Flag: Norway
Registered: April 12, 2021
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 1:20 PM
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posted about 2 years ago

yooo. insane match. props to TNL. Damwon is literally a top 3 team rn. I think if this is the performance TNL consistently do. I think this can beat Vision Strikers. And I am not lying.

posted about 2 years ago

Yea Zyppan is cracked af. I personally just like watching Yacine though. The dude is full of charisma. I love Boaster as wellbut how can you hate Yacine. Yacine also just plays in a fun way because Guild smeag is like FaZe smeag but without searching for picks. So it's literally so fun to watch. It's like Brazil but more coordinated. I love it. I mean they don't do that smeag as much anymore but any time Yacine plays. It's just fun to watch him.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Also one thing. The only way to improve your quickscoping other than aim training. Is through raising your aimed in sensitivity. Your aimed in sensitivity affects you sens when you're aiming in so it makes quickscoping much harder. I use 1.5 which makes it 1:1 in cm/360. But no real adv. I just use it because it helped a ton in Siege and it feels odd to not have it on.

posted about 2 years ago

ik. that's why i was asking if this dude was joking or if he was thinking this was legit.

posted about 2 years ago

gMd brimstone lurk on breeze. jkjk. I actually do think gMd is very consistent though and he also has a very good agent pool. Prob not top 3 anymore but 100% underrated.

posted about 2 years ago

The enemy team do be looking spicy. Sorry for this trash pun.

posted about 2 years ago

I want to make a team based on Yacine bc it would be very fun to watch. I mean like you could just choose cNed and he awps everyone. But Yacine is just fun to watch so I'd make this team.

Yacine - Raze or Jett
Niesow - Reyna(why tf not. he said he's coming back soon anyways and prob one of the most cracked players to touch val.)
Stax - Skye or breach
Jcstani - Viper/Omen (yes)
Leo - literally anything

Yes Jcstani. I think he is top tier. He is a player who can build a very strong foundation. Because as you can see. Immortals just falls apart without him. And he literally had to play with so many new players. My opinion. Yes Niesow bc Niesow. Yes Stax because Stax still one of the best skyes in the game honestly. Love to watch him. And then lowel, leo, or nAts. My impression of leo has been rising bc he looks pretty nice and he can run breach which means breach skye which is pretty strong atm. Also he can play quite a bit of agents. His agent pool looks pretty nasty.

I think Jcstani and Leo bring enough flexibility to survive the metas and Stax, Niesow, and Yacine are all star players.

posted about 2 years ago

My reasoning for BR is because I feel like when creating a team from random players. The most important thing. Is ridiculous firepower because you can just slot in some random IGL. But yea I think BR has the best firepower. Just my opinion.

posted about 2 years ago

is this bait or is this fr.

posted about 2 years ago

I only recognise the korean and some of the T2 american players. But wtf how are some of these Korean free agents without contracts. Some of them are legit insane. That's sad. Literally there is a team you could easily create that could be close to tier 1 with just those free agents.

posted about 2 years ago

This is honestly sad but I think his take on phantom is good actually. Because phantom is legitimately better. People have just been stingy on using it. As well as TenZ. He just likes how the vandal feels. That's why he uses it. But hold operator is preference. Not meta. If you are holding angles. It makes you apply pressure on to your mouse which makes it more ecstatic which can make your aim worse. But rescope works for aggressive play for the most part.

posted about 2 years ago

THE ONE THING I WANT TO SAY. HOLD IS NOT FASTER. It is because you can rescope mid unscope animation a little easier. I'm pretty sure you can still do it with toggle but you need some annoying settings. But yes. It's not quicker. It doesn't make for faster quickscopes. This actually shows how gullible people are. It is something that can work for some people. But there are advantages to both sides. But that advantage isn't scoping in quicker from a stand still.

posted about 2 years ago

They'll prob just bench him and use the loophole. CR are doing this. They have like 2 of their original players benched and only one on the active roster. It's super sketch but I wouldn't be surprised.

posted about 2 years ago

I think they just Bench RB. I think BuZz looks pretty decent on the jett. And we have never seen RB on smokes. I'd be surprised they do that because is a pretty dumb idea because you already have Mako who is probably 90% likely better on the smokes. I think they just replace rb even though it feels sad bc he's their star player. VS might do some shady shit anyways because they have so many players that they might just be benching their main players to get around the loophole. I don't like the idea of that. But it's pretty likely. I think Lakia would definitely take the Sova though so I can't see this going different any way.

posted about 2 years ago

I think scrims are prob better. Because you don't reveal strats. So yea. Also you wouldn't want your gameplay right before when you're theorycrafting and shit. To be known and be vod reviewed by other teams. Even if you aren't trying. It's bad because that means you can't test that shit. You probably want to test your strats against teams in your region and hopefully they don't tell other teams bc that's a dick move. Only 3 teams in total qualify for Champions from NA so I think it actually wouldn't be that bad and there would still be a variety of fantastic teams.

posted about 2 years ago

Maybe add DaZeD. But ehh. DaZeD is way too much of a CS player but honestly it still worked out so yea. Even if it's not the best IGL. I think it's better than nothing.
Maybe Poach. He's been on BBG and he still looks fine but BBG just haven't been getting results so I wouldn't be surprised if he takes an offer.

