Flag: Poland
Registered: April 21, 2023
Last post: September 15, 2024 at 8:29 PM
Posts: 526
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You do realise that everything can be explained away this way right? Like SEN dominationnat the start? Oh the game was just new, strats erren't developed, Mickey Mouse. Acend got lucky with a champs run, optic won when russian players got fucked bh visas and their best player was on the most broken agent in the game, FPX shouldn't have won but PRX simply choked etc. etc.

This shit is so boring man

posted 5 days ago

There will be only 1 team with a non-negative record and a 5 way tie break to deicde who goes in. Absolute insanity

posted 5 days ago

With TenZ and Sacy gone they have an open slot for both smokes and main initiator , who do you think the team will be picking up.

RIP Unwashed but now retired GOAT , and RIP TO NA VIEWERSHIP XDDDD

posted 6 days ago

He just got lucky having a friend who is absolutely cracked and was light enough to be carried to this point despite having like a 0.7 kd overall. I read here that he had to duo with Anguist to make it out of Ascendant and that the original plan was to get him to radiant but Anguist gave up cause he was just that bad.

The worst agent pool I have ever seen, no mechanics , no micro gamesense and a weird style of igling that shouldn't work

posted 6 days ago

man die lit is actually a pretty much no skips album, wlr is interesting, self titled is a vibe too like ... he isn't lyrical or anything but thats not the point in the genre so i don't count it as a deterrant

posted 1 week ago

And where is cnoob in 2024 and wherre was he in 2023 and 2022? Oh at the mid station, damnnnn i forgot. The game wasnt out in 2021 in China and Kangkang has (arguably) achieved more in the last 2 years than cned his whole career

posted 1 week ago

What seperates you from an immo player, like what do you do much better

posted 1 week ago

"Ofc I am talking about rational baiting where you still perform your role (..) Aspas can dash into a smoke see an enemy and just sit there until his teammates swing him and just get an easy kill."

posted 1 week ago

not true, oxy teaches you how to be confident and aggressive but not fully braindead. he uses the shorty really fucking well, he uses jett movement to put people in situations where they are fucked unless they hit a really good flick, he finds good timings and beats expectations a lot. it seems braindead but a lot of people he peeks are just not ready and not looking at him.

posted 1 week ago

I think he is a big brand risk (although he was not found guilty by the investigation, he failed to fully comply (said he would provide a video the audio of which was provided by the accuser and then backed down, also didn't participate in some training) so orgs have to weigh that in) plus he hasn't been that great and that notable in recent years after the suspension.

Sidenote: his girlfriend also failed to fully comply at multiple points and had the video and was willing to provide it. Their relationship was seemingly flawed you had a guy who was rich and accomplished but still very insecure and validation seeking, with a girl who admitted to having major abandonment issues and feaeing that she would be replaced if she wasnt an "ideal girlfriend" for him. Thier situarion was incredibly toxic and complicated

posted 1 week ago

If you are able to trade and are truly the best player on a team. Ofc I am talking about rational baiting where you still perform your role, for example Leo can drone dart and whatever, and then fully play to trade a teammate who is running it down into site, or Aspas can dash into a smoke see an enemy and just sit there until his teammates seing him and just get an easy kill. There can be 1 baiter per team (or honestly even 2) and a team can be great

posted 1 week ago

I have started to watch oxy( i watched every single vid.on his channel) and played only jett since, 70% wr and 1.36 kd in my own rank on the agent since. Playing like him will make u a ranked demon. I hope my goat gets a good team in 2025 and wins an international trophy

posted 1 week ago

You fit into the german stereotype by not recognizing a joke. Unfortunate

posted 1 week ago

this is not the situation you described, the neons have momentum and are not stuck. also the players in your gaems arent hitting that consistently , even the pros can only do it from time to time. you are moving on the neon's screen as fast as she is on yours in both those clips

posted 1 week ago

Hit your shot man stop being a bot, a low momentum slide really shouldn't kill you consistently, especially if you know the neon is there, just hold wide and micro adjust.

posted 1 week ago

frenchs are not tryharding they are giving the fuck up and crying. that's not tryharding, complaining about comms ? also not tryharding. there is no CIS server, there is warsaw which is people not caring and Stockholm is unironically the best server for tryhard because people are not scared to call eachtoher shit and move on and ACTUALLY TRYHARD. you don't know what u are talking about

posted 1 week ago

French people are the worst complainers in ranked and they are often insanely passive agressive.

