PlatChat scrimbux hierarchy

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According to PlatChat livestream which ended just a couple of minutes ago, they had lots of sources (mostly from Balla) and were analyzing stuff
It's too long for me to write everything about every Champs team, but briefly:

S tier - Vision Strikers
A tier - Gambit, Sentinels, Cloud9
B tier - Acend, Vivo Keyd, KRU, Full Sense
C tier - Envy, X10
D tier - Fnatic, Vikings, Crazy Raccoon
Z tier - Furia, Secret

Unknown - Liquid
PlatChat didn't say anything about them, but we can assume Liquid are great because they haven't lost a match since EMEA Stage 3 and got more firepower than ever


envy C? :o

jblancard [#2]

envy C? :o

It's just scrims, they also put Envy as a 1st seed to qualify from group A


Platchat is so braindead idk how they have fans kekw... I've seen silvers with better tier lists than this


bren makes me lose braincells ngl

other than that scrimbux wise sure but i think their top 20 player rankings and power rankings are a bit off

EU_quiet [#4]

Platchat is so braindead idk how they have fans kekw... I've seen silvers with better tier lists than this

It's not a tier list, it's just what pros and other people in the scene have been saying about praccs

Olofboost [#6]

It's not a tier list, it's just what pros and other people in the scene have been saying about praccs

Guild was calling Vivo keyd garbage... and they said CR looked better than VK. Idk what pros they were talking to lol! Same with Gambit calling CR very good lol!

EU_quiet [#7]

Guild was calling Vivo keyd garbage... and they said CR looked better than VK. Idk what pros they were talking to lol! Same with Gambit calling CR very good lol!

They kinda had a match in the last game tho, 13-10 if i remember.

EU_quiet [#4]

Platchat is so braindead idk how they have fans kekw... I've seen silvers with better tier lists than this

well they are plats and that is not so different

Howard [#9]

well they are plats and that is not so different


Howard [#9]

well they are plats and that is not so different

Most of them are immortal now.

LouBag [#11]

Most of them are immortal now.

it took them that long?


Nobody asked, but I’m going to do it anyway. My review of platchat from someone who only listens to the podcast while I drive for work.

Main host guy is the best (Josh I think)

Wyatt talks to much and you can tell he thinks his takes are the best.

Balla has interesting takes that frequently differ from my own and it surprises me because I think he is an ex pro.

Random dude that I don’t even know his name, all he does is repeat what everyone says, and he takes a long time doing it. He also seems like he wants to be cool with the black dude so his takes are heavily influenced by what Balla has to say.

Bren calm and less annoying than most of the other hosts. Generally talks less and doesn’t spew the same info. Lukewarm takes.

Edit: I forgot about Curt. I picture him being a fat guy who is really far away, like in another room, and he laughs very loudly at mildly funny things. I kinda like him for no real reason.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Plat Chat said that sentinels were at the top according to Wyatt’s source

LouBag [#13]

Nobody asked, but I’m going to do it anyway. My review of platchat from someone who only listens to the podcast while I drive for work.

Main host guy is the best (Josh I think)

Wyatt talks to much and you can tell he thinks his takes are the best.

Balla has interesting takes that frequently differ from my own and it surprises me because I think he is an ex pro.

Random dude that I don’t even know his name, all he does is repeat what everyone says, and he takes a long time doing it. He also seems like he wants to be cool with the black dude so his takes are heavily influenced by what Balla has to say.

Bren calm and less annoying than most of the other hosts. Generally talks less and doesn’t spew the same info. Lukewarm takes.

Edit: I forgot about Curt. I picture him being a fat guy who is really far away, like in another room, and he laughs very loudly at mildly funny things. I kinda like him for no real reason.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

Kurt is not fat
And avast isn’t too bad but i can see where you get your points

LouBag [#13]

Nobody asked, but I’m going to do it anyway. My review of platchat from someone who only listens to the podcast while I drive for work.

Main host guy is the best (Josh I think)

Wyatt talks to much and you can tell he thinks his takes are the best.

Balla has interesting takes that frequently differ from my own and it surprises me because I think he is an ex pro.

Random dude that I don’t even know his name, all he does is repeat what everyone says, and he takes a long time doing it. He also seems like he wants to be cool with the black dude so his takes are heavily influenced by what Balla has to say.

Bren calm and less annoying than most of the other hosts. Generally talks less and doesn’t spew the same info. Lukewarm takes.

Edit: I forgot about Curt. I picture him being a fat guy who is really far away, like in another room, and he laughs very loudly at mildly funny things. I kinda like him for no real reason.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

I enjoy the show a lot.


