Country: Israel
Registered: July 24, 2021
Last post: October 8, 2023 at 9:44 PM
Posts: 533
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FPX better team, would be a shame for them to lose. mental block as big as lulquid astralis rn

posted about a year ago

prx are actually morons, why they tryna play like a team who they clearly aren't. fixing what clearly wasn't broken....

posted about a year ago

geng are the gift that keeps on giving, guys are losing to coaches now too lmao

posted about a year ago

if fpx ban icebox fpx win without a doubt, if not then they're just morons

posted about a year ago

love seeing these serial chokers get smoked, their fans are the most deluded

posted about a year ago

it literally took xset trying to lose for levi to beat them in the end. if its not a fnc 2-0 then they wanna lose too xd

posted about a year ago

Marved was never gonna let himself lose to these lets be honest

posted about a year ago

dumbest thing i've ever read

posted about a year ago

just stand still and you beat prx

posted about a year ago

apac kids on their knees for a drx win but homies, i hate to tell you this, they're gonna get murdered

posted about a year ago

thats something i cant help sadly, we're the worst of them all

posted about a year ago

thank you very much, you might see me on the argentina pro valorant scene soon!

posted about a year ago

yeah you dont understand the way the game works dw

posted about a year ago

bro, if you're losing EVERY 1v1 / 1v2, it doesnt matter how the round went prior, that is just individuals feeling the pressure

posted about a year ago

i cant remember the last team that was this nervous, lost both pistols, lost every single 1v1, lost about 3 1v2s in impossible situations. you're vs leviatan btw

posted about a year ago

how are xset losing this lmao, about 7 rounds thrown just because of pure nerves

posted about a year ago

jugi is better than your fav player sorry brotha

posted about a year ago

my guy said kru hahahaha and mfer, optic can lose to xerxia first round then go unbeatable all event, have you ever watched before? lmfao

posted about a year ago

this isnt even close, drx most overrated team at the event as per vs the actual best team (top 3 at absolute worst) so yeah gl to the koreans

posted about a year ago

nice to see the games most overrated team get bodied like this

posted about a year ago

these teams are absolutely abysmal, riot format forever trash

posted about a year ago

xerxia the most overrated team already after losing to fpx with a standin looool

posted about a year ago

you just jinx every team you bet on by writing in here can you please just stop

posted about a year ago

NA really sent this team over sheesh, those LAN nerves might be enough to kill them jesus

posted about a year ago

took 1 map with 3 optic players having covid, if they've even recovered slightly this is doomed for xset sadly

posted about a year ago

oh look guys the NA guild has taken the stage!! i wonder if they'll manage atleast 1 map this game

posted about a year ago

it goes to show you how much EMEA has fallen if Guild are the 3rd best option

posted about a year ago

i do blame them, imagine losing to these lmao

posted about a year ago

hate when teams like guild make it to games like this, even liquid or m3c wouldve made this closer. just another xset clone

posted about a year ago

this poor team really got this nervous vs a team with covid damn theyre never gonna win anything if they cant even win this lmao

posted about a year ago

cant see a world xset win more than a map ngl

posted about a year ago

about time faze beat these frauds, basically won 5-1

posted about a year ago

m3c dont even know how to play the game, another liquid 2-0 and with relative ease

posted about a year ago

pigs will fly before 100t beat these again, was a miracle they survived the last game

posted about a year ago

cos sadly most good fps players are playing other games, this game has the worst of all of them :'(

posted about a year ago

jugi is better than your fav player sorry

posted about a year ago

thank god these have lost, actually made people thought they were back lmfao, most overrated team of all time

posted about a year ago

hahahaha where are these sheydos clowns at now? my mans getting clapped by "guild" loooool

posted about a year ago

ill disrespect whoever i want u clown lmfao

posted about a year ago

its 2022 and teams are losing to "sheydos" and "deffo"

posted about a year ago

if this 100t roster played for eg everyone would predict faze lmfao, yall faded

posted about a year ago

Acend 2-0, easiest game to predict

posted about a year ago

50/50 imo, ghost had a much easier group in comparison but their win vs 100t was nice, although hard to say if 100t put everything into that game so idk, could go either way, would probably lean EG based off who each team has played

posted about a year ago

nothing more LG than doing a fake comeback

posted about a year ago

the sooner this g2 shambolic team disbands the better

posted about a year ago

no it isnt? the very first pistol of the game they got 1v5 ninja defused, and then ecoed a few rounds after. 2nd map they win pistol and lose to another eco lmao theyre hopeless. 100t are good but NRG made them look like Optic

posted about a year ago

you're biased so ill ignore you with all due respect

posted about a year ago
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