They often complain about people comming, say gg every time they see someone whiff etc. etc.

I think they really give a lot of hate so they naturally get it back

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

i dont thinnk you can ever fucking say we hate eachother and we hope we never play on the same team on team socials brother

posted 4 weeks ago

valid criticism, should have just 1v5d tbh

posted 4 weeks ago

valid criticism, should have just 1v5d tbh

posted 4 weeks ago

yeah ofc i love shao, I am just helping in making a good bait post

posted 4 weeks ago

imo this means he can comeback like all of that shit was out of game and kinda out of his control, aside from reading reddit that's a bad habit for a pro ngl but all of them do it

posted 4 weeks ago

please change derke to shao bait is not believable enough

posted 4 weeks ago
  1. Yay was fragging the fuck out in scrims , 290 ACS avg over 150 matches
  2. Legija decided to put him on viper etc. because of scrims with deryeon duelist, the match up worked for them
  3. The "i cant see" thing was 100% real
  4. Yay tried to settle beef, crazyguy was being weird about it and didnt want to
  5. Yay and the team as a whole disappeared in matches, the sscrims results were the exact opposite
  6. Yay did some antis that fucked up the teams playstyle leading into games, forcing them into new stuff (OPTIC habits 100%)
  7. Yay checks a lot of social media shit abt himself and it really affects his mental
  8. HIS MENTAL WAS FUCKED DUDE WAS DEPRESSED AND LOST and according to legija still never stopped trying
posted 4 weeks ago

best stats since prime chamber (he had 1 after that 1.5 kd act but he played 11 games so i am ignoring it)

this is good for his confidence and it means that his mechanics are t1 level. hopefully he can find himself in pro scrims and join a good team, need my 2022 goat to become unwashed

posted 1 month ago

Aim trainers:

help the bottom 1% learn basics and the top 1% find edges over their opponents
help hit shit like flying razes, dashing jetts, people jumpspotting or jiggling, snap to util and go back to your original crosshair placement
improve your confidence as a player
can help target specific wekanesses
build awareness and focus for the game
when combined with deathmatch guarantee mechanical imporvement at a pretty steady rate

I don't get the hate or people jsut saying: "have expereince", like? not everyone started in fps and not everyon has been gaming for multiple hours a day their whole life. let people live and let them improve

posted 1 month ago

i don't think invert is quite s tier. it's like a 10K sub hypixel youtuber name

posted 1 month ago

Is in some part a result of his faults like:

His lack of flexibility
His lack of discipline
His lackluster individual performances



if you want your favourite player to rebound, leave changing his game up to him but also change ur behaviour

(I don't condone jingg hate i just think there are some external reasons for it that people aren't highlighting)

posted 1 month ago

None of the actual players have done this? The fans are dogs if anything but I wouldn't be dickriding mazino until everything is cleared up

posted 1 month ago

did insane in the first two tourneys and fell short at champs. I think they could have gone further this tourney but a loss is a loss, a bad group cant be an excuse when you were the best team in the world up to this point

posted 1 month ago

He has the 5th highest ACS and the 6th highest KD in the tourney on a losing team. If this is not what talon hired him for they are crazy. This is a really good debut

posted 1 month ago

monyet joined a team with a weird ass playstyle and fully embraced it and became the team's bitch.
Alexcs you need to me to play this random agent to make a comp work?
sure I ll do it!
s0mething cant entry because he is attakc oping?
sure i ll dry swing top get traded!
we need someone to play here to waste time and bait out util!
sure just tell me where!
guys they tapped spike we need somebody to run in and face check if he is still defusing!

