrated for over two years because of them being a big org, it is most normal to think NAVI a top 4 champs team with their roster intact like DRX should be preferred over liquid a superteam yes, but still really young. Expect them to get better over the year but asking them to win the whole thing already is bit of a reach. FNC and NAVI should have a much deeper stratbook.

posted about a year ago

OH LORD lmfao. I thought it was patiphan with the emojis and shit. This sounds even funnier live.

posted about a year ago

atleast even though the crowd was small, they showed up to the last few games and cheered for all teams. I heavily doubt OMEGA bracket will have any kinda viewership and if LOUD loses to DRX it might end up as a shitshow πŸ˜₯

posted about a year ago

created by the goat patiphan

posted about a year ago

Let me speak american. πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”«πŸ«πŸŽ’πŸŸπŸŸ

posted about a year ago

Boaster is the superior brit. Dephh has been tainted by NA for years now.

posted about a year ago

heh, wasnt it you all who completely abandoned them for the longest time? They had to relevance to NA until they won champs and suddenly they're South NA πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted about a year ago

too good for NA. Maybe if he plays with 1 eye and his feet, it would be fair for other regions.

posted about a year ago

Yacine or Sinatraa.

posted about a year ago

nah loud should atleast think about it. Sadhaak on raze aint it, but the impact aspas has on jett seems to be outweighing it.

posted about a year ago

Best one so far of this tournament. Giants vs NRG map 1 was good as well. GENG vs LOUD was a good match.

posted about a year ago

mandatory post!!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

honestly cryocells seems more dangerous than yay imo. He is in a really good team now.

posted about a year ago

19 kills EMEA top duelist and still cant win. Completely done.

posted about a year ago

give him broken agent like chamber and he will do it with ease. It not possible on KJ.

posted about a year ago

crashies is the GOAT of NA valorant and he is proving it even more showing his insane performance on KJ as well.

posted about a year ago

EU player gets 2 first bloods for NA in a round. NA still loses. Ardiis will have to come back to Europe for back surgery considering healthcare in the US.

posted about a year ago

Yeah ofc he would underperform if NA puts a superstar duelist on KJ and Sage. Classic NA brain.

posted about a year ago

why is he carrying this fraud region

posted about a year ago

All this hate that c9 got for simply spicing up competition is so funny to me, it makes me realise why people in this community only want boring storylines where everyone is super respectful and heartwarming and shit. I know drx are cuties and the most humble players in val comp, but c9 doesn’t deserve any of the trash talk community gives it lmao

posted about a year ago

His team got bodied many times, but individually he was at times still getting first kills and entries and ends up posittive. I think the main problem with japanese teams is they absolutely have no idea how to stop these russian jetts just dashing into sites with a breach flash.

posted about a year ago

Pearl 48 kills lmao 23-21. That was probably 2 games alone lmfao.

posted about a year ago
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