Country: Chile
Registered: February 23, 2022
Last post: September 30, 2022 at 8:20 PM
Posts: 11

como que no lo era? jsadjsa

posted about a year ago

no,no la tuvieron,un par viene del lol y los demas en cs solo armaban stacks que se desarmaban al mes, por que Chile nunca apoyo la escena

posted about a year ago

nao mano ggwp solo una cosa, al analista experto de valorant(brasileño)Furia no es inferior a Lev eh xd

posted about a year ago

Llorás por racismo, pero eres xenófobo
BR things supongo

posted about a year ago

Yes, since he switched to IGL, his performance has dropped

posted about a year ago

yesterday he made stream and during stream he started to feel bad, it seems that he got worse

posted about a year ago

Las franquicias funcionan en juegos como lol o dota,pero en un fps son un desastre,arruinas la mistica de los qualifiers abiertos

posted about a year ago

Mizu(9z) seems better to me, but the synergy that NagZ has with Kru will be difficult to recover quickly

posted about a year ago

GGWP Manito

posted about a year ago

Desde Estral se sabia que Saadhak era muy bueno

posted about a year ago

Literally kru just congratulated Zeta for the victory, and the Brazilians came out and insulted them for nothing xd

PD: they also applauded Nip for his performance.

posted about 2 years ago