Monyet was doing the majority of the dirty work whihc made him look much worse but his impact was pretty solid. a 0.9 kd at madrid wasnt horrible taking into account all the tiems he got traded, created space etc. its not like he was getting owned in fair 1v1s

posted 1 month ago

i got so pissed i replied to the wrong comment mb

posted 1 month ago

adding brand new tires to my million billion trillion dollar car improved my performance at the grand prix

i will give them over to my friend who drives a toyota corolla and get him to participate in the race

oh no he did shit, surely its the tires fault and not the fact his car is much worseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


posted 1 month ago

was the player with which prx made the deepest run this year and all of you flamed him since the first match of the tourney.

posted 1 month ago

I mean it's the only time geng lost a game at an international, SEN obviously wasn't bad and their form was great but GENG have proven that they win that series 7 out of 10 times. Unfortunately their 3 piece has been denied at the very start

posted 1 month ago

obv nobidy wanted kc to go in but vit is also cool imo. It was kinda like euros tbh, fuck one team and some good reasons to like the other

posted 2 months ago



posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

yeah the old dsg was just watching a car crash with yay in the driverseat. new dsg is actually really entertaining val, they have some insane aimers and interesting ideas

posted 2 months ago

These guys are miracle workers. Lost prerrynhard on icebox,mdown 12/4 on bind, suddenly all of them lock the fuck in, everyone is getting kills, everyone is winnong duels literally full team effort to get to OT, they clutch it out and dominate map 3 with WAYNE going neaely +20 despite shitting the bed the first half of bind. I love this fucking team

posted 2 months ago

Why are we bming s0m for their losses like he wasnt the best player on that team in 2023 and 2024?

posted 2 months ago

Terrible take, lower bracket has all the hype that would come from single elim
This format ensures better teams stay in the tournament and less flukes happen
More high level valorant to watch

posted 2 months ago

I hope he does not return to content creation after this - He deserves a trophy, he has:

great impact on team mental ( according to oast teammates and you can even see it in rnaked tbh he is just a great guy to be around)
great clutches and he consistantly makes the correct plays under pressure (harbor is not meta rn idc about that one )
the ability to win fights and multifraf without util or support, due to his aim and understanding of how to fight in val
great trades
good comms

(+ streamer pull for orgs)

I need my goat to stay competing

posted 2 months ago

Kast + firstbloods

posted 2 months ago

Deathmatch but if you shift your computer explodes

posted 2 months ago

This doesnt work on the financial side of things, teams would be scared to partner with riot and bw gone in a year, or would overspend on players and go neaely bankrupt trying to stay in

posted 2 months ago

What AI are you using, the writing was so bad I thought you were just handicapped.

posted 2 months ago

the intro to ur reply is poor writing sugarcoating means making things seem better than they are by using euphemisms and shit

I never said he was a god , what are you on about, all I said about c9 is that he was not inconsistent , he played about the same on every map. yes he underperfomred as in he wasnt the best player in the world anymore but he wasnt shit. the rest of the team crumbling under the pressure and yay perfroming consitently is not a negative thing btw???? what are you even saying?

Zeta and t1 play/played chamber to some success. I believe that BLD could ahve put him on chamber and gotten similar results to what laz, saya and xccurate got their teams.

I said still shit without him - meaning they were shit with him xd. A team falling apart exucese players undeperformances to a large extent, not completely but to a large extent. pro play is very reliant on team dyanmics and going from fns calling and crashies + vic doing everythign to set u up to being on your own changes a lot . players play better on good teams EXAMPLE: FUCKING TEXTURE MAN

I agree with the general notion of your post - yay is not the player he used to be and the times have chnaged enough for him to fall into irrelevancy in terms of his competitive abilities" I said this in my post

please stop writing essays, you use a shit ton of words to convey literally nothing man, nwm albo nie umiesz mowic po angielsku i dlatego mowisz bez sensu albo po prostu jestes debilem <3

posted 2 months ago
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