Country: Norway
Registered: April 12, 2021
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 1:20 PM
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Ppl are gonna say I'm on the hard copium, but I think KR is not a one team region, at least not anymore. And if we are going only off of Masters results, I still don't think this is a fair assessment.

posted about 2 years ago

I'd say underrating KR/JP and overrating SEA. Problem with KR/JP is that they have one team that they send out lol, ofc they won't have multiple teams doing well internationally. VS have just always had a shitty group stage or did better than most of APAC though usually, and if you want to go off of improvement, JP are the most improved, from masters 1-3 u can see CR and ZETA just getting so much better.

I'd honestly go with EMEA, NA, BR, SEA, KR/JP.

I think the judgement that KR/JP are one team regions is kinda dumb bc they literally can only bring out one team, and for the majority of JP's history, they haven't been a one team region. KR are also are definitely not a one team region, Nuturn bringing down VS and just Damwon, ONS, TNL, I don't think KR are a one team region anymore.

Or more like EMEA, NA, BR, KR, SEA, JP, LATAM, SA. KR just had an unfortunate Masters this time imo.

posted about 2 years ago

Lol I think it's great still, it just shifts focus. I don't think it became that dull, but I can see why you can think that way.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Honestly a fun Masters to watch :D even with the Covid and Russia player issues.

posted about 2 years ago

Do you love Wardell?

posted about 2 years ago

that feels weird when saying OpTic instead of Envy.
Really surprising that the main core (FNS, Victor, Crashies) are still here after a while (1.5 years or so).

posted about 2 years ago

Difference is that Acend is just actual garbo this time :D

posted about 2 years ago

I'm just god awful at video games, I could blame it on my set up, I could blame it on my teammates. But I know it's me, and I really have no good excuses. I just am bad at video games, most video games I touch, I'm just garbo cheeks at. I can always reach at least a bit better than the average player or little more, but I always seem to not be able to grind any higher. I think a lot to do with it is mental, I focus on my excuses which makes me think about them more. Such as having bad ping or fps, it's not even that bad, I just need to not focus on it.

Honestly I just search for having a good time and just chilling out, that's what I find best for just slowly climbing up, because you will never be able to maintain a rank that you tryharded for, unless you tryhard for a super long time, in which case your mental will break. Just chill out and warm up and you will eventually rank up. Ranking up is not an action, it's a process that will eventually happen when your skills get better.

posted about 2 years ago

I know everyone's gonna point out old big anime, but I think Spy X Family is going to be the big anime this season, it will allow you to talk to most weebs, because they are probably going to watch it. I already read the manga, but I'm def watching the anime, because the OP is made by Official Hige Dandism, and the ED is made by Gen Hoshino.

posted about 2 years ago

FPX and actual Fnatic would have done great. Also they deserve that amount of slots based on playerbase alone.

posted about 2 years ago

Best way imo would be West Europe, East Europe, Middle East, Africa. Hopefully Africa builds an esports scene in Nigeria(lol no Niger) or smth, bc it's getting developed quite quickly. I think if Rito capitalize on African Market, then Valorant and League will be immortalized.

posted about 2 years ago

Actually fair enough, i just don't think Rito will consider India atm, bc esports scene is not doing the best there rn. Seems like a good spot in the future though. Probably going to be Seoul, Tokyo, or Singapore imo.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes. I mean not everyone follows this game religiously, this game has only been out for a very short amount of time, and with how volatile being the best in valorant is, I don't blame them. Look at Gambit and then Acends the best, and then ??? now. Like we haven't figured out the clear best player in valorant atm, and it's constantly changing if any.

posted about 2 years ago

depends. CIS region is really small. CIS would kinda get bad at some point without enough interregion play with the other regions simply because there aren't that many teams. CIS is very good at valorant, but I think they kinda need the other regions, because it provides more practice against more teams in a tournament setting which isn't like scirms.

posted about 2 years ago

man is farming upvotes LOL

posted about 2 years ago

-Avast 2022

posted about 2 years ago

Common iKyoto W

posted about 2 years ago

Yea, I have no idea why they had him on Jett when they could've just used BuZz. Rb was an overrated jett player since VS got any sort of attention. Rb was not the reason why VS were so strong, but he is a great flex player.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

L + Keqing is worse than Hu Tao + Ratio + Rb and Zest are weak links

posted about 2 years ago

Rainbow 6 Siege($20). As much as people always talk about how Ubi is ruining the game, it's been continuously improving. It has an excessively steep learning curve, but if you're up to the challenge and want to try something new, it's great.

