Country: Israel
Registered: July 24, 2021
Last post: October 8, 2023 at 9:44 PM
Posts: 533
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theyve let it happen again loooooool

posted about a year ago

not like a bronzilian team to let someone flank them every single round

posted about a year ago

it was around even if i remember correctly

posted about a year ago

i'm also pretty sure everytime these 2 have played, whoever has been the underdog on the bookies has won every time

posted about a year ago

hard to replicate tho, never seen yay have two bad series in a row vs a team + finals now

posted about a year ago

Loud "should" win based on how the veto is gonna look, but Optic have El Diablo so honestly who tf knows whos gonna win

posted about a year ago

i saw someone say "i'm scared to be a g2 fan now" fucking hell what kind of people do we have in our scene

posted about a year ago

BOTS? hahahaha its vlr bro calm yourself, this is what i mean when i say you're making koreans look like clowns and you just feed straight into it lmao

posted about a year ago

you make koreans look like clowns honestly, feel bad for your region when they have morons like you

posted about a year ago

why are two 1 team regions tryna give it loooool, funny cos none of you are winning this event either lmao, morons are happy with coming 2nd and 3rd, couldnt be me or my goated region

posted about a year ago

your shit team and shit region has won nothing and you're here piping up looool could never be me

posted about a year ago

woah what was that? something just flew past my window at phenomenal speed? oh nvm was just drx' composure. false alarm guys

posted about a year ago

awwww your team shit the bed again, cant say im surprised

posted about a year ago

bye drx, good riddance to bad rubbish!

posted about a year ago

brother, your team won both pistols and only got 8 rounds looool

posted about a year ago

why icebox? just cos they beat fpx? and haven wow they beat a viper on it and again, not one of fpx' strongest maps.. xset > fpx at haven and optic smoked them.

posted about a year ago

no they dont lol, optic have pearl and bind. drx have breeze and ascent. everything else is 50/50 pretty much

posted about a year ago

if fpx ban breeze then veto doesnt even matter, most 50/50 game of the event (excluding drx losing all composure)

posted about a year ago

Optic really want that loser bracket buff i guess

posted about a year ago

loud haven
optic bind
if icebox decider (which it should be) 50/50

posted about a year ago

look how nervous this turk is looool cant win a single 1v1

posted about a year ago

derke single handidly losing them the map by being a moron

posted about a year ago

thanks for making fnatic the underdog, betting against drx just a money glitch in playoffs

posted about a year ago

pathetic from xset ngl

posted about a year ago

BRUH the team who picks doesnt choose the side WTF HELLO

posted about a year ago

sorry but who cares about "revenge for kru"? theyre lucky to have even got here, they suck.

posted about a year ago

hard to ever doubt el diablo man, guy is literally the valorant version of zywoo, just no mistakes ever its mental

posted about a year ago

yeah, but kru suck so not really applicable is it

posted about a year ago

keep lev away from the stage they arent built for it

posted about a year ago

he called 2 of them are you okay?

posted about a year ago

feel like theyre due a run but if they cant do it this time then yeah theyre in the mud

posted about a year ago

likely lose to fpx just due to map pool tbh, possible lb run tho

posted about a year ago

hope i never have to watch "KRU" play ever again

posted about a year ago

FNC look like the only team that can make playoffs with zero chance of actually winning the event

posted about a year ago

Liquid free win on breeze/icebox
optic free win on pearl/fracture
then ascent/haven last is 50/50

lean liquid xD

posted about a year ago

these prx fans legit thought their players could out aim the HS machine himself loooool the delusion is too funny

posted about a year ago

are you okay? have you seen Levs defence on the map, honestly you must be on some kinda fugaze shit to come to these conclusions

posted about a year ago

brother, why on earth would leviatan ban their best map loooool

posted about a year ago

what a day, these delusional asians gotta put all their hope on notorious chokers DRX hahaha

posted about a year ago

loooooool imagine thinking these asians can compete with GOATED Jamppi

posted about a year ago

this generation is too fucked bro they wanna be twerking just like him looool

posted about a year ago

why would i worry, theyre playing a team who are just gonna keep tryna take fights vs better aimers lmao

posted about a year ago

teams arent gonna ban the maps they picked in the first series lmao, fnc lost both pistols on pearl and lost 13-10 theres no way they ban it + 100t arent letting icebox through regardless of them somehow losing to furia on it

posted about a year ago

why? they were 6+ the first time they played and got 2-0d? zeta beating "boom" doesnt really inspire much confidence

posted about a year ago

Boaster too busy twerking, 100t clears.

posted about a year ago

2022 lan experience means nothing to players like this lol

posted about a year ago

more experience? you must be on shrooms or something looool

posted about a year ago

the sooner fnatic are out the event the better

posted about a year ago

Liquid arent losing to a team who wanna take fights as much as PRX lmao

posted about a year ago
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