Flag: Poland
Registered: April 21, 2023
Last post: January 19, 2025 at 12:43 PM
Posts: 765
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fully shave your head, eyebrows and all

like shave smooth to the bone no buzz shit

posted 4 hours ago

Yea he is 30 trying to aim flicking like marteen and shaking like asuna, if he had calmer more consistent aim like a Papi or Less he would do much better as his role is not to multifrag but to just get trades and easy kills

posted 8 hours ago

They r rebounding for sure, how can u have bad mental when a guy clutches and all of you scream Papiiiiiiiii, this is a long run team. Th3y r going to champs

posted 13 hours ago

We gotta grind dm. At least 50 games, frankfurtnserver only, no shifting fully focus on taking fights well and teying to u derstand how you can peek to suprise somebody and how your opponent is gonna swing. Dont just spam dms mindlessly and guaranteed you will improve, you need to raise your confidence and your floor as a player

posted 1 day ago

Show ur tracker and describe what u steuggle with a 0/6 game when ur team is winning 9/3 doesn't give much info about ur weqknesses ( best guess is aim and being too passive but again cant tell)

posted 1 day ago

(fuck it we ball)

posted 1 day ago

i jampped out of my chair

posted 2 days ago

lowkey i am so stupid for not thinking that

posted 2 days ago

how do kajaak and lewn have 23 first deaths combined in a 21 round game what

kaj 1/7
lewn 8/7

posted 2 days ago

This just makes no sense man :)

Yay has a slow playstyle but he is rather aware of timings and doesn't get caught off guard nearly as much as some other pros. He is not all aim, that playstyle has no place in T1

posted 2 days ago

Fluke year of having the most dominant prime in val

posted 2 days ago

I am :)

posted 2 days ago

Lowkey i fw him i just thought of bk as burger king and xouldnt resist

posted 2 days ago

Dude you shpuld genuinely contact a medical professional, i can spend a tenner and my life do3snt change at all. Its like i lost nothing. A billionare can spend 10 mil and their life wont change, I am not salty i am just shocked how a perwon can have your stance, you have to be baiting

posted 2 days ago

cant aim for shit when that addy wears off. wish him good luck in his further endeavours

posted 3 days ago

cool man its not selfless to donate things that are meaningless for you. when i give a 10 to a homeless guy it means nothing to me but it means something to him....

you just don't understand money and that's fine, i refuse to engage in further discussion.

posted 3 days ago

yes people can waste their life, people can kill themselves etc. etc. are there better things to do ? yes.

you can waste your life or you can use it well, according to my personal beliefs people should use it well cause its a blessing to be born healthy and privileged.

your point is meaningless to me, its not like i don't understand it. they could do it to improv their public image and feel better, and have peace in their heads, or they could just do it to be good people.

if you can eat your shit or a 5 star meal. eat the 5 star meal

posted 3 days ago

controversial opinion but when you have resources you should use them. I have a knick for learning so I am pursuing higher education so I can provide for my family and pay them back for all the help they have given me. this guy got hella money (if this is real) then yk he might aswell help people out.

generally its good economically if rich people spend, this is technically better than him just having the money in cash in a room so he can swim in it and stare at the coins

posted 3 days ago

nah molsi out there giving good util. I AM FUCKING TURNT THOUGH 4 rounds looking like the truth

posted 3 days ago

hopefully you have enough money to burn it, but if you do maybe just give some of it away to charity or some shit and not retarded betting casions

posted 3 days ago

He is the igl, he didnt perform, he didnt igl well. I like nats but you cant just keep blaming everybody around him. He has hisnduelist playing gekko, his most talented player on fucking sage instead of on initiator, cooking nkthing with the walls but still fragging out idk man

posted 3 days ago

Idk imo kamo was just never good in t1 you could see it in the offeseason (sra sie w kazdym fighcie) westside, profek and kamyk looking good ( just dont put him on sage evef again)

posted 3 days ago

Hey I actually checked this a few months ago and this is a fake narrative. I looked through all of the losses in the PUG shit tourneys she had in the past year and I counted like 2 negative games (still best performing player on the team or 2nd best) all of the other losses her stats look almost like GC stats but her teammates just cant keep up.

