Flag: United States
Registered: February 27, 2024
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 9:45 PM
Posts: 3043
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ur right the goat is j0ngg with lower rating than d4v4i in a farmers region

posted 37 minutes ago

ok ur braindead takes made my mind

random ass players from southeast asia are the goat!!!

posted 42 minutes ago

yeah he also said yay was going to get aspas here


posted 49 minutes ago

I feel bad for poop rex fans, they need to try to reduce the goat to j0ng and overrathing's low level cos theyre favorite players are ass

posted 55 minutes ago

shion is dogshit

posted 2 hours ago

mazin clears
shi0n being carried by ghoul and blowz

posted 2 hours ago

malding man doesnt lick the boots of memea anymore?

posted 3 hours ago


s0cy is holding them back

posted 4 hours ago

s0cy said neon is dogshit

posted 4 hours ago

memewzera good neon? kekw

posted 4 hours ago

they're playing raze on lotus, furia and eg at least are playing neon

posted 5 hours ago

LA looks tier 3
NA looks mid, but most teams are out of meta
BR looks stronger, but many unexperienced players

posted 5 hours ago

all good we have taiwan

posted 5 hours ago

japanese constitution was written by the US we need to defend our favorite puppet state

posted 5 hours ago

r0ta would get stomped by DZ any day

posted 5 hours ago

it grows downwards 😂

posted 6 hours ago

for the world is Hell, and men are on the one hand the tormented souls and on the other the devils in it - Schopenhauer

posted 6 hours ago

i just like to read ancient texts in their original version (ofc i didnt learn brahmi to read the rigveda, I read the devanagari version)

posted 7 hours ago

classical chinese and modern chinese are two different languages

I wouldn't waste my time learning standard chinese id rather learn hakka or cantonese

posted 7 hours ago

i can read the analects in classical chinese and the rigveda in sanskrit

but look... at least u have a broken english

posted 7 hours ago

in ur head u speak 4 languages and have a deep knowledge of literature...

but only in ur head

posted 8 hours ago

"semi illiterate"
you said "didnt" without the apostrophe which led me to read it as "did"
communication issues can be caused by both the speaker and the listener
maybe it's not me who's illiterate, but you who don't know how to express yourself properly

posted 8 hours ago

all good they removed the thread noone will see me calling u an NPC

posted 8 hours ago

i am wholesome + I OWN you


posted 8 hours ago

he likes the butterfly effect from chaos theory

posted 8 hours ago

we literally won champs and then madrid lil bro

posted 9 hours ago

too late bro ur already banned

any last words?

posted 9 hours ago

what if pancc harassed u?

posted 9 hours ago

least eastern asia biased japanese fan

posted 9 hours ago

I knew it was soyboygetsu when u said he doesnt represent a country

posted 10 hours ago

usually states have "south" in their names like south carolina or south dakota

whatever then is he in se0ul?

posted 10 hours ago

noone answered the question

posted 10 hours ago


posted 11 hours ago

is aspas already in japan for champs?

posted 11 hours ago

bait alert

posted 11 hours ago

Engl0nd's best team below:


posted 12 hours ago

now make the smartest baiters list 😎

posted 12 hours ago

100t fans exist

posted 1 day ago

F0T is dogshit

posted 1 day ago

eastern europe carries w0st0rn eur0pe

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

MIBR is dogshit they only exist to be H U M I L I A T E D by NA teams

posted 1 day ago

Every shit take and cope will be stated from this account


posted 1 day ago

bro forgot 2021 reykjavik

posted 1 day ago

least braindead 100flukes fan

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago
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