Country: Canada
Registered: March 13, 2022
Last post: September 11, 2023 at 8:57 AM
Posts: 5

Isnt it just Sliggy. He is free, has a similar mindset to Mini, and knows the players.

posted 7 months ago

Maybe we get Sliggy - HC, Mini - AC combo

posted 7 months ago

I get all the word bullshit but how has the conversation not looked at the obvious fact. You need to be in a situation of clutching to actually push the statistic. Boaster won 1 in 18 clutches, FNS had freaking 38 chances and still only clutched 3 times. Like what even is that comparison. And FNS even had the opportunity to play against playins teams. Nothing against FNS, he is a good player but getting 2/20 more is nothing to brag about

posted 9 months ago

I dont know if you are trolling but EMEA (EU) won the first Champions

posted 9 months ago