Flag: Finland
Registered: March 12, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 3:38 PM
Posts: 618
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Yeah the one in the hangar that's used for sell and source missions

posted 14 hours ago

You have to go in the lsia one and sell the crates left in it from the supply missions

posted 14 hours ago


posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

Just koalapro farming

posted 2 days ago

The chosen one.

posted 2 days ago

I don't care, derke is the only one I need

posted 2 days ago

Talon is the closest to that but even they aren't that troll of a team so I guess so

posted 2 days ago

I think you instantly become one once you become a fan of paper rex

posted 2 days ago

If that is true, then it sounds like a hot take since 99.999999% of the community thinks otherwise, theres more delusional sentinels fans coping that they can win champs than anyone claiming heretics can

posted 3 days ago

People keep saying this but I have yet to see anybody claim heretics will win champs?

You guys need to start using your meds man

posted 3 days ago

madafaka went crazy

posted 3 days ago

Fpx, the team who at the very least has been just as shaky?

posted 4 days ago

I expected 3-0 but not cause of kru, they just completely dismantled them last time in aim and in strats and reads

posted 4 days ago

Derke clears

posted 4 days ago
  1. Fnatic
  2. G2
  3. geng
  4. Heretics
posted 4 days ago

Fnatic isn't an NA team so they can't lose

posted 4 days ago

Good old choke2 is back babyyyy

Sad for my bois to go out like this though :(

posted 5 days ago

Keznit > aspas, my goat

posted 6 days ago

Bro was called a traffic cone 1 too many times

posted 6 days ago

I have definitely seen more delusional sentinels fans claim sentinels can win than anyone claim heretics can win

posted 6 days ago

Probably after sentinels

posted 6 days ago


posted 6 days ago

Its honestly hard to rank them in terms of JUST space creation but

Jingg (at least used to be on raze)
Icy unironically is very good at it even though his fragging isn't that great

I also think texture is a good space creator but he is just a hard fragging duelist

posted 6 days ago

Demon1 would absolutely not make this roster any better, he has a very selfish playstyle and is not a space maker, we saw NRG try to use him as 1 and we saw what happened

posted 6 days ago

This may just be the worst trophy I have ever seen in any esports ever, even the one that broke in CS was better than this wtf

posted 6 days ago

Keznit is your father

posted 1 week ago

Derke clears that fraud

posted 1 week ago

Benjy going double negative is crazy

posted 1 week ago

I'm more of a trent guy myself but all of the g2 boys need their respect

posted 1 week ago

I just want keznit to win just to make that 1 mwzera glazer mald

posted 1 week ago

Water is even better

posted 1 week ago

With bilibili and a few NA teams there, anything is possible

posted 1 week ago

good management 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻

posted 1 week ago

Get wardell in there as performance coach and tell him to only coach zekkens op ez pz

posted 1 week ago

I already had low expectations for the bait from the username but didn't expect it to be this bad

posted 1 week ago

All that meatriding just to bully shyy xd

posted 1 week ago

derke does it too but at least he gets it from cs, maybe its the same for miniboo?

posted 1 week ago

Imagine hiro wins his first ever event being champions not losing a single series

posted 1 week ago

And to add onto that, when he was playing a game of this caliber he was awful

posted 1 week ago

Runner running away from highlights since I have yet to see one

posted 1 week ago

People really fans of this backstabbing org smh my head

posted 1 week ago

Coldest player I ever seen, ice fucking cold in the clutch, just never chokes it

posted 1 week ago

These games have all been entertaining as hell

posted 1 week ago
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