Flag: United States
Registered: August 11, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 8:44 PM
Posts: 3543
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yeah he was doing good in trials, but it is fucking demon1. it's like picking up mada over aspas. it doesn't make sense

posted 43 minutes ago

why did the ex team smg team ditch kohaibi?

posted 55 minutes ago

crazy sample size πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά

posted 56 minutes ago

maybe now, but would you chose world champion mvp or some good tier 2 player?

posted 1 hour ago

this is such a braindead statement

posted 1 hour ago

he's talking about when eg got 13-0ed

posted 1 hour ago

unlucky they had to face oxygen. dz are still a top 4 team

posted 2 hours ago

okay smellysocks60

posted 2 hours ago

W for yay for getting a girl

posted 2 hours ago

on top of that he is usually kinda mid on him too

posted 2 hours ago

im assuming he had a channel in the chinese equivalent of youtube and he got signed to pro play after he created his channel

posted 3 hours ago

me and my homies all hate auntymarrie

posted 3 hours ago

the round where add3r was in a 1v1 was also almost a throw by oxygen. im ps oxygen had a man advantage of over 2 players during that round too, but they managed to win the 1v1.

posted 3 hours ago

add3r 1v1 and reduxx and skuba 4v2 retake on matchpoint

posted 3 hours ago

i thought he didnt translate anything?

posted 3 hours ago

Bob played in GC and she did pretty good in tier 2

posted 3 hours ago


posted 4 hours ago


posted 4 hours ago

check oxygen's bank accounts 😭😭😭

posted 4 hours ago

8-4 up. Hopefully we don't throw this again πŸ™ƒ

posted 4 hours ago


posted 5 hours ago


posted 6 hours ago


posted 8 hours ago


posted 8 hours ago

Mb bro i never thought they were sending those stuff. I just thought they were calling him out

posted 9 hours ago

Oh shit if they were death threats then nvm. I thought ppl were just calling him out.

posted 9 hours ago

The indian fans aren't crazy. They probably thought that he was in on spreading misinformation about indians
Nvm they were sending death threats

posted 9 hours ago

Seems like the players were just looking for stuff to hate, or they are just have some weird vendetta and are trying to paint indians in a bad light

posted 9 hours ago

does riot have a plan if a team full of 16 year olds win ascension?

posted 9 hours ago

money and guarantee of playing in next years season

posted 9 hours ago

Ads, gambling sites, and selling of data

posted 9 hours ago

Governor isn't considered an import????

posted 17 hours ago

erm acktually he was found off of ranked by ex-flickbaiters and they were picked up by oxygen as their academy team πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“

posted 18 hours ago

C00tiePieJ0ngJ0ng about to be in shambles

posted 18 hours ago


posted 18 hours ago


posted 18 hours ago

meh idk. he was fine, but ion think he was as good as jinggg

posted 18 hours ago

idk abt that. monyet was legit looking like 2023 asuna out there. he is my goat tho

posted 18 hours ago

Fr bruh 😭😭😭

posted 18 hours ago

dis crazy bruh 😭😭😭

posted 18 hours ago

use mouthwash when youre done

posted 18 hours ago

Crazy how we all just started collectively shitting on jingg because of 3 cock suckers 😭😭😭

posted 18 hours ago


posted 18 hours ago


posted 18 hours ago

it's the same as stax and old kangkang fans (not current ones). they were treating them like they were a tiny baby

posted 18 hours ago

He didn't have malicious intent. He just blew this out of proportion by getting carried away, and he accidentally let his own opinions slip out.

posted 18 hours ago

can jinggg fans realize that he is a grown ass adult

posted 18 hours ago
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