Apex Legends(free). Honestly I just started playing this game because vtubers often play it(Startend lol). It really is just a lot of fun though, the movement is sleek, the characters are vibrant and interesting. It just feels very refined overall.

Titanfall 2($20). If I recommend Apex, I have to recommend Titanfall. It has the best movement of all time, all I have to say.

Team Fortress 2(free). Well if I recommend TF2, I should recommend the other TF2 as well. Both great games.

Teamfight Tactics(free). Even though it's in the league client, autochess games are just so fun, because it's neither a mechanically demanding game nor a grind based game, but it still maintain competitive integrity. I just love autochess games, and TFT is just perfect for that.

Krunker(free). Lol the game that looks like Csgo on roblox, but actually has a lot of depth. The slide hops in the game feel like csgo bunny hopping but if actually humanly possible to do. It's just a nice chill movement game that is fucked over by cheaters and tryhards on faceit.

VRchat(free). All jokes aside, just start talking, and you might find a new friend or group of friends. It really just is a nice fun experience to talk with people. If you have a VR headset this experience is even more, but just with desktop is fine as well.

Lost Ark(free). It went free to play, one of the best Action combat in any mmo. I mean why wouldn't I list this game.

BDO($10). Phenomenal combat, probably the best. You just feel so cool.

Tera(free). Garbage MMO honestly, but fun to sink a couple hours, because combat is great.
Soulworker(free). Garbage MMO honestly, but fun to sink a couple hours, because combat is great.
Elsword(free). Garbage MMO honestly, but fun to sink a couple hours, because combat is great.

Outer Wilds($20) NOT OUTER WORLDS. Beautiful music and interesting lore. It just is the epitome of a exploration game. Definitely should check out at some point, my favorite game of all time.

BTD 6($10)/ BTD Battles 2(free). BTD 6 is just a great chill time, the co op mode is fun as well. BTD battles is the competetive mode which I personally think is a little bad. It's simply just not that fun to play, I honestly prefer BTD Battles 1.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think it's a good move if they want to go to Champions. Wait are there only 2 masters this time? I swear to god that they said there are only 2, if there are 3, maybe it's not a super bad move, but I don't think it's the best idea since they have to fix a ton of Role ambiguities reallly quick. (Unless they pull a Vision Strikers which somehow got a ton of Jett mains to switch to like 12 different roles)

posted about 2 years ago

No I'm in Brimstone's dungeon :D

posted about 2 years ago

0/8, controllers are so much better. Omen is the most self sufficient agent in the game, Viper and Astra assert so much control on a map and are almost always great picks, and Brimstone and Jett are thicc

posted about 2 years ago

Interesting. Actually the raze pick is fair enough. Just not sure whether or not he will be able to pick up those initiators quick enough. I mean if Sentinels are trying to go to Champions with this roster, they have to get this done quick, and learning on the fly doesn't seem like the greatest idea if they weren't together from the start. Your points are very good though, Split and Fracture would have a huge benefit from having a capable raze player.

posted about 2 years ago

He is a great player, I stress this multiple times, but it's just not great for the roles of the team overall. Shahz offsetted TenZ's impact by taking all the strain on himself. Considering what Shahz did last time, I would assume that he would have TenZ and him take the Chamber role and have Sinatraa or him flex on the Kayo? Just a lot of role ambiguities that they have to figure out in a short amount of time. I already know that they have adapted through the viper meta just fine, but eventually a team falls apart through multiple metas. I just think that this will not be the best. Maybe it will help, but there are so many other players that would help so much more.

