TSM in a nutshell

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TSM WARDELL : Hello? COM? 😀📞 Have you received the money??? 😀📞 This stupid 10 year old Kanpeki guy is op-diffing me on Chamber, I need you to type something in all-chat NOW… 😀📞 ….Nice, I’ll get Subroza to tweet about it now. 😀📞 Pleasure doing business with you 😀

i know i stole this pasta from Marty but it’s so good


TSM WARDELL : Hello? dd8? 😀📞 Have you received the money??? 😀📞 This stupid 50 year old steel boomer is op-diffing me on Chamber, I need you to type something in all-chat NOW… 😀📞 ….Nice, I’ll get Subroza to tweet about it now. 😀📞 Pleasure doing business with you 😀


TSM WARDELL : Hello? dd8? 😀📞 Have you received the money??? 😀📞 This stupid 50 year old steel boomer is op-diffing me on Chamber, I need you to type something in all-chat NOW… 😀📞 ….Nice, I’ll get Subroza to tweet about it now. 😀📞 Pleasure doing business with you 😀


COM would be better than Levi for the team


levi was picked up because of his sova lineups and LMG spams, not because of mechanics and game sense. i respect that he’s willing to play viper (and breach), but his lurks/timings need serious works. Broadcasts make it look like he’s throwing on that agent. Also, shame on TSM for picking maps like split/bind/fracture so often and forcing him off sova, the agent he was signed to play.

tsm was trialing KCP critical at the time and NGL he may have been a better pickup mechanically. obviously no clue how that would have affected team dynamic. but at least we wouldn’t have a player dependent on sova tech to succeed.

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