Alliance >>>>>>>

EU_quiet [#7]

Guild was calling Vivo keyd garbage... and they said CR looked better than VK. Idk what pros they were talking to lol! Same with Gambit calling CR very good lol!

Guild don't even have a team right now, how can they pracc against anyone from Champs?

Or are you referring to their scrims 2.5 months ago? That's irrelevant.

EU_quiet [#4]

Platchat is so braindead idk how they have fans kekw... I've seen silvers with better tier lists than this

They have fans cause theyre charismatic theyre all esport hosts/work in esports so no shit they know how to run a show

RickyIndian [#14]

Plat Chat said that sentinels were at the top according to Wyatt’s source

Doubt it, they unanimously put Liquid winning Sentinels in their pickems just earlier today.

Olofboost [#18]

Guild don't even have a team right now, how can they pracc against anyone from Champs?

Or are you referring to their scrims 2.5 months ago? That's irrelevant.

No guild sayf was saying how shit BR teams were... plus orgs have teams but don't announce unless they need to.

Sova_Viper_Breach_Cypher [#12]

it took them that long?

They aren't pro players, they don't play the game all day


Again overrating VS ;D

deva [#20]

Doubt it, they unanimously put Liquid winning Sentinels in their pickems just earlier today.

I said according to Wyatt's source based on scrims... not what THEY themselves think about the teams.

zacouigejbibio [#23]

Again overrating VS ;D


EU_quiet [#4]

Platchat is so braindead idk how they have fans kekw... I've seen silvers with better tier lists than this

its their opinion its what other people said

LouBag [#13]

Nobody asked, but I’m going to do it anyway. My review of platchat from someone who only listens to the podcast while I drive for work.

Main host guy is the best (Josh I think)

Wyatt talks to much and you can tell he thinks his takes are the best.

Balla has interesting takes that frequently differ from my own and it surprises me because I think he is an ex pro.

Random dude that I don’t even know his name, all he does is repeat what everyone says, and he takes a long time doing it. He also seems like he wants to be cool with the black dude so his takes are heavily influenced by what Balla has to say.

Bren calm and less annoying than most of the other hosts. Generally talks less and doesn’t spew the same info. Lukewarm takes.

Edit: I forgot about Curt. I picture him being a fat guy who is really far away, like in another room, and he laughs very loudly at mildly funny things. I kinda like him for no real reason.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

Lol why is this getting so many dislikes? Must be because you called curt fat.

EU_quiet [#7]

Guild was calling Vivo keyd garbage... and they said CR looked better than VK. Idk what pros they were talking to lol! Same with Gambit calling CR very good lol!

dude there's more teams that are scrimming other than Guild. They have their opinion based on their results. Other teams may have other results against the same teams. Opinions can differ.


This is one of the most cringiest tier list , PlatChat is drugged

Sova_Viper_Breach_Cypher [#12]

it took them that long?

Bruh. Most of them follow at least two esports (Valorant/Overwatch) to such a high degree in able to cast/do analyst roles.

Think about how much content it is that they consume for not just one esport but two... god forbid it takes them longer than you to hit immortal when you DON'T follow two esports and consume basically any and all media surrounding multiple subjects in the scene.

Actually delusional LMFAO

LouBag [#13]

Nobody asked, but I’m going to do it anyway. My review of platchat from someone who only listens to the podcast while I drive for work.

Main host guy is the best (Josh I think)

Wyatt talks to much and you can tell he thinks his takes are the best.

Balla has interesting takes that frequently differ from my own and it surprises me because I think he is an ex pro.

Random dude that I don’t even know his name, all he does is repeat what everyone says, and he takes a long time doing it. He also seems like he wants to be cool with the black dude so his takes are heavily influenced by what Balla has to say.

Bren calm and less annoying than most of the other hosts. Generally talks less and doesn’t spew the same info. Lukewarm takes.

Edit: I forgot about Curt. I picture him being a fat guy who is really far away, like in another room, and he laughs very loudly at mildly funny things. I kinda like him for no real reason.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

In fairness I think you lose quite a lot in terms of character paintings when you only listen to the podcast instead of watching the videos.

Not discrediting you but as a youtube frog I disagree with your perception of Wyatt and Kurt LMFAO

EU_quiet [#4]

Platchat is so braindead idk how they have fans kekw... I've seen silvers with better tier lists than this

Their fans are even more braindead. If you disagree with them, you'll get downvoted to oblivion


Things taken out of context 101


Platchat always overrate Korean teams because they have PTSD from Overwatch-the game that KR players are overlords

zacouigejbibio [#23]

Again overrating VS ;D

L take + ratio

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