Country: United States
Registered: September 9, 2021
Last post: September 27, 2022 at 3:51 PM
Posts: 105
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even in pro he just doenst like to play jett he's fine with raze reyna and even phoenix just jett not for him

posted about a year ago

asuna bang cryo are all like 19 i want to say derreck is 25 and steller is about 26 I think

posted about a year ago

bro he had covid and was isolated the longest along with steller like and we gonna act like he was performing during berlin where he was constantly entering by himself and topping the team? l

posted about a year ago

yeah he did do good its just a weird situation where yeah will did good but cryo does everything will does but just plays better we don't know how good will could've been with the same roster running it back cuz with the roster crunch a lot of players that should have chances in T1 wont be able to and will is a victim of that

posted about a year ago

i could see that its just the issue of would u rather move will to asunas role where u do not know how he will perform and then add cyro or keep asuna who was playing pretty well if not great and had an underwhelming champs its just a shitty situation for will imma be honest cuz with franchising we wont be able to see how much he would've gotten better after that experience

posted about a year ago

Love : NA and Apac player

Hate : Eu players


posted about a year ago

will consistently underperformed in lcq while Asuna was leading in first blood % on flex he had an underwhelming champ for his standards and will played well but 3 fucking matches doesn't take away from all the work Asuna did to get them to champs including leading all lcq in acs on flex, most first kills while will was getting set up for those kills. Ur letting ur recency bias get the best of u

posted about a year ago

bro was funny as hell in the video they made maybe he stays as 6th man hopium

posted about a year ago

poor william fps i will miss him

posted about a year ago

100t -will + cryo or yay

posted about a year ago

Damn bro really clinging onto shit that happened a year ago

posted about a year ago

Brazil just better

posted about a year ago

Easily best player in the world

posted about a year ago

overall impact bro

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

stop living vicariously through other regions

posted about a year ago

sorry bro ur not dexter

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

LMAO it would be so fucking funny

posted about a year ago

Yeah it’s been a really fun game to watch not good for my heart but a good game

posted about a year ago

Mfs got negative life

posted about a year ago

85% in the contract for sponsorships is kinda fucked but other than that 100t did well by froste I think he's just pissed that fumbled the bag and its gonna be really hard for bro to get back to that lvl of relevance and financial security that he had while he was on 100t

posted about a year ago

drx 2-0 theyre just too good

posted about a year ago

I used to pray for times like this

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Mystic legacy game

posted about a year ago

Yeah prob KEKW

posted about a year ago

posted about a year ago

Feels like it’s on par after a timeout 100t always looks good

posted about a year ago

Too op

posted about a year ago

My brother idk if imma make it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yep dexter looks like we’re gonna get fucked how can anyone beat fnc 🥲🥲

posted about a year ago

prob a curveball edg prob expect the newer comp that prx ran towards the end of Copenhagen so by picking this comp with reyna edg prob arent ready and makes teams in the future worried and maybe have to prep for two different comps on haven. prx coming out spicy with the mind games

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

baseball manga/anime really good world and character building is really slow tho so unless ur down to watch a lot before the protag gets good i wouldn't recommend it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Honestly I feel it based on how 100t level up in scrims vs better comp in Europe if the prep and scrims go well I think they could make it out with fnc but not drx prob make it out

posted about a year ago
  1. Cowboy bebop

  2. Ace of the diamond

  3. AOT

  4. Haikyuu

  5. FMA Brotherhood

if manga was mentioned
Berserk and ao ashi >>>>>>>> anything on the list

posted about a year ago

Yeah that’s so scary you have prob two of the most lan experienced teams in champs in your group with some of the best chambers I hope will does well but I feel like he’s gonna struggle

posted about a year ago

I was just looking at the most recent games that 100t played and my main concern is that if will can consistently win opening duel for his team on chamber the team itself could struggle a lot in game and that will wasn’t very consistently winning that in NA so I feel like it’s gonna be even harder for dude on LAN and that’s gonna put almost all the pressure on Asuna to win the opening duels on initiators

posted about a year ago

My brother in Christ will in his last 3 series where the team went 8-0 will fk/fd was 18/21 and if it’s the last 5 series he was 33/39 and that was in an NA without optic and xset who have 2 of the the top 3 chambers in NA so if he’s struggling there how tf is gonna deal with a Derke or buzz on his first international event

posted about a year ago

the first two maps are icebox breeze where Asuna locks in reyna for both maps and goes a combined +80 1v9ing the series

posted about a year ago

i hope to god thats what happens all the first kill pressure is on asuna cuz the mf on the agent with a tp gets diffed by almost any NA chamber

posted about a year ago

i feel like suygetsu is that player that takes them over the top yknow like the team is still good without him but he makes the team world class with him playing

posted about a year ago

my hopium is so incredibly high just not for will idk I just don't have that much faith in dude

posted about a year ago

Will is def the player I'm the most worried about going on to LAN cuz the man was towards the bottom of chambers/opers in NA so I'm terrified about how he's gonna play once he gets to LAN. cuz if he plays bad its gonna be another faze incident where 100t might just be getting chamber diffed through the tournament and fight an uphill battle to stay in games I have faith in derrek, asuna, bang and even steller but will is such a wildcard.

posted about a year ago

Did sen even make it outta groups in champs last season?

posted about a year ago

RAF asap mob

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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