Can't think of many others off the top of my head.

posted about 2 years ago

Well I guess we'll see India's performance in the LCQ. Skrossi does look nice but I think it'll be a Turkey style blunder where the region is pog but they just haven't adapted to meta properly and they just do some questionable things. I think GE or VLT(No SE bc they're eh) have a 60% chance of qualifying through LCQ. And I think that is going to be their proving grounds. Full sense is honestly not that bad and I'm pretty sure Japan and Korea are included in the giant APAC LCQ. Which means Nth. And probably TNL and DWG unless DWG clutch up and do well in stage 3. DWG will be a force to be reckoned with if APAC LCQ includes KR and CR(srry I meant JP). I think it'll be a good learning experience if they fail and if they don't even reach the LAN. Because honestly they do have the talent. They just need to have the right strats and the right team.

But to answer the question. I think Skrossi would do ehh at the start. Look just like idk Soniqs when they started so good in the T2 scene. But once he hones his gamesense and everything. He'll def be a T1 player.

posted about 2 years ago

Well apparently my brother and my sister both got 1490 twice lmao. The chances of that. Now time to score a 1360.

posted about 2 years ago

NU 2-1. WGS are good at taking off one map. And Nuturn look ehh rn so I wouldn't be surprised if WGS upsets here. But I wouldn't expect an upset. I think Nuturn takes this 2-1.

posted about 2 years ago

Megastitut best team EU. jkjk BDS is really pog though. I think Sweden edges them out though.

posted about 2 years ago

I want to say sweden win this but that'd be too far. But GUILD U GOT THIS BOYS BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF GG2.

posted about 2 years ago


I think the US, Turkey, and Brazil would win. Simply because of the stronger firepower.

posted about 2 years ago

They have the LCQ. Last chance qualifier.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

They just signed some content creators. Why are people misunderstanding this. They only make content. They are actually trash players, some of them can't even reach radiant. Hopefully they make a pro team in the future though.

posted about 2 years ago

Let's be honest. Some of the baits on this site are good. But some are shit. What's your favorite baiter? (I don't mean hiko baiter. I mean normal baiter)

posted about 2 years ago

He really shouldn't. But it is how it is. I would prefer if everyone chose option number 1. Because honestly if someone's being a dick. I don't see people reporting enough. Riot can ban people for toxicity. People. fucking do it. It's literally 2 buttons. But I do lower my voice. And that's how I can kinda mask my lisp.

And these really are the only options I know of.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

The spainiard army attacked my posts in the G2 vs FPX game. I deserve 5 stars not just 4. jkjk. Enigma spare me pls. Don't take away my stars.

posted about 2 years ago

wait where?

posted about 2 years ago

You mean Gamelanders Furia

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

i actually. don't know now. really strange.

posted about 2 years ago

Wow. I didn't even check SEA bc I thought that X10 lost bc daddy patiphan was gone. But they actually did it. That's really good. To honestly recover from not having their star player to having a decent player makes it much different because they have to play differently. Well done X10.

posted about 2 years ago

That's a good point. Did they not change that. I didn't realize if that was the case. That'd be a huge under sight if that's actually the case.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Well big rip for future me when I take the SAT and get a shitty score. Apparently my brother and sister both got perfect scores on the bio sat or smth so big sadge.

posted about 2 years ago

**pepe sadge

posted about 2 years ago

I personally think it's fine either way.

posted about 2 years ago

My sis got a 1490 or smth. I haven't taken the sat yet. My school district is apparently smart which is shown by my superior takes.

posted about 2 years ago

is 100t gonna be there?

posted about 2 years ago

Ascend lose easy. I think a similar team called acNed might win. But def not Ascend. ez channel points.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Not much better than nukkye and friends.

posted about 2 years ago

he's playing sova atm. but he's their star player bc he used to play duelist. i don't think he's the best but i'm still iffy on this one. but if there was someone to drop. it'd have to be rb.

posted about 2 years ago

Boaster best streamer

posted about 2 years ago
1 •• 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 •• 101