A player with 1.5 kd 1000rr is not getting shit on by t3 mane

posted 3 days ago

I wanna see if t1 players still look submissive under her crosshair or is it just t2 and gc

posted 3 days ago

Imma be rooting for gx, eestsides look like the avg 2nd/3rd year Polish uni student

posted 4 days ago

is a pro player really an entertainer? some teams make players do 6h scrim blocks and 2h at least of tactics. then you go work on your mechanics in kovaakz, dm and ranked if you don't want to be left behind. Thats around 12h of trying to fully focus on the task in front of you and push yourself to be great. It doesn't matter what the task is, if there are tens of millions of others competing to be better than you your job will not be easy.

most people can't put in 5h in a row into ranked without going numb and not caring. do you think you could do that all day everyday but harder and with more pressure. maybe? do you think it would be easy? you can only answer yes if you really fucking love the game or if you are delusional

posted 5 days ago

the americas trailer is a cheap and ineffective replica of an actually great piece of marketing done by Nike.

Judge for yourself


Nike (literally fucking chills - I am a guy interested in ads and I think this one is legitimately great)

posted 5 days ago

Dont fw your list man you probably a donda era fan or maybe even vultures

posted 5 days ago

EWC doesn't seem that hype to me ... Like an off season event mid regular season??? Is there gonna be quals and shit or is it just a mix of whatever fucking teams want the money with a pointless trophy?

posted 1 week ago

Rcoket is 70x3 also kills when u are not in the center. Ult kills in 4 ticks dont remember the exact dmg but its fast

posted 1 week ago

s0m for 1 is insane, do people just forget that he always performs?

one round in which he got 3 and then lost in the cove ruined his entire rep

posted 2 weeks ago

Oh mb I am retarded I though he said the n wors cause people were posting clips of narrate saying something that sounds like it.

Why would you make a thread about ardiis saying it he rips it like every stream

posted 2 weeks ago

the gun does not work for me idk

posted 2 weeks ago

gralem kovaaka itp i z szeryfa ladnie klikam jak trzeba ale ghosta nie rozumiem jakby kiedy walic body kiedy glowy zawsze jak bodyshotuje top -90 i dostaje ryj a jak gram pod heady to typ mi sie trzesie jak swir i wali mi 4 body

posted 2 weeks ago

polak polakowi wilkiem...

posted 2 weeks ago

bump i need advice

posted 2 weeks ago

0.2ms sayonara guess

posted 2 weeks ago

update linK!

posted 2 weeks ago

my pistol rounds have been the weakest point of my gameplay through all of this episode, I do better on an eco with a sheriff/bucky than on pistol rounds and this has happened through all of e9. I have tried playing more TDM to improve at pistols but as a result I just got better with sheriff and guardian and my ghost/classic stayed at the same level.



posted 2 weeks ago

The scythe is lowkey goated, best aura farming knife

posted 3 weeks ago

Super broken and definetely not a cosmetic ult!

posted 3 weeks ago

What does a drone tag do? It reveals a player. A dog blinds the player and deafens them. Sova doesnt need to swing off of drone info he can odin spam off of drone info, fade cant really do that.

Also i think reveals are easier to get scans with due to bounces allowing for out of map darts and bounces. I also think fade is played on less spam dependent map, because old maps that are spammy werent really designed with her haunts in mind + teams alr developed sova playbooks by the time she came out there.

posted 3 weeks ago

Never seen a polish person in a red checkered shirt , what

posted 3 weeks ago

bro i see some VErno vods available on the app but idk how to open them xd

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

Maybe a Controversial opinion but on most maps in any elo except like high immo and rad team comp doesn't matter, what matters is how people play together and how comfortable they are on agents. I would rather have a clove, cypher and 3 duelists who all like playing their agent and understand their agent than for my instalock reyna to be on sova and not know how to use his kit and still play fights like a reyna. There is no point. Cyoher cam is a drone if you know how to use it, reyna flash is an entry flash for my jett and so on... comfort >comp

posted 4 weeks ago

You cant get radiant from immo 1 on a 51% winrate. You would need to have a really good winrate in radiant mmr before that to even get there. I think your first season in immo1 ( ofc depends on how you pefrorm but for most real players) will be 12/15 rr wins and 18/23 rr losses, where u are not trying to push rank but just improve mmr so later you can work your way up.

posted 4 weeks ago

Mid season is like 650 eu its so fucked. I saw a tweet of some guy hitting immo in Na and being top 7k, I hit immo and was only on the leaderboard after 2 wins in like top 14k xd

posted 4 weeks ago

Honestly since his chance with the original M80 roster I haven't really seen him play that well, am I crazy to say that I don't think he is the best pidkup for this team?

I mean I am happy he is living his dream and all but idk about the performance

posted 4 weeks ago
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