I don't think Sinatraa is a bad player by any means, I don't think that this will even make the team worse in the short term. I just believe that there are better players that could've been chosen from.

posted about 2 years ago

Main issue is that I think that Sentinels are going to have Shahz and Tenz flex, causing the team to be more inconsistent in a way. Also future Adaptability is affected, because SicK is stuck on the Main Smokes role and TenZ, Shahz, and Sinatraa have a ton of role overlap, someone will have to give in. Eventually flexing onto your more uncomfortable roles will make you play worse, and that's what I believe will happen. I think that Sinatraa is an amazing flex player, but considering he only played like 2 agents at the start of Valorant and they still seem to be his mains, I think that Sentinels will keep him on those roles because Shahz is an idiot.

posted about 2 years ago

??? mainly Sova/Raze player. So much role overlap. That means that Shahz or TenZ goes to the Chamber role at some point and it means that SicK has to go to Smokes. I don't think that's a great idea considering that then they will have to shift over so many pieces to adapt to a new meta. Also even though SicK is a great player overall. Going from sentinel role -> Viper on like 2 maps, is not close to going from flex to main smokes. SicK is not a main smokes player as far as I know, and I don't think it's the greatest idea to limit his abilities through such a role.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Sexual allegations and shit aside, I just genuinely believe this is a horrible roster move.
Why remove so much adaptability and flexibility in the roster to add Sinatraa, just a horrible idea imo. I could see Sinatraa fitting on some other rosters, def not Sentinels though.
I have no worries about adapting to the new roles, but future adaptability will be affected. Furthermore, having a knowledgeable smokes player is just always important.
I don't really hate Sentinels as much as some of the people here, but I don't think this move is the greatest. Removing zombs is fine I guess, but replace him with a smokes player at least.

I guess it might be because there's a surplus of initiators due to it currently being an initiator meta, but Sinatraa could most definitely find a different team that would serve his needs much better. I swear he could legit ask EG to drop a couple grand to help him build a team.


posted about 2 years ago

Sprouts, Him, archetype, and u are some of my favorite people on this website(other than me, because I'm simply too good to be on a list no cap)

posted about 2 years ago

hotter take: ur mom

posted about 2 years ago

Loud win Masters. I really don't think any of the other teams are at their firepower except maybe PRX. I've been hyping this team for a while so I goddamn hope that they do well.

posted about 2 years ago

Rare HackNaija L

posted about 2 years ago

Fuck u and ur parents and everyone that loves you. We can't have good times here 😠.
also L + Ratio + TSM owns you

posted about 2 years ago

Add in Nearest Airport.

posted about 2 years ago

What stonks worked out, what didn't.
Loud is the only one that worked out for me D: DRX is bringing me much bread en francais.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Vastly better on one map and losing barely on the others is what losing with higher overall rounds means. Usually means that there were close maps or overtimes they were edged out. VS usually do well in those scenarios, clutching up and winning the game generally, that's the reason for my surprise. Liquid has some consistency issues and I can see them choking, I don't see that as much for DRX.

posted about 2 years ago

Thx Sprouts for the great info. :D

posted about 2 years ago

Ik, but that means they fucked up in mental or smth in over time rounds. VS usually have great mental so that was surprising to me.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

They are like TSM, they take maps off of good teams to instill hope in their fans, but they proceed to throw the rest of the match as always. Management is horrible, so their IGL switches every 3 days making comms incomprehensible, allowing for zero consistency.

posted about 2 years ago

I just come back, and how tf did DRX lose bro, they have more round wins overall LOL. rip my pickems now. At least I got Loud vs G2 correct, Loud just look so good.

Can anyone explain wtf happened last map so that DRX lost.

posted about 2 years ago

Zeta completely Team Diffed these nobodies. Team Liquid is actually a tier 2 team that fluked their ways into here, dw they are actually a garbo team.

posted about 2 years ago

Black clover feels like one damn arc, it just keeps on building up the hype

posted about 2 years ago

Soul Society >>>

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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